Smurfing needs to be a bannable offense

Multiple accounts are needed so I can play with my friends who are gold/plats.
Hope this isnt classified as “smurfing”

Said the smurf who go on the lower ranks to ''learn ‘’ a hero and can’t follow his own suggestion.

ah the hipocrisy

Seeing as your skill level is diamond/master, yes it’s smurfing.

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I dont play ranked with my low ranking friends…Only casual

Then why do you need a smurf account then?


I dont think you know what a " smurf" is friend

Then this has no relevance to the conversation. We’re talking about ranked queue, not casual.

We went over this last night. You have an alt account for what reason? you said you dont play comp with your friends. So what reason could you possibly need to have more than 1 account?

Different friends in different ranks…From gold to low GM

The Smurfs is a Belgian comic franchise centered on a fictional colony of small, blue, humanoid creatures who live in mushroom-shaped houses in the forest.

Only play ranked with my gold friends who jump from gold to diamond all the time…Mostly play with a friend or 2 who are low GM…
Also,a diamond is NOT a smurf nor do they play like one…Most Diamonds are trash and barely have any map awareness or mechanical skill

But you just said you didnt play comp with friends. So what is it. You do or dont

Ah so not only do you ruin low rank games, but you gang up with your team of smurf friends to collectively destroy low ranked games. Got it.

I love how you said this like you queueing up with your smurf friends makes it any better LMAO.

pls stop trying to make it make sense, becuase it simply doesnt.

Only play with my gold friend and 2 in GM…Ranked
All others its casual…cant play ranked due to being called a “smurf” numerous times for trying to enjoy a game with my low SR buddies.

Yeah, maybe because you’re the only one enjoying stomping a team of 5 people that you severely outclass. Think about that for a sec and then understand why you cant enjoy a game without being accused of smurfing.

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I hover around diamond…You do know diamonds are no better than most silvers…In fact I have played against silvers who should be in masters due to their mechanical skill…But lack map awareness…So me stomping a team alone?LOL,I dont think so.
again,I dont think the lot of you know or even played against a real “smurf”

Mate i would leave while you still can. You really dont seem like you know jack and you contradict what you say to justify your point. Which leads me to believe you arent what you say you are.

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Hey,im just trying to help here…Blizzard is NOT listening to you guys nor will they.
How many threads are there on this subject?hundreds im sure…So if you guys want to whine and cry ,then go ahead…But its so much easier to just improve instead of crying like a child who’s mother wont give him candy…After you get better at the game…Watch in amazement as these “smurfs” seem to vanish as if by magic.

Now you are insulting people who prove you wrong. I was taught once you start insulting people you have truly lost the debate.

insulting? to whom?
If you’re insulted then maybe Im right