Small Mercy buffs

Hi guys,

It sounds like the devs are considering buffing Mercy for the next PTR. Here are a few suggestions from an experienced Mercy player:

Caduceus blaster

  • Slighly increase bullet projetile speed

OK this might sound strange to some people. Why buff Mercy’s pistol when she barely uses it? I can’t speak for all Mercy players, but I try to use my pistol as much as possible. Call me crazy, but if I know im in a safe position to rez, I actually stop healing and help my teammate score a kill with my pistol and even if they die I just rez. I think the damage is fine; my only gripe with it is the bullets are insanely sluggish. Given that Mercy’s healing isn’t so great anymore compared to other supports, a small buff to her damage output will allow her to contribute to her team in other ways. Oh and please do not tell me “well Mercy is a pacifist so that goes against her character” bc thats the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.


  • Remove Resurrect cast time during Valkyrie (perhaps increase charge time to compensate)

Lots of people complain that her ult is useless and boring. While I disagree that her ult is useless, my biggest issue is having to stop healing to rez - which could end up causing the team to wipe. This buff will allow her ult to be more impactful during team fights and encourage active gameplay instead of just flying to the top of the screen and holding down the heal button…

I think the buffs I suggested are fairly reasonable and will not make Mercy OP in any way, but I’d like to hear from you all especially fellow Mercy mains. :slight_smile:


inb4 Mercy is fine and you’re not allowed to talk about her >:(


Mercy is fine and you’re not allowed to talk about her >:(


People will always talk about mercy despite the fact that she’s fine.


I think I have enough hours on her to give a credible opinion :blush:


I believe there was a patch that Mercy can res instantly during Valk right? But she was OP so they nerf her

I would prefer Mercy to be immortal during the actual cast time rather than having a free ressurect.

At least she could get interrupted.

That won’t happen. We don’t need Mercy being a must pick. If she was immortal you couldn’t kill her.

I swear these threads. Mercy fine.

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I really want some Mercy buffs. Like 60hps back and less cast time on the ress :l


Mercy is fine.

Now gimme that projectile speed buff… for self defense purposes. I promise.

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Will :clap: you :clap: guys :clap: stop :clap: asking :clap: for :clap: Mercy :clap: buffs?

Especially on rez. Ffs they’re never gonna change the cast time on rez, with or without Valkyrie. Deal with it.


Oh you mean you want her to be op again


There are definitely some places where I’d tweak Mercy a bit, but Rez isn’t one of them. Rez is perfect the way it is. I would only ask for an insta-Rez on Valk if Valk’s duration was significantly shorter (which is actually something I’d consider in exchange for various other tweaks to the ult).

What one might consider fine, if it’s a genuine opinion and not one mostly biased on something like fear of Mercy being overpowered again like she was at the start of her terrible rework, where others might not consider it fine, is somewhat subjective. However, there’s plenty of points around on the forum to suggest that her abilities still need looking at, as well as ‘on fire’ being well below average which suggests her individual impact is pretty below par compared to other main healers in the game.

I wouldn’t say she needs buffs, personally, however I would say that her abilities or kit in general needs a bit of a re-think. Resurrect is a pretty powerful ability, for a standard unearned ability, so much that it has to pretty much self-stun Mercy for nearly two seconds in a generally fast paced match and can also make the ability fairly suicidal to use. Honestly I don’t feel it fits in Mercy’s kit at this time, it either needs to be replaced or somehow moved back to an earned ability with some risk to it (e.g. if you die you lose any charge you gained on it). Then we could look at lifting some of the restrictions on it, such as cast time reduction and/or ability to use pistol/heal/damage boost while casting.


Mercy player here. Rez should ALWAYS have a cast time. Once you bring back instant-rez, it throws her kit balance out of the window, even if it’s only in ult.

I’d be way happier with a second charge during Valk again, or some sort of minor cooldown reduction.


Remove the slow you receive while reviving (both in and out of Valkyrie) and I would genuinely be fine with her current state

I agree that Mercy does need some… honestly I’d say power shifts rather than buffs.

However those two buffs aren’t particularly good. The first one won’t help much. The second one is incredibly unlikely to happen. I’m pretty sure the Devs do not want most of Valkyrie’s power to come from how it effects Resurrect.

What I’d rather she got was something like this.

Because she isn’t.

Take Mccree for instance.

So, they decide to rework him, and put single target deadeye as an ‘e’ ability with a lowish cooldown on him, and an ult which lets him roll around the map as much as he likes.

The problem is now he is WAY too strong. So they nerf his gun and flashbang to near uselessness until he is about right for win rates.

His win rates are fine because deadeye as a cooldown ability is crazy strong, but, he goes from one of the most picked heroes (due to his game play) to a shadow of his former self, because they WERE playing him for his gunplay, which is now bad.

That would be bad right? People would say they ruined the hero, and ask for the old McCree back, but here is the kicker, his win rates are ok…

So would you dismiss them so quickly?


Buff the heal/s of Valk and trade the rez for something useful who don’t need a dead body.
That all I ever ask.

This thread wont get the feedback you want OP. People fear Mercy op like the boogeyman for kids. Any talk of rez being modified to be better will be shot down, same with hps increase. Let’s just see what the devs will do. this forum is too toxic for constructive mercy talks, because everyone’s opinion is more important and invalidates everyone else.