Smurfing is disgusting

What is there to defend about smurfing? People who can’t get wins in their own rank who want to just get easy wins against worse players? You can say that “you’re inflating it as a problem!”. People don’t smurf on accident. They are well aware that they’re ruining games for others, even if it’s a Unranked-GM type thing.

There’s this argument going around that “smurfing is already bannable as throwing is bannable!”. I don’t think people understand how easy it is to throw and not get caught. Performing badly enough to not contribute but not enough to make it seem like you’re throwing is really quite easy. Sure, you might have the occasional time where you’re carried to victory, but more often than not, you will absolutely be able to “throw” without it being detected.

There’s also this argument that: “we need to practice different roles!”. A Masters Tank practicing DPS on their gold alt doesn’t make the situation any better. Having the map knowledge, game awareness, and overall mindset of a Masters player already puts you at a distinct advantage. Smurfing is STILL bad, even if you’re not playing your best role. If you want to practice, do it on your main, in QP or Comp. Your SR not going down on main does not triumph over the people who have their games ruined by you.

People also like to say that not all alt accounts are smurfs. That is a fair point, but that only really is the case if your alt is the same rank as your main. In that instance, a smurf is much more likely than an alt account who placed the same rank and stayed there. Also in that instance, you wouldn’t even need the alt account in that case.

There is no excuse for smurfing. Don’t say that: “Just get good, lol”. Going up against players way higher than my skill level is not going to help me improve. The existence of smurfs not only teaches people that it’s okay to smurf as they won’t get banned for it, but it incentivises people to smurf as well so they can also have their easy wins.

I know it may be hard to put an end to smurfing, if not impossible. But to just put it simply, if you smurf, you disgust me. It’s literally inexcusable. Win in your own rank. If you can’t, maybe just “get good”, like you tell the lower rank players that you beat.

If you can’t win in your own rank, you’re not as good as you might think.


Calm down lol… It’s just a game.
Yes smurfing is bad and it feels really bad to play against a smurf, but it’s just a game. If it’s annoying you this much to lose some points in a game (probably not that high ranked either), I think the multi-player experience isn’t for you.
Instead of whining about it, maybe suggest a solution?


I understand that it’s just a game. The losing points isn’t what annoys me. In fact, I’ve only ran into smurfs in one of my 5 comp matches this week.

It’s just an in general dislike of smurfs. A number of solutions have already been brought up on this forum.

Instead of telling people complaining about smurfs that multiplayer isn’t for them (essentially just saying “get good/get over it”), maybe tell smurfs that if their only way to win a match is by playing against lower-skilled players, maybe multiplayer isn’t for them.


Well i can think of a reason that defends it.
Though not as of now.

Remember when Blizzard started banning heroes?
Eventually they only forced it on higher ranks, which well… they obviously didn’t like that.
I mean sure, it hurts lower ranks… but even so high ranks shouldn’t suffer like that either.

Other cases where Blizzard ruins matchmaking for higher ranks and other things that might ruin it for higher ranked players (like more DDOS attacks) makes it much more reasonable than just doing it for fun.

Smurfing is the only way to enjoy this game at some point. GM games are so boring, esp. if you play damage role, 95% of roster is unplayable, and the rest has almost no carry potential but supporive like role. So I can understand why every gengu/df/widow and many more are smurfing in plat and even below. Dev’s gutted hard all damage roster. Once you reach gm you will clearly see it. After hitscan nerf I bet there become new smurf fiesta wave, so your forum complains will get “effect” boys :slight_smile:
Watching kephrii playing widow in 3600 today, tells a lot about this game balance issues. 4.5k+ SR player btw.

They can, but this is not what should bother you. The only thing you should be bothered about is why you cant be like them.


If smurfing is your only way to enjoy the game, I’m sorry, but you should stop playing the game. Your enjoyment is not more important than the enjoyment of the team that you’re wiping. Get off your high horse.


So you’re blaming the lower rank players for smurfing now. Nice.

It’s just funny how you’re telling me to play better but can’t win in your own rank :joy:

It 100% is the smurfs problem. You have made it incredibly obvious you are a smurf and in all honesty I pray you get banned, although you probably won’t.



I am glad you are wearing nice pink glasses man, so you see everything in rainbow colors, but GM have no problems to win in GM, that is why he is in GM and you are in metals and have your “smurf issues” there.



then play in GM.


How is that blaming? It is just a fact. You want to have fun, you have to compete for it, like this smurf did, remember this smurf, right? He was at your rank at some point, but the difference between you and him, that he knows what he wants from this game, and how to reach this goal, and you just complain.

Today in GM, tomorow in plat. How about you?

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I’m complaining about playing against higher ranked players when I’m supposed to be playing against players in my own rank? Oh, how crazy! It’s so crazy that I want to play against people my own skill level so that I CAN compete for it.

I really hate smurfs like you. And I know all the smurfs will agree with you, but truly, smurfs are the epitome of selfishness in this community. I’m done with this conversation. You are a smurf, and I have no respect for you, whether you’re GM or not.


Unfortunately one who doesn’t care about anothers enjoyment or fair games (smurfs) will likely not care to fairly assess your argument even if they knew they were wrong they neither are the type to put your satisfaction above their own so they likely won’t be capable of admitting it and likely deadlocked themselves in a bubble of ignorance.


I’ve reported dozens because I’m a low rank and it’s really obvious when there’s a smurf. Nothing is ever done.


I don’t get where the fun in “smurfing” is.

Close games are fun to me, not stomping lol.


Yes because a highschool sports team that has to play against a team that as a proffessional player on it is so much fun and fair for that team that has no help, cause they know might as well just forfit beceause their is 0 chance of them winning that proffession player will walk all over them like they are not there, my highschool hockey team had a player from the Tampa bay lighting Jr team, after one game of him skating circles around everyone they banned him from play in games, when people are so far above you in skill playing against them is no longer fun


Literally. How is it fun for every match to be a wipe because you’re playing against lower ranked players?

I really don’t understand the smurf mindset either :joy:


Don’t suppose man, deal with reality instead, would be better, believe my experience.

You want too much, just realise that as soon as possible.

Use this at your advantage, I also hate smurfs, that is why I prefer to spawn camp them before they will do the same with me. Bend over or get bended. The ammount of hate could lead you to higher ranks bro

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Probably need it to boost their ego :cry:
In a video game xD


I said I’m done with this conversation. Thank you.


Use the hate as your weapon dude, it will lead you to higher ranks. Now we are done :wink:

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