So about that Pharah buff

Buffing diva could also help, she counters barrage perfectly and can even put on some pressure on the mercy and plus she is so much fun to play
And the bomb is also a very easy kill on pharmercy just yeet it at the sky

Yeah that’s true. Does make getting a hack off as Sombra more difficult if the enemy team has Dva though. I guess whatever is more affective will prevail.


Please compare Pharah’s rocket travel time with hack. Even if Pharah can immediately react it’s not going to be fast enough to interrupt hack.

Again, a change that makes chip damage cannot disrupt hack, so dva would actually need to deal some good damage to stop sombra and not just tickle her

That’s also true, but hack has a specific range doesn’t it? Not sure how far it is but Pharah would presumable be close enough to her that she can hack. Is that close enough to get a shot before hack?

It is fairly far I would say, it can’t reach pharah when she is very high but she does run out of fuel fast so hacking her shouldn’t be too hard, plus emp has a very big range upwards so emp pharah shouldn’t be too hard too

Why don’t I see Sombra in many games? Like I see the combo a lot, why does noone pick Sombra? Does she have something that makes her bad?

(I don’t play Sombra, not really my thing, so I don’t know how good she is, I know her ult is great but other that that idk)

She isn’t a damage dealer, her gun doesn’t have the ability to deal tons of damage, and people usually play whatever they want (unless it’s gm and they are forced to pick meta) but people usually prefer to go genji and shoot pizza cutters at people or go someone like tracer or whatever, she is a more utility based dps hero, not so much about pew pew and more about helping her team.

Sombra is immensely powerful. But her power lies in using teamwork to take advantage of a hacked target.

Generally speaking, high levels of teamwork does not exist on ladder.

Which is why she tends to excel in pro and organized play, but isn’t so great elsewhere.

Do not let Sombra’s ladder stats fool you. She needs a good team to function well, and that’s hard to come by.

I am 100% for nerfing hitscans. Reducing the fall off on point n click heroes is too much and poor Pharah mains have to suffer because of it. Plus double sniper is the most toxic meta and it’s never been weak or gone away. I’m sick of it like people were sick of dive.

In other news I think zen and Ana could possible be good counters to pharmercy because Ana is, well a sniper, so having another person shooting at them is also a lot of pressure being applied to them, and zen because of discord orb, you discord the mercy and tell your team “mercy discorded” and people (dps) will (hopefully) turn their attention to her and shoot her.

Ana and Zen are just great in general. Anas kit is kinda mental. Also idc what anybody says, zens ultimate is amazing (if used right)

I think we can all agree with that…

Pretty sure they said it would come in a later patch because the buff came with a bunch of bugs that needed to be tweaked.