Smurfing needs to be a bannable offense

I’ve never thrown a game on any account, I always try my best on the hero im playing, but people see low level account and just see something to blame, it’s just a matter of having a weak mental

Right now ranked system has no reason to exist.


  1. No team balance
  2. You have every single rank in your game. No “your skill opponents”

So it is the samw QP.

Honestly dude i just saw your profile your barely a bronze portrait 72 in lvl gm at that repping spark no winston skin and your playing that card? You can tell a smurf over a player that is learning the fact your a bronze portrait in gm is enough to see it. Stop trolling.


I’m not in GM? What are you on about

Diamond my bad all the same

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I have 2 accounts on pc, this is my main, the other one is level 30. I came from PS4 and I was GM there, I have the knowledge but not the mechanics. Also I did get GM in season 4 at around this level too so it is possible to be a high rank and low level

So your a smurf you just answered your own question.

What do you think a smurf is?

I dont think OP knows what a “smurf” even is

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A smurf is someone of high skill who makes an alt or throws there games to intentionally ruin the lower lvl of play by being an experienced player being on multiple platforms you know your a smurf.

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Being sniped in head over and over because they got better aim, dont teach you much, especialy if they dominate you with their aim so much, they ignore positioning at all and go hanzo solo main laine of the road forward.
All you learned from that, is that if you can aim better, one shots wins. That is not even right mindset for the game like this.

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You wanna try calling me out again troll cans?

The first step to improving is to take small steps. You can’t hope to get good at a Survival game if you start it on Very Hard mode. You start with normal, practice a bit, then build up to Hard and then Very Hard. If you start on a too high difficulty you won’t have any opportunity to learn the game and will just die over and over again without being able to point out your mistakes.


I’m a diamond player on pc, so I’m not playing below my skill level, if I literally can’t get higher how is that smurfing

Punching your face will make your face stronger
Let me punch you in your face.

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I agree and Disagree with this
as someone who wants to get better it is fun going against challenging opponents but I don’t like having a Diamond game then going against a smurf for the next 4 games
I usually lose those because they have a high ranked player on their team and in theory an unfair advantage
Now I explained that in a wierd way but if you want to get better smurfs are really good for that but It drains your morale to get better if you keep getting rolled by them

If everyone who cried about smurfing actually left the game, perhaps they would consider doing something about it, or better yet, fix an actual problem.

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You’ll improve just like everyone else in all kinds of video games and even sports out there.

By playing against people around your own level that is. Placing high school basketball players against NBA players is mostly a counter - productive waste if time for a reason.


Personally I’m tired of smurfs. You find them in ALMOST every game, dont care what anyone else says, and yeah, im on PC. I refuse to play much comp because of them.

Definition of smurf is someone that throws to de rank to end up in lower ranks to demolish lower Elo players.

what’s this mean? It means they throw games which means they screw up other peoples games whilst they are throwing, then they screw up other peoples games by “demolishing” them in lower elo matches.

Sure one could argue “learn from them to improve”. But lets face it, not everyone is going to feel so great after being smashed every time they come out of spawn and not even having a chance to get to the first choke point. Simple fact of the matter is, a larger majority of players is upset and annoyed by smurfing.

Which in turn means its costing the game more players than its making players.
Players will not want to play if smurfing continues and telling them “to get better” or “learn from the smurfs” is literally NOT the way to argue any form of valid point.

Whats that? YOU learned from re watching a play that had a smurf in it? Bully for you, for every one person that does this, there are at least 5 more (rest of your team) that cannot do it, because they do not know how too, they want to learn the game naturally, not be forced to “git gud” cos of some smurf.


Literally… LITERALLY every game I’ve played tonight has had obvious, non-deniable smurfs roiling every single game.
The game is unplayable for any normal, honest, or casual players who actual play, or TRY to play in their own level.

Blizzard doesn’t care, the devs don’t care. They SUPPORT the cheating in OW. You can’t let it go on this long and get this bad unless you just support it.

No OW2, no updates, and OW1 is run, RUN by cheaters. They do whatever they want without any pushback.

OW is just done. It’s pathetic how great this game should be and this is where the development team has failed and let it sink to.

I love OW, it’s one of my favorite games… I don’t think I can do it anymore.

This is literally the counter to every argument about jUsT PlAy BetTer, LeArN fRom It… blah blah…
Why aren’t the smurfs playing in their own ranks and levels to play better and “learn”??? Oh, because smurfing is about one thing… stomping so your little sad self feels superior in SOMEthing in life, and ruining the game for other people.