So...about Symmetra

If the pickrate stays the same and your saying she’s less niche all it means is she is being picked a lot less frequently on more maps. While before sym was picked a lot on a couple maps. That’s the only way the pickrate would stay the same. Sym is just worse at her job now as her pickrate took a huge fall

We never have come to an agreement on these ideas yeah we talked about them but they haven’t come to a conclusion

Pickrate is not defined solely or even majorly by how niche a hero is. It is defined majorly by meta and popularity.

She is not meta. Nor is she popular.

So no. There is more then just ONE way for pickrate to be changed.

Meta and popularity are reasons for picking a character .

But the only thing that pickrate relies on is people actually picking the character. It doesn’t care what the meta is or anything else

People picking the character is influenced by popularity and meta.

I’d argue sym 2.0 would be much more popular now that dive is gone and bunker is strong

It would actually be a sym meta

Hell orisa having such a high pickrate would be amazing for old sym players

You could theorize all you want on that. Does not change the reality of where we are though.

Yeah she would fit into and against the comps incredibly well it’s just good synergy

Yeah sym is gone but this would’ve been her strongest time

You don’t get the luxury of just saying sym 3.0 is just in the wrong meta. Sym 2.0 didn’t have it too hot herself.

I want her back but overwatch is becoming hemogenized.

Sym used to be unique, now she’s mini zarya.
Sombra used to be better, now she’s terrible at getting ult charge.
Junkrat’s grenades used to bounce nicely, now they’re weak.


Because zarya can cast a map covering barrier, teleport teammates large distances, deploy turrets and do long sustained fire.

Same charge up point based weapon, both with half shield, and include shielding capabilities. Also has a right click grenade style weapon of varible power. You aren’t going to find reliable teamwork with the teleporter and the turrets are pretty much mosquitos.

It’s pretty much a fact by now that Symmetra’s 3.0 iteration is objectively miles better kit - wise than all of her previous versions combined.

She is much less situational, less frustrating to play against and a much more skillful pick overall.

The only problem is that despite all these important advantages, she still remains a blatantly underpowered hero, whose lack of power has pushed way too many people to blame the actual kit for how ineffective overall Symmetra 3.0 has been, which is more than unfair and couldn’t be further from the truth.

And that’s because, if Symmetra finally gets the buffs that she deserves and becomes a balanced pick, I assure you that she will become an excellent and effective hero universally.


basically this.
heroes like hog, orisa and etc were never bad. they just didnt fit the meta.
shes literally never a good pick. and way too needy at that.

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I just want a slightly faster tp deployment and for them to fix that annoying deployment cancel bug. Tho I’ve always been interested in the idea of her getting more hp via left clicking barriers. Otherwise I think she’s not horrible, I don’t want her getting over tuned


One charges off damage dealt. The other charges off of damage done to barriers generated by the hero.

You mean they both have 200hp and 200 shields? Oh wait. They have different health pool totals.


Having a shielding ability does not make them the same. Both have DIFFERENT mechanics and uses. Not the same.

A straight moving projectile vs and arcing projectile with different speeds and firing mechanics. Once again, different.

Correction. I can and do. Constantly.

Ever been attacked by a swarm of mosquito’s that slow you down and make you easier to hit?

Anyway’s. Regardless of how effective you think they are they are still QUITE different and UNIQUE to Sym.

Your claim was that she is just a mini zarya. The only thing they have in common is both have a straight beam. They are MILES apart and are both unique.

Eh I can go on a tangent on how sym 2.0 is unique. Especially with things that aren’t in this game at all anymore.

You could do the same with any hero if you get specific enough

Yeah it’s a unique character but so was the old character

The gun one is kinda like comparing ashes gun to mecrees gun yeah they are different but they are still pretty similar

I don’t get how you can act like she’s less niche now while her pickrate hadn’t changed and her winrate has decreased if anything she is more niche. It’s just not a reasonable conclusion to say otherwise. A less niche hero is either played more or is played the same amount and preforms better

Have a good night though

she used to be one of my favorite heroes, but I haven’t really invested more than a few hours in her since the rework. i don’t quite know enough to say any part of her kit is technically bad, but I do think that she’s less fun overall

Overall she’s better than Sym 2.0, much less situational. The only problem is her kit is still very slow. I think reducing the deployment time on her Tp from 2 to 1.5 seconds would make it much better during a team fight. Also reducing the cooldown on her turrets by 1 or 2 seconds would be nice too, you don’t get enough value out of them for how long it takes to get more.

Reverting her orbs would make her more niche. Their only real application the way they were was piercing barriers, which is much more niche than their general-purpose damage dealing now.

Teleported also isn’t niche at all. Mobility is mobility. TP’s issue is that teammates never want to use it, not that it doesn’t have enough application.

I personally had more fun with 2.0 but ive also climbed and maintained a higher rank with 3.0. Im still very bitter that 2.0 didnt recieve a single balance change to try and help her. That being said i think 3.0 still needs help. I really hope they up the range on her primary next PTR.

What about just adding the versatility in the arsenal?

As in, if you charge up to one second, it behaves like now. And then you are allowed to charge for an extra second (with no ammo consumption), and if you charge to the end, it will use 10 extra ammo (20 total) and turn into the slow piercing orb?

This is pretty much the only part of both Sym’s kits that can mesh together without any major problems for either kit. I remember back in the days I also used to advocate for her orb speed to be inversely proportional to how much she charged them (more charge, slower orb).