All snipers shouldn’t be able to 1 hit kill by an indefinite charge up, that defeats the purpose. They can just hold up and charge to 1hit kill. instead, they should charge up and it should deactivate after a few seconds. They shouldn’t be able to charge, then hold it forever to 1 hit kill upon release. That’s way too overpowered on any 200 hp. That’s not any different than being able to 1 shot someone every second.
Hanzo’s sonar should be more obvious to opposing team. especially since he gets to have it off CD.
Pharah needs a sound cue when near-by like echo does
Sombra dumpsters on Widowmaker but the playerbase has spoken and hates her more than Widow. So pick your poison. TF2 players handle it so much better with Sniper/Spy smh.
obligatory skill issue post in which op proceeds to cry about X game mechanic killing them as they refuse to learn the game and understand why they keep dying
he’s still a sniper-tech; they shouldn’t be able to “HOLD” their 1-hit ko potential forever is what i’m saying. it should de-activate after a few seconds… and ana DOESNT headshot
It used to say it in the “tips” on the character select screen in the past:
I feel like I’ve seen it listed at least one other place in game as well.
I think they removed a lot of this labeling in OW2 so it likely doesnt exist anywhere anymore, but the game did in fact consider him a sniper for a very long time.
Delete Hanzo from the game. There is no way to make his kit work in OW2 unless they completely rework the hero and that is never going to happen so just delete him.
Nerf Widow’s scoped charge. Widow one shot is fine but it needs to take significantly longer for Widow to charge a full powered shot instead of just spamming all game.
It should be changed so only Hanzo sees it. On choke maps it’s a mini widow ult with 40% uptime. There is no need for the whole team to see it. It is also something that should not be on a 1-shot hero.