Smurfing is cheating, change my mind

So you couldnt.

I have documented it, and others noticed that too.

Below that post are other examples. I clearly hard carried one game and receivv only 16 sr. Other game we stomped enemy, i received only 6.

Simply being better than your opponent is not cheating.

Do you know how PBSR works? Doesent seem so. Because it doesent only judge one game, but unknown amount of past games as average. Some say its like 10-20, some tinfoils say they were bronze season 2 and now cant climb because of that. But I can tell you its not the latter. This is why you will climb no matter what if you actually deserve it, a bad game here and there has no significant impact. I dont know about the leaver thing, because people leave once like very 50 games so its kinda irrelevant. A unranked to GM would most likely be at GM at that point anyways. Back in the days when they didnt punish the bronze to GM streams it took way more games and they had to throw to bronze so now its way better, and even back then it really wasnt a big problem, the chance for you to be put in a game with a streamer is extremely low. Ive even tried to stream snipe and its hard enough, not to talk about when you play normally and dont try to get in the same.

Ah… Yes i know how PBSR works, my former main acc is diamond dps and diamond support. I had alt accounts in lower ranks before. I know exactly what is good performance and when i should gain more. There is obviously change vs old system where leavers didnt affect outome. They do now. It goes both ways btw. If you have leaver on your team, you will lose less too. As you can see in other games in that post i was gaining enhanced sr rewards because of my mmr/pbsr.

I think you need to look up the definition of cheating, because that’s exactly what you just described; someone who uses an unfair advantage, a fraud. Which is also what smurfs in Overwatch do so they can fill some sad void in their life by stomping a lower level player in a video game.

You’re misusing unfair here. By your definition, anyone who’s better than anybody by any margin has an “unfair advantage” just because of their skill. If that were the case, the #1 rated player in the game is “cheating” because he’s better than everyone else at the game. That just doesn’t make any sense.

Lets be real when they’re referring to unfair advantage we’re not talking simply “player A is better than player B” we’re talking, lets have a race, player A has a nissan 500, player B has a Mustang, in no world should these 2 be placed in to the same race because it simply isn’t competitive.

People who are in diamond/masters/GM/T500 having bronze level accounts is nothing more than them wanting to try and flex on lower ranks, and honestly I think it should be considered a level of cheating, that one player is ruining hundreds of games to maintain a low rank

This forum always seems to care about skill, where is the skill in trying to fight a lion with a toothpick, a pathetic lion granted, but a lion none the less.

Its not a case of being better, ofcourse they are better they have manipulated the system to play against lesser skilled opponents

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Some people like to have multiple accounts in their SR so when they tilt on one or want to just have multiple high SR account “clout” they can. What you don’t understand is that we are FORCED to play in low SR to get to our normal SR. If we could just be like “Hey Blizzard, I’m a insert rank here smurf can you please adjust the SR of my new account to my SR I would appreciate it” then many of us probably would. Playing games in lower SR is definitely kind of fun, but losing games in lower SR is annoying and a waste of time. Not EVERYONE that smurfs is just doing it to trash new players, but sorry there’s nothing we can do.

Smurfing is not a cheating, change my mind

Lets be real smurfing is not cheating.

In order to do that you need to throw games, and thats bannable offence. Nothing still to do with cheating. Or if they get access to a bronze account that they didnt throw to bronze then its boosting. Still not cheating. Lets be real, its not cheating no matter how you put it.

This community sucks wet snakes, wth “smurfing is not cheating”??? u lost your second brain cell of the 2 you already had?

Why even have a competitive mode in the first place?

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Losing is throwing, change my mind.

I guess if ppl would start to ask for bans for throwers the community would agree.

Call it smurfs and you get a discussion.

Same with moira.
Call it lock on and the whole community loses theyr mind.
Call it thick beam and nobody actually cares.
Or better ppl agree

What’s up with all the kids now saying " change my mind" and “prove me wrong” like they are worth the effort/time or on the right side of the argument to begin with

It is difficult to tell the difference between someone having a bad day and someone purposely throwing, especially with profile hidden. The only way to really tell is when you see them over and over again, either on your side or on their side.

I’d rather have games that are more balanced than a easy win, because if I don’t belong to a certain rank, even with boosting from smurfs on my team, I will drop eventually, and it will not be a fun experience.


gerund or present participle: cheating

Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.

Smurfing means using an account with rating much lower than player’s true strength, thus it reduces the team rating, meaning the smurfs will meet opponent with lower rank than intended, thus, it is an act of dishonesty for an unfair advantage.

Even if it determines your skill “very quickly” smurfs are still ruining so many game in the meantime. When I’m struggling to to climb out of silver because I consistently play against smurfs that should be in diamond or platinum, I don’t care how fast it is when every other game has an unfair advantage

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Smurfing is completely cheating and COMPLETELY RUINING THE GAME.
Is there a way deal with it, prolly not cause the business wants the money from the new account purchase. That being said, to all those Smurfs out there. You are absolutely TRASH people, with no sense of fair play. Enjoy ruining the game.

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