Back on 360 smurfing wasnt a thing wasn’t till xbone 1 ps4 and steams sales made it to easy to make alt account back in old comp games you played others in your rank because you learned at the pace of YOUR RANK know because self titled grow men who can’t see the L or hate facing those of equal skill can make alt accounts or throw to feel like a god amongst new or trying to rank players, your just pathetic really its laughable
English?..Holy spoons!!
My point is smurfing breeds hate disgust and in general it ruins comp if not for all these sales or free passes to make millions of accounts you wouldn’t be able to smurf. In general ranking ruined competitive.
Your a gold on Xbox…Which is equivalent to Bronze on PC…Of course everyone to you is a “smurf” Like I said,improve on your gameplay mechanics and watch in amazement as all these “smurfs” like by magic,disappear
Your a broken record really. I highly doudt watch a smurf play and going oh i can do that helps at all thats like a noob being recruited in the over watch league and winning. That shiny badge you hold so dearly btw means nothing if you earned it in a dishonest way. Even thought i flux from play gold silver i will never make an alt in order to abuse the ranking system put in place, your a coward if you do this is no shame in a loss it teaches you. But to higher elos thats just bad blood.
Improve your gameplay…The “smurfs” will go away…I promise
Well there is your problem.
Isn’t smurfs on console free to make because of PSN/Xbox game sharing system?
It’s comforting to see Gold+ borders on the enemy team, as you may actually get a fair, balanced match.
Not sure if this is smurfing or not, but WTF is up with all the really good players at level 1-20? I’m not talking “generic good,” but that it’s clear they bought a new account to dominate noobs. Now, this would be fine if MMR caught it, but it doesn’t some how… EVERY F&*&ING time I have a level 15-25 on my team it’s a brand new noob, and the other team which is full of level 10-25s is all new accounts of really good players. Either make a style of gameplay that permanently locks you as casual (and makes you unable to play in comp) or make it so you only get grouped with players with endorsement ranks of 3-4+.
Why would they? There is literally no reason for them to.
Step 1 Play with lebron james in basketball i do not mean take classes, no, but playing against him… Step 2 let him do what he wants. Step 3 try to learn what you could have done better, Step 4 remember this is a game and consider that, to improve that much you prefer ro focus in your studies or work and not in a supposed hobby, Step 5 uninstall, Step 6 never play again and let old hardcore players play alone against each other.
The key to success, as it was adressed by many companies that have difficulties with smurfs and try, at least to prevent that from happening.
A lot of players do not come here to “get better” or reach "this or that level " but to play a game fair and balanced, with victories, loses etc… not to do a master in ow.
For your information, anyway playing against someone that shot you in the head all the time doesnt make you better aiming.
I’m tired of people defending smurfing like it should be something that is ok in any game. It just pushes lower people out of the game which ultimately kills it in the long run.
Being good at a low level is not against rules
Having a 2nd account is not against rules
The only thing against rules is if you literally throw on purpose to derank