What is there to defend about smurfing? People who can’t get wins in their own rank who want to just get easy wins against worse players? You can say that “you’re inflating it as a problem!”. People don’t smurf on accident. They are well aware that they’re ruining games for others, even if it’s a Unranked-GM type thing.
There’s this argument going around that “smurfing is already bannable as throwing is bannable!”. I don’t think people understand how easy it is to throw and not get caught. Performing badly enough to not contribute but not enough to make it seem like you’re throwing is really quite easy. Sure, you might have the occasional time where you’re carried to victory, but more often than not, you will absolutely be able to “throw” without it being detected.
There’s also this argument that: “we need to practice different roles!”. A Masters Tank practicing DPS on their gold alt doesn’t make the situation any better. Having the map knowledge, game awareness, and overall mindset of a Masters player already puts you at a distinct advantage. Smurfing is STILL bad, even if you’re not playing your best role. If you want to practice, do it on your main, in QP or Comp. Your SR not going down on main does not triumph over the people who have their games ruined by you.
People also like to say that not all alt accounts are smurfs. That is a fair point, but that only really is the case if your alt is the same rank as your main. In that instance, a smurf is much more likely than an alt account who placed the same rank and stayed there. Also in that instance, you wouldn’t even need the alt account in that case.
There is no excuse for smurfing. Don’t say that: “Just get good, lol”. Going up against players way higher than my skill level is not going to help me improve. The existence of smurfs not only teaches people that it’s okay to smurf as they won’t get banned for it, but it incentivises people to smurf as well so they can also have their easy wins.
I know it may be hard to put an end to smurfing, if not impossible. But to just put it simply, if you smurf, you disgust me. It’s literally inexcusable. Win in your own rank. If you can’t, maybe just “get good”, like you tell the lower rank players that you beat.
If you can’t win in your own rank, you’re not as good as you might think.