No debating…Improve yourself in game…Then watch all the “smurfs” vanish…
Instead of complaining in this forum knowing fully well nothing will be done.
Makes sense right?..Right
Playing with players a couple of hundred SR above you will make you a better player. You can’t expect to learn anything playing against a 4500 Widow smurf who insantly kills you the moment a pixel of your head is exposed, apart from “don’t peek”, which you can learn from the arformentioned slightly better player.
Restrict accounts to one per device. Blizzard can hardware ban players if there’s proof they’ve violated rules on multiple accounts, so I imagine it’d be possible to limit the number of accounts.
And smurfs abuse that to get lower-level players that they can dunk on. Getting rid of smurfs would go a long way to making the ranked experience a bit more enjoyable.
Dude , you can’t prevent it banishing people for being good or forcing one OW per device, this is dumb.
I don’t know how to solve it but by this way the potential of problems is HUGE.
How do smurfs help people learn? What can you learn by dying the moment you emerge from spawn? If smurfs are on your teams what can you possible learn when you can’t even land a shot because the other team are dead already. You can only avoid smurfs by logging off which is never going to make you a better player or help you climb.
I guess you didnt read some of the other post I posted…I shall reiterate.
Dont quit if against a “smurf” play till the end then watch the replay and pay attention to what this “smurf” does and what your team should’ve done…Then befriend said “smurf” and ask for help or advice…9x out of 10 the “smurf” will tell you what YOU should’ve done and what heros your team should’ve been using.
I have done this and climbed out of Bronze,Silver Gold and Plat solo queuing…Had no help other than better players giving me advice.