Snipers are making Quick Play unbearable

if it’s one sniper get reinhardt or orisa, if it’s two get, winston or wrecking ball, if you are a healer go baptiste, put immortality field down in cover so for your own sniper to win sniper fights if you don’t want to tank, if you don’t want to heal or tank be genji.

Well, I play QP to “chill” and Widowmaker is the only “chill” hero, if she’s taken, Hanzo is the closest option.

I play Ana cause she’s simply the most fun support. You actually feel rewarded for your actions in terms of both healing, damage and CC. A well placed sleep dart is fun. A well placed nade is fun in both healing and damage view. A quick snipe kill is fun. And bursting someone with tons of healing really fast is also fun.

Zenyatta is fun cause he can do A LOT of damage.

The other supports are simply not as fun cause they’re not as impactful in a diverse way. Baptiste healing is hard to hit at long range, the speed of the actual shot is slow and the healing rewarded doesn’t feel great. His damage feels boring and low impact. His ult is “meh”, unless people are placed perfectly. His immortality field is actually the only “fun” thing about him.
Lucio is boring unless you can knock people off a cliff or wallriding into the enemy getting a solo pick.
Mercy is simply “healing”, but boring healing. None of her abilities are “fun”, her healing feel low, her ultimate is boring, revive is boring “but useful”.
Moira is boring unless you have a Genji in your face.
Brigg is boring unless you GOAT and brawl.

Fun thing is that most supports should have a sound change along with other changes. There are satisfying sounds in old WoW that made an ability feel better. It’s funny how small things can change a feeling of a hero. Add more “punch” to the sound effects are I think a lot of heroes actually will be more fun.

In qp is almost impossible to make a widow to switch (as qp is used for fun/train), in comp is a bit easier, but you still need to hard counter her so her team has a strong point that she’s throwing.

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