Smurfs yet again....every time I 6 stack. here is photo proof I screencapped and saved

its not impossible. It was a 2 cp map. If it were a different type of map it would be hard to do but not 2cp against a bunch of bronze players. Its like you don’t understand the huge gap between a super high ranked player against the lowest rank in the game. There are already videos that prove this. Have you never seen those youtube videos where they pit 6 bronze players against 1 master player? And the master still wipes the floor with them.

I’m a genius. See? This is what I meant by condescension. You’re condescending towards others. I am not offended lol nor took any umbrage towards your comment. I wanted to enlighten someone on the next level of delusion how he/she comports her/his self is why he/she was punished. You seem blissfully unaware how outright foul your attitude is, how unfounded your self aggrandizement is, or how much caustic vitriol you spew within a sentence let alone a reply. You got caught red-handed and are upset you got the appropriate actions taken against you. Also do you not feel quite so smart after speaking to someone who is? Humility is all the rage in intelligence these days and has been for many centuries. You might want to try it before you ruin its good name. Take care now.

Well I learn from the best I suppose. After all, self-reflection is a rare gem. Thank you for taking it upon yourself to jump into an unrelated discussion and brow-beat me for what you perceive to be offensive activities. You’re free to continue your personal attacks and thread derailing. Apparently you won’t stop yourself, and nobody else can.

I see no need to comment on your apparent omniscience, either. I’ll take your examples of humility and run with it. Your centuries of experience with events that happened outside of your presence have inspired me to follow your example.

I actually am humble lol. I took the chance to do some jabs at your expense so you’d see what it’s like. I’m not derailing the thread; I’m correcting the nonsense you uttered (that had nothing to do with said thread). You also picked on a friend of mine here on the forums who has helped coach me so it wasn’t on a whim. You really deserved said ban and 0 level endorsement if your forum presence is any indication of how you talk to others. A lot here spread misinformation so some of us try to correct the record.

Uhm… you really have no idea what irony is, do you? Like… seriously.

Ahhh there it is. Wolf-pack politics. Your friend is infallible because it’s your friend. You don’t take accuracy or meaning into account when you value a statement… to you, it’s all politics. How very canine of you.

So you admit that, first, you do not value truth or accuracy over politics… and second you admit that you’re on a crusade of propaganda.

…wait a second, aren’t you that bronze feminist who screeched like a cartoon banshee for thirty minutes on Rialto because your GrandMaster coach told you to force our team to play Zenyatta, Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, Zarya, Lucio?

I blocked you and you got your facebook friends to report me for abusive chat because I SOLOED THAT MATCH as Junkrat instead of taking your (obviously a thrower) advice. I remember you!

…looking it up… oh congratulations on making it just barely into gold by getting boosted by your friends (or more likely, sharing your account with your “grandmaster coach”), you RoadHog main, you.

If you can interrupt 3-4 ults every time you’re alive, you’re a good RoadHog and will instantly make it into platinum or Diamond. There is no such thing as a good RoadHog below platinum, which means you’re constantly throwing matches by getting your team multi-ulted every 12-15 seconds. You literally cannot possibly have climbed legitimately to the bottom of gold with that many hours of RoadHog. That’s how I know you’ve either shared your account, or have been boosted by smurfs.

You are very literally the problem everyone here is discussing.

(late edit: Your “Grandmaster coach” is a low diamond Genji that never switches. You are being trolled… and if what the two british guys said in that match I met you in is true, you’re paying real world money for it. That’s not how friends work. It’s how the boosting industry works… but it’s not how friends work.)

I find it funny that no one sees bronze smurfs as as problem but they then turn around and complain that diamonds have a bigger problem with masters and gm smurfs there.

So it’s not a problem for plat plus smurfs to troll in bronze but if you are a diamond player you suffer from masters and gm smurfs. THEY ARE BOTH A PROBLEM there is the clue train perhaps it hit you in the head and gave you a reality check.

As for the other poster complaining about hog players. Most tanks are goign to feed to some degree. DVA feeds like HELL. Winston can feed. Hammond … ROFL talk about a tank that feeds.

Here is the difference between a feeding hog and a hog that is actually doing something. The feeding hog is the one that lands no hooks has 20 percent accuracy and just runs out and pots up on cooldown. I will give you that. But if that hog gets key hooks and you get kills who cares? In order to make space you are going to do some feeding. It’s inevitable.

What the actual? Boosting? I detest boosting and have never paid anyone to ever nor would I ever. I’ve never even paid for coaching. Ever. Whoever you think I am I have no idea who you are. I have friends from bronze to like masters and everything in between. I’m out of words for how you just accused me so blatantly.

Roadhog main? I love the hero and play him the third most but I’m a Moira main if you looked at my public profile. Unsure why you think I play the fat lug more than I do.

And boosted? Um… I climbed my way out. Like legit from the swamps of 800 to like 2100 range on my own. I got some vod reviews and the like in between but no one but me has the login to my account.

Facebook? I don’t even have one. I have a Twitter, DeviantArt, Discord, YouTube, etc but never have used Facebook in my life.

A crusade of propaganda? What? Where did that come from? I said the exact opposite. I want to correct the misinformation such as the blatant examples in your latest reply. I don’t even know where you got most of these ideas. A lot come to the forums to whine about others and pass on conspiratorial theories that some like to set straight. I’m not bullying anyone nor did anyone summon me. I scanned the latest comments on this thread I’d already commented on, saw what you’d said to whom, and said my piece.

Are you okay? Like… I dunno where this all csme from. But again you’re really hurting your argument that your ban was due to some report abuse; by the moment it looks more and more justified.

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Not everyone who destroys you is a smurf. I was diamond in season 2 when I started and master every season after. I’ve played fps games for 20+ years so I could probably pick up any shooter and do better than the average player.

The fact is, the more you play… the more you’re going to get reported. I wish I could find out how many times I was reported for chat abuse while I was already silenced. I’m sure it was several thousand.

Another fact… if you play at certain times on certain days, you’re going to get reported and thrown on. Those times are prime-time, holidays, and weekends… mostly. Unfortunately, those are also the best times to climb in SR because there’s enough people around to overwhelm the absurd number of trolls, for the most part.

If, like myself, you are home enough to play games like it’s your job… you’re going to get reported and thrown on at rates about fifteen to twenty times more than the average person… because the average person plays maybe five or six hours a week. I used play ten or twenty hours per day. I was banking on the advice being true that the more you play, the more the system figures out where to force you to be (because winning matches apparently has less to do with your SR than where the AI has decided to put you based on a pile of stats that do not equate to skill, wins, or teamwork).

These people talking about the specific individuals they know for a fact are smurfs… they’re right. If you play ten thousand matches within a one thousand SR range… you’re going to see the same people over and over and over and over and over again… and the ones who throw on you in gold are also going to throw on you in silver and bronze… because they are part of the boosting industry and you’re not on the “don’t throw” list.

So if you’re within let’s say even 1500SR of where you belong, the matches become absurdly difficult due to the combination of tens of thousands of professional boosters and the absolutely insane MMR system they’ve implemented which puts you with more skilled throwers if you manage to carry some throwers near the rank it thinks you belong based on your performance against a giant pile of obvious smurfs.

Here’s what I mean… After getting to platinum in season 6, I experienced 1000 consecutive matches (it was more but I stopped counting at that point because who cares anymore) of Throwing RoadHogs… as in they never landed a hook, usually never even fired their weapons, and just shuffled the piggy-waddle towards certain death as fast as they could muster over and over and over again. A thousand CONSECUTIVE matches of that crap. It finally ended when my SR reached 1337… four times in ten matches my SR was 1337 once I got there, because there are still throwing smurfs even that low down, and in enormous numbers.

What happened in my last platinum game that started this plummet? Well, you see… I played Symmetra defending Dorado… and a Doomfist soloed my whole team at the fountain by point A… after I soloed his whole team at the fountain by point A… then without taking a breath he travelled all the way to my spawn point and killed me in the shielded doorway, then ulted all the way back to the fountain at point A and soloed my team again… like it was all one action. He proceeded to continue to solo my entire team by himself without even so much as a heal for the entire rest of the match. His own team stood way back at the first choke and just watched, goofing off in match chat, because they knew just as well as we did that he was a grandmaster smurf… in low platinum.

That match is what started my problems. One thousand consecutive matches of throwing RoadHogs (and almost four seasons) later, I was at 1337 SR and started working my way back up. I hit gold in about three hours of a single win streak, and suddenly I found myself against a Widow who killed my entire team and spawn-camped us on Oasis. We couldn’t leave spawn. RoadHog stood outside waiting to blast away Rein’s shield, and Widow stood at that doorway across the courtyard instantly headshotting everyone that exited the spawn room… including the Sombra who managed to get all the way onto the objective before dropping cloak and then pop instant headshot from 180 degrees without so much as having to hear a sound. I assume that one was an aimbot.

Regardless, my MMR was once again absolutely destroyed by a cheater… and a couple of hours of throwing roadhogs later I was back at 1337.

Next day I climbed back to gold no problem in a span of about four hours. Got matched with a five-stack who all went DPS with fast travel skills and ran facefirst into enemy fire without firing their weapons. A few hours of throwing roadhogs later I was back at 1337.

I’ve been going through that exact experience pattern now every 3-4 days for the last 2 months.

The game has become so extremely barren of fun for me that I genuinely do not care to ever play it again. I’m upset that the final straw that broke the camel’s back was a throwing RoadHog named DONGERHEAD who spent the entire match screaming obscenities… and who will go unpunished for the next two years because that’s how the system works… but I don’t want to be part of THAT community anymore anyway.

This game’s dead. People like YOU have killed it.

I do none of these things so how did I kill it? Because I play Moira, Reinhardt, Roadhog, and a sprinkling of others? Also, if you left the game why are you on its forums? Kinda doesn’t make a lot of sense when you think about it.

You’re pretty dense. I didn’t leave the game… I was banned by the automated systems which are used by trolls as a tool for increasingly efficient abuse.

As a player that’s been around since beta and who averaged something like twelve hours a day across the last 2.7 years since the game came out… the systems in place to “alleviate abusive behavior” are actually, because of demographic changes and statistical manipulation… only effective at getting rid of people like me. People with only one account and a lot of time on their hands.

See you can avoid the problems of the statistical probability of the reporting system by just not playing for a few days… which, if you have multiple accounts, simply means logging onto your smurfs until you have to come back and prevent decay on your primary account that you actually don’t play.

The smurfing ruins the MMR system for literally everyone… and feeds the boosting industry exponentially over time as people like myself get banned for literally no reason and have to buy more accounts and start over with their skin collections and progress and friends lists and whatever else… which in turn further destroys the MMR system. However, while it’s doing that it also falsifies the financial stats, which I’m sure some people are very happy about. How many times have we been told “Forty million players!” only to log in and get the message, “Long wait to find a fair match”? Seems Blizzard wants me to believe that 2+2=198734293876298437

technically real smurfing already includes throwing

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“I do not ever care to play it again.”

Yeah, totes like the game and all that. Ya also never answered my question of how in your mind I am at all responsible for what befell you. Do you ever intend to?

Wolf-pack propagandists. People like you.

The GAME is phenomenal. It was an extremely good concept even when it was a Hi-Rez Studios game called Global Agenda… which unfortunately released in France months before anywhere else and developed a community that was smaller and even more toxic than this one. Hi-Rez abandoned it to go make Tribes and Smite… but I don’t much like MOBAs so I didn’t bother playing those.

The COMMUNITY and its MANAGEMENT are what make Overwatch not fun anymore… because it’s people like you. Wolf-pack propagandists.

I don’t spread propaganda nor am in any pack. Try again?

Then you’re a liar.



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So trying to correct lies is engaging in propaganda now? So like trying yo correct a flat-Earther or anti-Vaxer makes me a propagandist? People here tell similarly nonsensical theories that some of us like to not have spread further infecting even more. So we just give an oposite viewpoint and let folks decide for themselves. It’s often but not always a furile effort. And having friends makes me a wolf pack?

Whatever happened to accusations I boost or main Roadhog etc? Did those go out the window when I explained why your misinformation was wrong? Kinda like I do to other nonsense shared on these forums? Hmmmmm…

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Yes. That’s literally what the Bolsheviks called it too. They “corrected lies” like declaring three different Russian holocausts to be what we would call fake news nowdays. You see, propaganda can be true or false or both or neither… it isn’t about the validity of the content, it’s about the methodology and reason for the delivery.

After having the unpleasant experience of your focused attention for the last two days I am now quite certain that you are a propagandist. I can’t trust anything you say without evidence, and there’s no reason to bother collecting evidence for most of what you say because you frequently contradict yourself anyway. Either you are lying at one point, or at the other. Regardless of which side of the contradiction is the lie, you’ve lied. Repeatedly.

Not necessarily, no. However, engaging someone on the basis that they are wrong because they disagree with someone you call a friend… yes. That makes you a wolf-pack… because you truly don’t give a damn about the truth, just the politics.

True not everyone that destroys players are smurfs. But to be fair how many legit new players are going to join a 2.5 year old game? Not very many if you ask me. There is no question that the ladder has had a mass exodus of players. There are tons of player this season that are significantly lower SR wise than they wer last season. I also happen to be one of them.

Ladders evolve for sure but gold players dont find themselves in bronze overnight unless something significant has happened with the ladder.

I said its a non issue, I brought up diamond because I myself was in diamond and as a person that once was there and got out I realized that Smurfing is a non issue. Your playing against people that are the rank you want to be at. If you want to rank up your still going to fight the same people so there is no point complaining about it. I personally dont care about this and found myself ranking up anyway. NO POINT TO COMPLAIN.