So, about Reaper's lore

I wouldn’t say it was Morrison’s cold calculated decision that resulted in the rift. However, I do agree that Ana’s “death” was ultimately the death nail for Overwatch proper.

Ana’s intro video and Gabriel’s behavior indicated that many of Overwatch’s founding members (especially Gabe and Ana) were feeling the weight of constant fighting take it’s toll. Ana’s death (and Reinhardt’s forced retirement) meant that there was nothing stopping Gabriel’s emotional turmoil from being unleashed. While Morrison may not have actually made a cold decision to leave Ana behind (in part because he had no idea she survived), in Gabriel’s mind, Morrison’s, and Overwatch’s proper decision doomed one of his best friend, and Gabriel’s reaction made him turn on another.

I do not believe that Gabriel, as Reaper, joined Talon because he believed in the organization’s social darwinist views, but rather because his view of Overwatch is so negative he wants the organization to be metaphorically buried 6 feet under. This is why he went after Overwatch agents and led attacks on Overwatch bases, etc.

So obviously he’s kicking himself when he accidentally led to Overwatch’s revival.


can we also expect some balance changes to our beloved edgelord? He honestly just trash beyond any possible measure. Give Tracer his spread and she will just die out of game


lol so true reapers dmg is also barely higher then hers lmao

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This is an exceptionally insightful post. Thanks for making it!

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Finally some real news about the lore and not some witty one liners.


You are my Reaper. Edgiest of all EdgeLords. One who can cut diamonds simply by looking at them with your grim demeanor.

Take the time you need, I’m excited to see what the team creates for my favorite edge lord!


Please just confirm more about the relationship between Gabriel and Jesse. I need those found-family feels!


I think it’s less to do with the effort required to write a story, and more to do with marketing.
Having story development to look forward to keeps players interested, and having big reveals up your sleeve keeps people coming back. The effect is probably even better if it’s synced up with content updates - so the lore releases are kind of reined in by development on other stuff which does take time.
So while it would seem cool at first if they just blew their load and told all of the story, it would be a shame in the long run.

There’s also the possibility of story stuff limiting the design options for later projects. For example, imagine if Torbjörn’s story was that he lost all his family to rogue omnics. Then we couldn’t get the interesting themes they went for with Brigitte.

In general I think it’s safe to assume the writers and designers collaborate a lot and their work happens in tandem. So while it’s true that writing one paragraph about a new character takes a fraction of the time it takes to design that character, it doesn’t actually play out that way.


Would love more lore on all the characters. Heroes like Roadhog, Junkrat, Zenyatta and D.VA definitely need more. <3

I’d prefer you actually improved his abilities which is, and has been sorely needed for over a year.

Make Wraith cancellable, make his teleport actually viable and reduce the armor penalty on his shotguns so he can do his damn job.


I think the problem, from a storytelling perspective, is that Reaper is much easier to use in somebody else’s story. He works well as a villain, or an accomplice. He’s like the grim reaper in that aspect. If the grim reaper shows up in a story, you know what it signifies immediately.
But actually trying to explain a character like that and give his perspective becomes much more complex.
He works as a cartoon villain much more readily than a brooding character with complex motivations.


And here I am STILL waiting for D.Va lore…

I feel your pain.

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Nice to hear that you care, however why the drought of lore content? Why slow down from the previously slow pace?


I’m going to be frank with you, Jeff, because I think you deserve to hear the truth.

Not everyone on your team is moving as fast as they can on lore development.


Hopefully Reaper/Gab’s isn’t that of the typical cookie cutter antagonist. Hopefully they make him sympathetic figure (to some) like Magneto or Killmonger from Black Panther.

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So does this also mean a reaper buff?

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The only buff he needs is either higher accuracy or longer ultimate at a cost of less dps in that same time. He is weak because of how strong D.Va is and has always been. He has never seen the light of being in the meta…

I’m powerless to not read your posts in your voice.

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Gabe is my favorite character, so I understand you want for more lore. However, also keep in mind that Reaps has been featured in more lore media than ANY other character, including Tracer.

However, it is very interesting to note that every time we’ve seen Reaper in the lore, it’s always been from someone else’s point of view, and Micheal Chu loves his unreliable narrators… Anyway, good to know that we will be getting more Gabe in the future.