Snipers are making Quick Play unbearable

I dont have a problem with the one shots i only have a problem with how often they can do it. I think there needs to be an increase in charge time for the one shot like widow charges up slower, hanzo pulls his bow back slower and so on.

I find myself being scared to dive a widow as a tank bc she can just headshot me on my way flying to her and get me to like 100 health before Iā€™m in her face lol or sheā€™ll just save her grapple for when I get there and sheā€™ll drop down somewhere and then grapple back up but I canā€™t get back up there cuz I had to use my cooldown to get to her in the first place lol and Iā€™m scared to dive hanzo bc of storm arrow. And it puts be in bad positioning while her team is likely backing her up with healing and damage

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Yeah, these days lots of players in QP have pro-level aim but lack pro-level teamwork. This environment is ideal for snipers since other heroes donā€™t benefit as much from perfect aim and snipers require more teamwork to counter than to use. Itā€™s really frustrating.

Why have balanced in comp, itā€™s not a mode I play or care about, who cares about comp?

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it hits hero select, it selects Winston

yes winston counters widow

Iā€™ve explained this before. What do you do as Winston when there are 3 snipers spread out around the point? You dive one of them, say, Widowmaker and the other two hit you while youā€™re still mid-air either killing you instantly or leaving you low health for the Widow to pick off with her SMG.

Thatā€™s just one example, of course but I feel like itā€™s a good indicator of the problems we see in Quick Play where teams regularly have 3 snipers on them. I as a single player can only do so much.



You jump on widow after one of your allies make her use her hook. There are places you can short hop, and most of the time snipers are trying to kill other things and not the tanks (I know this one first hand as I play Hanzo). Thatā€™s an easy widow kill, but even if all the snipers turn on you, now they arenā€™t focusing on your team and your allies can push in.

In my experience, a sniper heavy team falls easy to the 2 2 2 comp. A Rien aggressing with his shield up and a winston diving in and out can REALLY make them crumble.

Now, thatā€™s if the 2 2 2 team is co operating. In my experience, youā€™re more likely to see the rien charge in and get smoked. Thatā€™s why Iā€™d rather be the tank.

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Because they are the most fun. Git gud and counter them.

Feeling this. Hanzo especially is a nightmare in QP, heā€™s so overtuned its a little embarrassing. I canā€™t help but wonder who on the dev team is a Hanzo main.

Iā€™m one of those people that tryhard in QP, because I donā€™t like the comp environment. I donā€™t care to get abused in voicechat, and frankly the matches are just too long. That doesnā€™t mean that I want a completely chaotic meme overwatch experience though, I do value teamwork and tactics. I think I might have to take a break from OW because my salt levels are through the roof lately. TBH its not really fun any more.


Go Wrecking Ball or Hog.

Itā€™s as if defense characters/tanks donā€™t exist in this game right? If people play the game like it is supposed to be played healers would be protected, tanks would be making space and dps would do their job, but nope instead we get tanks trying to act like DPS, actual DPS chasing kills, heck even the healers are trying to be dps!

Play the game properlyā€¦problem solved.

I have quite the opposite impression in qp.

We get an Ashe, Widow, Hanzo, Ana (going dps), and a Soldierā€¦ While here I am as the only one that actually moves to point. Doesnā€™t matter that no one is getting kills or I get lucky and take out 4 enemies with 3 team mates there, no one gets within 18m of the point.

Itā€™s gotten to the point that if I get a team full of people afraid of the point that still donā€™t do anything in 2 minutes that I just leave (in qp).

I disagreeā€¦

I think maybe youā€™ve just had an unlucky string of games with strong snipers? In my quickplay games I struggle with the enemy widow maybe every 1/20 games.

You can switch to widow to counter, go genji or sombra or another mobile dive to take them out, or get in voice as a shield tank and coordinate with your team. Those are three solutions I find happening naturally in my gamesā€¦

I play Hammond in deathmatch for the sole reason of doing that, although usually they switch to Sombra/Mei to counter me back.

Lucky ya! :slight_smile:
Me, I get to fight those even more disgusting Torb, Orisa, Mei, Brigitte, Rein, XxxXxxx combo! :frowning:

Sometimes I wonder whatā€™s the point of playing an FPS game and playingā€¦ Torb?! of all things! :open_mouth:

Thatā€™s easy if she doesnā€™t have any help, but if thereā€™s Hanzo or Ashe nearby they will melt Winston and Dva in seconds, only one that can disrupt them and stay alive is Hammond, but heā€™s harder to use for diving on places where snipers usually nest.

Shield tanks, Winston, Hammond, Sombra, Genji etc. Even Lucio is often enough. Who has problems with hit-scans in 2019? This thread is so three years ago.

I usually play with a group- so if thereā€™s a sniper dominating us, I go either Ashe or Winston to outsnipe or dive upon. Most snipers donā€™t utilize their cooldowns correctly (as most in QP just play them to practice aiming) and itā€™s pretty easy to get them to retreat.
Also helps; when grouping, to have a team that coordinates (even a little) with the dive/outsnipe (with either a shield/secondary diver/long-ranged healer/good peeler).
Snipers arenā€™t ever really a problem nowadaysā€¦

Especially when you:

  1. A/D/Crouch spam
  2. Utilize LoS and good positioning to thwart the enemyā€™s
  3. Always consider the sniper when being out in the open. Always.

Following these, you should be fine when dealing with long-ranged fighters in general.

Now sustain is a different story.

If there is one, itā€™s not noticable. Iā€™ve emtied shot after shot on widows and they just turn around and headshot me like its nothing. Looking at the killcam thereā€™s barely any vibrations, only that which tells them theyā€™re being shot at.

That why I also start to play widow when needed.