So...about Symmetra

I just wish she still had her shield generator…

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As a former Symmetra main, I think Sym3 is a different character from Sym2, and Sym3 is very fun to play.

Unless you main Dva since launch, no other hero had changes as radical as Symmetra on the current rework. Dva gets close because she is changed frequently, but her basics are still the same since they turned DM into a toggle ability. Sym3 requires a completely different mindset and approach compared to the “bird’s eye view” required to play Sym2.

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I’m so bored of seeing these same threads all the time. Sym 2.0 is dead. Move on.

I did. I’m here for the drama and in the hopes that Echo brings Sym2 gameplay back.

Wasn’t directed at anyone in general.

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You replied to my post, that’s why I answered.

I replied to the thread. Not your post

Rather that 2.0 she was more unique

I don’t like current sym that much.
old sym (2.0) was much more fun and unique


Sym 3.0 is far more engaging and has higher potential.

She is actually less niche which is evidenced by the fact that she no longer has such as high an artificially bloated winrate.

How? She’s more viable in more situations now.

She can still control chokes fine with good placement and auto lock-on was bad for the game sorry

The best shield in the game by a wide margin.

A lot of people would though lol

It is infinitely better since there is no longer 6 turrets and her primary isn’t an ez-mode auto lock-on.

Better to play against at least. My friends who play Symmetra like her current state as well

So what i figured is that Symm has an issue with effective range. Her orbs, while faster than they used to be, still arent really fast which makes her coupled with her primary a short to mid range character.

Her ranged damage is kind of reliant on throwing turrets or making “surprise” tps into the enemy backline to skip range.

That by itself wouldnt be that much of an issue, if she wouldnt lose to almost all, if not all short to mid range characters at their effectiive range.

Her tp has great usage to get your team to skip choke points, or to get to high ground easily, but her damage kit feels like its designed with a “win harder” snowbally concept in mind.

Symm is good when youre already winning, the enemy stayed oblivious to you and let you charge your primary beam to lvl 3.
But thats not something the team needs. In order for a hero to be good, they need to give the team an advantage in a neutral state.

If you ask me what i would suggest is to rework her primary again. The whole damage ramp up concept doesnt work.

I would go back to her lock on beam so her “gimmick” stays reliable damage, but make it scale with accuracy so it isnt oppressive in low ranks, but can stay competitive in high ranks.

I don’t think comparing Sym2 and Sym3 as one being better than the other the best way to speak about her anymore.

Imagine if the devs reworked Widowmaker to turn her into Ashe (before Ashe was released). She would no longer one shot, her venom mine would be more active with the option to shoot it into the air for some burst damage+DoT, and so on.

Sure, some people would love WidowAshe more than the classic, but there was no reason to simply not release Ashe as a separate character. Sym3 is on the same spot, her kit is so different from Sym2 that it would be better to simply release her as a different hero.

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I would like the lock on back and more turrets

Sym 2.0 is the best version of Sym and nothing will be able to change my mind.


Yeah but her pickrate hasn’t changed if anything she’s just as niche yet not as effective in her niche

Been a Symmetra main since season 3, I am still not sure why I like her so much, maybe its the Indian booty. Though many others will not agree with me, I actually really like 3.0 over 2.0.

Despite what people think about 2.0, it did have its problems. One of the biggest ones was that it made Symmetra very strong on defense, but very weak on attack.
Its true she can work on attack, but her kit was not designed for it. You need to move around a lot when attacking and Symmetra 2.0 was simply not good at that. You should not be babysitting your shield generator or teleporter while also trying to push the payload. Her turrets were also only good against divers on attack, but normally no one is dumb enough to dive into the entire enemy without support. There is also the old Photon Projector which was my least favorite part of her kit. The orbs it fired were very easy to dodge, and honestly the lock on beam truly did require no skill.

Symmetra 3.0 made her slightly weaker on defense but much stronger on attack. So this means she is now viable in both situations, and thus I can play her more often. The new turrets and teleporter made it much easier to engage defenders. The ultimate while just a giant shield can be a life saver in both situations, and dividing the map in half will always annoy the enemy. I also enjoy the new Photon Projector. It does not force me to jump around like a crazy person and much more satisfying to use.

However I do understand why people do not like it, they kind of did change her too much. Honestly relearning Symmetra for the third time is getting old for some people. I also did not like it first, but over time I got better with it and started enjoying it more.

Sadly she was always a niche hero, and I think will always be, but niche does not mean bad. Nor does a low pick rate, it can actually be an advantage overall too.

Sorry I kind of wrote too much, I still respect your opinions OP.

Sym is WAY better than she used to be. She actually gets kills and annoys me even more than she used to

yeah, i really miss some aspects of sym 2.0.

i think they should give her old throwable shield back to start. i also feel that a nerfed shield gen could be implemented as an alternate to her TP.

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Pickrate stayed the same. Winrate went down. She is being used just as much but for more things.

More things means less niche.

We’ve covered this.