Small Mercy buffs

oh you mean bein toxic x3

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Cooldown time you mean?

She also had 2 insta rezzes back then

I think what would be nice is if during her ult she could instantly use the ability and move around after and have the rezzed person be guarenteed to be rezzed, but the person being rezzed would take a couple seconds before actually spawning in again

I think people don’t realize that half of her kit is barely used (pistol, damage boost). That’s why I suggested a small buff to her pistol. I think her damage boost needs a rework as well but I have no suggestions.


Mercy could stand to use some buffs.

Better nerf Brig /s.

Half of her kit is barely used because now it takes more time to heal, so yeah…
The only buff i want is a buff to Valk: main beam with higher hps than chains. This could increase a value of Valk.


Give us the same thing with the damage-boost beam (primary target gets a big boost, chained targets get smaller boosts), and reduce the duration of the ult so that it’s more powerful and more dynamic, rather than being long and fairly non-interactive. Beyond that, I don’t really think there’s anything she needs.
Maybe a buff to her base healing from 50 to 55, but I think I’d be satisfied if we just got this Valk change

This all sounds fine. Would be good changes for her

“Small” Mercy buffs.

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Wait, where’d you hear about the devs’ plans? :o


There was a forum thread where Geoff answered some user questions. Someone asked about possible buffs to Mercy.

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Oh right, I forgot about that… thank you!

These aren’t small.
A small buff would be like “beam doesn’t break on casting Valkyrie” or “Valkyrie movement speed slightly increased”.
These are medium sized, at least.

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