Smurfing is cheating, change my mind

I have multiple accounts. Do I count as multiple persons now?

You are deluded.

Who doesent? Especially companies.

Isnā€™t that the whole reason to be a company ? The main priority is to make money!! Everything else that follow isā€¦how do we make more money !!! Like do you see charity making videos games ?

Define smurfing, and define cheating. Not all alt accounts are smurfs: if you are legitimately playing unfamiliar heroes/roles at a lower level, thatā€™s just you playing at your level for that hero. A GM tank main can easily be platinum at dps on his alternate account. Heā€™s not throwing, heā€™s just plat at dps while a GM at tank. Same thing if, letā€™s say that tank main is GM at Reinhardt/Orisa/Winston, but has another account where heā€™s diamond on Hog/Dva/Zarya. Heā€™s not throwing.

Smurfing (because apparently most people on the forums donā€™t seem to know what it actually is) is where you have another account and you play at lower levels on heroes that you are not at that level with in order to stomp all over lower ranked players (example: a GM Widow has an account where they play Widow at a plat level in order to snipe plat players). In order to get to maintain that lower level, they would have to cheat. Smurfing IN THAT CONTEXT involves throwing, and the person can be banned for the throwing.

Also, for the love of God, can you stop whining about smurfs. They are not the reason you are in your rank. YOU are the reason youā€™re stuck in your rank!

No. In order to maintain that lower level they would have to throw. Throwing is ā€œgame play sabotageā€ not ā€œcheatingā€.

You would be right. I should have edited more carefully.

exactly right with your definition, and I donā€™t think one person here has mentioned that smurfs are the reason they are being kept down. The problem is smurfs in general are complete douches they are rude often rank shame pretty much always say EZ etc . I donā€™t care about my rank infact I was hard stuck in gold from s3 to when Hammond came out and now im mid plat to almost diamond. I am just happy to maintain plat although I am trying to get to diamond, its incredibly frustrating to come up against a smurf as its just unfun and unfair, I also hate when I have a smurf on my team too for the same reason. infact I detest smurfs seriously hate them


I agree, smurfs are annoying when encountered (just like most toxic people in general). I brought up the issue of people blaming smurfs for the reason theyā€™re in their rank because I feel thatā€™s where a lot of anger towards them stems from (at least among a great many players).

I also just feel that while smurfs definitely exist and are jerks (at least the ones on the enemy team haha), theyā€™re not that prevalent. In order for an average plat player to have smurfs in a large portion of their ranked games, virtually every single GM and Masterā€™s player would have to be smurfing in plat (largely due to the fact that GM and Masterā€™s altogether account for only 4% of the OW ranked population, whereas plat accounts for greater than 25%).

I do fully understand, I hate it when I have to deal with a smurf on the enemy team. However, Iā€™d say out of the 20 or so most recent matches Iā€™ve played, I can only recall maybe one or two smurfs total.

Iā€™m not sure, ask Jeff :thinking:

its weird for me its the other way around I havenā€™t had any all week then this weekend was like I was playing Gargamels revenge.

To visualise it this week I had a game where both teams had 1 point the last round on KOTH both teams went into 99% ot and we were fighting for the point for ages I mean never before have I seen it last this long it was awesome , tense and stressful we lost but its proably the most fun ive had in OW when the games balanced its just out of this world . With smurfs its never like that in my eyes anyway

Why would I ask Jeff?

ā€œI have multiple accounts. Do I count as multiple persons now?ā€

Because I donā€™t have the anwer to that question. Whether Jeff means 40 million accounts or 40 million unique players when he says that they have 40 million players.

Uneven matches arenā€™t even typically the result of smurfs. Sure, they can be, but you could have matches that are fully populated with gold border accounts and get the same feeling of ā€œwow, that guy is carrying, heā€™s too good, I canā€™t do anything.ā€ The game just lends itself to that, even if everyone is equally skilled.

you are right ofcourse, however if you get a smurf you are guaranteed that it will be uneven one way or anouther. Look at it this way the smurf player is deliberately causing this unevenness

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Sure, but Iā€™d argue a lot of smurf accusations are false strictly because of this idea. Iā€™ve been called a smurf WAY more times than I shouldā€™ve been before I got to silver border. Meanwhile, here I am, still in the same rank they said I was smurfing in. The guys I typically play with get the same treatment. Playing well for one round on widow/mccree/tracer = smurfing to most people. I agree that smurfing is a problem, but I donā€™t think itā€™s as pervasive as people suggest.

Ikr. Prolly a slip, I highly doubt they have 40m unique players and if they do, they most likely are not active all.

if in a tournament enviroment (like contenders) putting a owl player in would absolutely considered cheating but ladder isnt a sport.

OWL players go to and from Contenders all the time. They even have two-way contracts where they play in OWL and Contenders at the same time (just a limited amount of games). It isnā€™t cheating to be better than other players at the game.

if a already made contenders team puts a owl player in their game when he is already signed it would be cheating, i should have said open division though as it would be a better comparison.

I mean, itā€™s against the rules to be on two teams at once, I suppose. If Sinatraa was dropped from OWL though (wonā€™t be, but just for example), he could jump on whatever Contenders team he wanted and play there. I donā€™t see how thatā€™s cheating.