Smurfs yet again....every time I 6 stack. here is photo proof I screencapped and saved

imgur. com /a/N6M2LjC

I made a thread about this a few days ago as well. Blizzard needs to fix this already. 6 stack as bronze means you play against a 6 stack of either smurfs that crush you and then let you win by jumping off the map over and over so that they can stay in low bronze to troll more like the people I posted about in the other thread. Or you get smurfs like these guys that I have posted about a month ago and here they still are ruining the game. each one of the ones in the 5 stack ended the game with 50 something elims we couldn’t move or walk out of spawn. They had 850 team SR compared to our 1040 or so team SR and we got wrecked. Every time I have reported those same exact people nothing happens to them. Blizzard doesn’t care about bronze or any of the low ranks. At this point they should just delete all low ranks from the game. I am so sick of all the focus being on pros and GMS


(also here you go, image for others<3)

That sucks and I’m sorry to hear you’ve encountered these players before
Do you type the fact they’re obviously smurfing in your reports? Sometimes writing the proper reason may help

Still… Blizzard bans onetricks due to automated bans but players like this? That ruins games and hard throw, then hard stomp? That’s not okay Blizzard.
Please ban them.

(Did you LFG stack? Since you six stacked)


You are doing exactly what they want, good luck to your future games if you dont learn to play the smurf game at your rank.

we were six stacking for several games together until we ran into two teams that did this. My previous post I brought it up as well and mentioned other people that did the same thing in a stack. Other bronze players have posted about the same 9 or 12 or so people that do this. We all know these people very well because they ruin our games frequently.

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Ooof… I hope they get banned :frowning:
Like that legitimately sucks , if you need to stomp to show off your big dinkus or whatever at least do it in goddarn solo Q, don’t ruin Bronzes wanting to have coordinated teams :confused:

they get reported all the time but just buy new accounts with the same names. I doubt blizzard really cares or has done anything because this has been happening for several seasons now. The people that do this are insanely infamous which you would think would make blizzard perma ban them already. I dont know how many threads have to be made about the same large group of smurfs that bronze players that have never played together can all point out and have made threads and youtube videos about. including me.

They seem to be playing with high level players, so the two low levels are boosting the higher ones(?)

I really wish Blizzard did IP bans for people like this :confused:

I doubt they were boosting since when the cards came up at the end each member had at least 50 elims

Oof… so people that threw their way down?
That or the boosters were playing on peoples accounts…
Blizzard need to IP ban them, if anything.

Also I added the picture in my first reply, so people passing by can see it easily, hope thats okay c:

thank you. I am going to go watch a movie or something before I pull my hair out with my frustration by the lack of devs looking into this. Have a rad night

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I doubt they will be high rank.actual high rank players are a tiny percent of the playerbase and smurfing bronze would be like going playing vs ai, a boring waste of time. They are prob just bad gold or plat players who can’t hack it in their own elo so smurf to feel good about themselves. Pathetic really. Lol at the tri hard comp.


Kai never claimed these players to be pros, the only mention of pros was

Which has nothing to do with the players they were fighting.

Plats roll bronzes, that’s an unfair match. :woman_shrugging:
This post is Kai pointing out smurfs are common when six stacking, and that it feels bad fighting a team of smurfs either hard throwing or hard stomping vs you.


To be fair, they are playing a really strong composition, and if your Team comps not as strong, you would get Recked in a way that it would look like they are smurfing. If they were real smurfs I would imagine they would be running Genji, doomfist, tracer etc and wouldn’t need healers. Were they doing pharmercy? Actually kind of embarrassing a ’smurf’ phara would need the pocket in bronze.

need your team comp too you know if you had no tank or healer it would be normal, i see only lucio and phara in your kill feed, lucio not being the best character in bronze, and phara being countered by hitscans …
but yea widow in fire is obvious smurf in bronze

That’s not always true, Widow is actually a common smurf pick bc Bronzes dont have the game sense / positioning to avoid her shots.
(Fun fact, met a widow smurf that found bronze the hardest rank to fire in, bc Bronzes dont do predictale AD spam XD)

Spoken like an experienced troll smurf. Fact is there are SO MANY smurfs down there… the smurfs aren’t there to stomp the people who belong there. They’re there to find the people who refuse to log into their GM accounts for any reason than to maintain decay prevent… and stomp THOSE. The people who belong in those ranks are just collateral damage that “nobody cares about since they will never be pro”.

…and this is why the game is dead. R.I.P. Overwatch, you died of appealing to stupid people. May you rest in peace once the mourners from Season 6 have all finally let you go.

The season 6 firesale is when it wenty from being an average of three accounts per player… to an average of twenty accounts per player. (obviously most of those were part of “the boosting industry” that sells leveled up play-ready accounts at a made-to-order rank) After that, bosting services became wildly popular amongst horrible players who couldn’t accept the truth of their horrible play.

My experience began in the betas. By season 6 I’d basically given up on trying to go any higher than 2700… but I wanted to maintain as close to it as I could manage and try to improve.

Then… one thousand consecutive matches of throwing RoadHogs. By the end of that, it was season 11. Also it was my first time being silenced by the automated system… which quickly cascaded into my first 3 times being silenced by the automated system as I only got maybe 2-3 days without silence on me before it got reapplied… even if I turned off voice chat as an option, throwing roadhogs were still reporting me for abusive chat.

The six month long silence was actually a kind of welcome reprieve from the previous couple of months of being pointlessly screamed at by people that probably have to wear helmets to go outside, and could not possibly have climbed their way out of bronze. I was encountering them in high gold… presumably because of the boosting industry.

At a couple of points on this otherwise pointless journey of abject stupidity and psychotic east coast college kids… I experienced someone leaving their mic open to smoke CRACK and scream for ninety seconds while going absolutely bat-guano crazy and soloing the enemy team as Genji. That was really something else, man… an experience to hang onto I guess… crackhead smurf screams like a turkey and solos gold team…

…another time I ran into a group of teenagers who insisted they would throw if I didn’t let them record me saying, “Hello, I’m Markiplier and I support this content”… awesome huh? Rather than commit identity fraud and intellectual property theft, I accepted the loss. It was just one of hundreds of thousands at that point anyway.

A thousand consecutive matches of throwing roadhogs was really what killed this game for me. I haven’t been able to recover from that. I doubt anyone could. It wasn’t just the SR drop to 1337… it was also the fact that it took three months of me trying as hard as I could, in vain, to carry that morbidly obese gas-huffing serial killer racial slur of a character who for some reason is on a roster of other characters that all have PhDs or the equivalent.

The emotional drain was significant enough that my family asked me about it. I actually developed diabetes trying to ingest enough caffeinne to be on at the right times of day, days of the week, and alert enough to compete in case I finally saw the end of that ridiculous hate-train to hell. 3am-8am on Tuesdays and Thursdays are the only times when I don’t have to be placed on teams with insane trolls? Done…

…anyway… don’t be like me. Quit while you’re healthy. This game actually sucks, and it’s run by a lunatic that thinks it’s his job to socially engineer a more politically correct world by manipulating rules in a video game.

Get out before it actually hurts you.

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stop defending the smurfs. After we constantly got wrecked we just picked random heroes because we knew we were going to lose. Our comp started off good until that stack showed up because as I have stated, they are well known smurfs that most bronze players have come across several seasons. There are threads with names upon names of these smurfs but everyone ignores the posts because “bronze lawl” my previous thread I had the name of another infamous smurf/deranker.

i dont defend smurft i can see clearly one, i just say you gave only litheraly one sided informations, where is the full screenshot of the team comp?
you will never win with 3dps to 4dps

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Realistically they were probably boosting. And it’s unlikely they were pro’s and GM’s, probably gold’s and some plats. Least the smurfs

Smurfing = Not Bannable
Throwing = Bannable

Report for throwing, otherwise you’re doing nothing.

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