Smurfing needs to be a bannable offense

Honestly i agree with that ranking has started this split, and that badge they get feeds there ego.

Because I befriend better players and asked them for help…Plain and simple,I got tired of being rolled…So I did something about it…Thats how I learned

thats like mcdonalds banning skinny people…not going to happen

Funny enough those people who hard defend smurfing in lower ranks are the firts one to cry about boosters in their team “calling it unfair”


By playing against people of your level, besting them, and then moving up a level.

You can’t join a Track team and then immediately expect to beat Usain Bolt. It doesn’t help you improve at all, it just shows you how far behind you are.


“It just shows how far behind you are”…And that is the 1st step to improving

I had a great team coms friendly worked together but. When two gms are on the opposite team and sporting that lovely 35 i just got into comp number you know ,whats going to happen and moral goes low and its a whatever moment.

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Can you stop defending smurfing of lower ranks…


Nah, don’t ban them. Just quietly stick them in their own queue and put them in their own games. Call it “Smurf Village”, where they can all play together and wonder why their queues are longer than normal.


Thats an entirely different area

So why smurfs guys dont want to improve? Why they are playing with low elo players?


Just mass report smurfs and they will get autobanned.

Easy …Trolling
Or playing with friends who are low elo.

Your not making a case for them. buddy your proving my point

What is the argument for smurfing?

  • it provides value for the community because they can learn from it

That’s it, that’s the whole claim. Which is not even entirely true.

How do you keep your low rank?

  • by throwing games and ruining the experience of others, providing games where they can’t learn anything

  • by manipulating my games to get the outcome I want

How does this fit in a competitive environment?

  • not at all

Does it hurt the competitive integrity?

  • yes

No case needed to be proving…Im telling ya,smurfs are not going away…Either learn from the better player or deal with staring at the spawn screen…Me personally,I got better…Good luck with your Overwatch adventure.Hope you improve!!

How do you tell if someone is smurfing, I get wrongly accused all the time

Lets mass report smurfs so they get autobanned if blizzard is not going to do anything about them.


Ok troll mr gm bronze potrait lvl 72


Im reporting every smurf until the issue gets fixed - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

im leaving this here