Ok, either make it on a 1-shot and only he sees it, or make it so they all see it but it is not on the 1-shot hero so it requires teamwork. Having both his 1-shot and the whole team seeing it is pretty broken.
I am fine with changing it so only Hanzo can see it.
I’m curious, what would you say if he was bronze, versus say, silver, or diamond, or GM?
Bow/Crossbow/Sniper - the mechanism is all the same; something needs to change. You can’t even move up or peak with your team or just dead. Snipers should be something that you can finish off if they’ve already been hit.
No one should be just walking around with a 1-shot kill potential indefinitely. Hanzo’s sonar is just way too overpowered as well. Something has to change.
I might agree if Hanzo is S tier must pick meta hero, but he is not. Though he is a solid hero.
If you think Hanzo should be changed then suggest a rework. People seem to hand waive it.
What would you change and how would it effect Hanzo’s performance?
If the answer is that he goes straight to D tier than that is not the answer
It’s not my job to figure out the change, it’s my job to bring up an issue. the issue is that he is overpowered in being able to freely spam 1hit ko, move around, climb up walls as passive; all while having walls off CD on sonar.
When people pass the buck then how do expect change. There is not even a consensus that there is even a problem with Hanzo.
Just saying something is broken or OP does not really say much beyond I don’t like this feature. What don’t you like and why?
Some disgruntled players don’t make the majority.
L2P issues detected big time
Perhaps supports wouldn’t need invulnerabilities if they’re healing wasn’t being circumvented by one shots.
You’re so close to being right but you’re so blinkered by bias you can’t see it.
Lol my guy i main support and one trick genji i dont use immortality, i just go lucio and deal with the sniper my self. We have had widow in the game from day one and didnt have immortality for years, but we had flankers/dive to deal with her but we lost a tank one problem, nerfed flankers second problem, and invincibility seems to be a thing for all the new supports so ya one shots are becoming a problem because we keep nerfing everything that works against it and making thing that makes sustainable and burst dps useless.
It’s kinda funny how everyone says no shields one tank less while forgetting before rq we often had one tank comps.
People dealt with sniper however they can.
Currently i see three skill tiers.
Dive mains i think they are the most skilled players tracer genji dva doom ball mains
Sniper and hitscan mains widow hanzo ashe soj Cassidy soldier.
They are the next most skilled players.
Third is the rest mostly all these heroes have crutches low skill.
Currently these low skill mains have gotten dive nerfed and are targeting snipers
If you chase away dive and sniper heroes you can start playing Minecraft in overwatch with turrets walls flowers orbs shields.
Should be plenty of fun.
This is sad to watch, as a tracer main dive has been shattered all my buddies in crime have been gutted while tracer can still hold her own it’s so hard when you can’t have a viable partner.
Winston dva are meh genji is bad, sombra i don’t like her as well as she is trash, doom is like dumb bad.
1 shots need to kill so long as the goofy support role is overtuned. If you want 1 shots nerfed then its time to accept that the entire support role needs nerfs first. And even then, the 1 shots should not be nerfed.
I am someone who is bad at the game so if I were to play Hanzo or Widow and I land a shot and it doesn’t kill, then I’m simply not going to play the game or those heroes anyways because that is less than acceptable and satisfactory. It is hard enough for me to land the shot as is. So it really is just too bad if you want them gone.
Because tanks and supports are just better dps.
You remove role queue you kill dps role
Dive and flanker.
Ya but because they are skilled their hero get to suck
Ya and most excluding flankers get to be the top teir exept the finaly nerfed cass which was wild.
And i disagree i think sym takes more skill the any of the hit scans rein as well at a higher level then you have junk rats that can hit mid air shot as well as lucios and mercy’s movement teks. Or are we talking base line
Alot of flankers have left the game because they get no value.
I think sombra is know on genjis level she got some damage back but chain hack idms what her problem is she need duration of hacked target reduced to 4 seconds while we wait for her rework
I’d argue that half of the “sniper mains” could quit, and if they grow the overall playerbase by 1%, it would be a net-gain for the overall playerbase size.
Invulnerability does absolutely nothing against snipers except for a few rare cases like using immortality field to fight a widow.
The problem is support healing being too powerful, what’s the point of flanking to kill supports when the other support just throws 80 hps heals at them to help win the duel, on top of said support’s own self-sustain and burst healing tools?
It’s SO much easier to just sit back and fire one shots or use burst damage hitscan characters like Ashe or McCree.
Or better yet, what about when you engage and kill a support as a flanker, just for the Mercy to rez said support? You can’t always camp a body after a kill and even if you do sometimes it’s downright suicidal to try to stop the rez.
Playing a flanking DPS can be SUPER fun but the issue is that playing a flanker nowadays (Especially against competent players) requires a lot more gamesense than playing point and click snipers
He is still a sniper, or maybe a marksman? I agree he is more like Ashe than Widow.
No thats my point you can immortality a corpse so you can save them from the head shot.
Welp, didn’t realize that was a joke
Its not a joke your cant save a corpes if the targets dead only mercy can undo it
I’m just going to keep saying Sniper if they have a oneshot, or “basically a oneshot” with Sojourn.