Small Mei nerf?

OW is not a 1v1 game, and neither Zarya nor Orisa should ever be facing a 1v1 since they are not Dive tanks or flankers. The problem here, buddy, is that you are trying to create a fictitious scenario so that you can try to force your logic into working.

The occasional 1v1s those characters would face are due to a failure either in their gameplay or in their team’s gameplay. And even in those situations, both heroes have a big upper hand on Mei, since both of those heroes can ignore her freezing ray

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As a Mei main with well over 200 hours on her, I can offer some perspective.

Mei is currently in a pretty good position and doesn’t need any real buffs or nerfs, just bug fixes. Her job is to off-tank for her team while punishing bad teamwork.

If you were caught and killed by a Mei, you were most likely either out of position and Mei saw you as an easy target or Mei was out of position and your team was too oblivious to see and focus her down.

By far the easiest way to kill a Mei is to force out her cooldowns and sic more than one person on her. A Mei going up against more than one person is a dead Mei, a Mei without her cooldowns is a dead Mei, and a Mei not near her team is 8/10 times a dead Mei.

Also, hint: the two things I hate the most as Mei are barriers (especially if there’s an Orisa or Zarya with it) and Reaper.

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I think that the recent buff to his main weapon is too much. She does too much damage and should be reverted.

I really don’t think that the hero who averages the least damage of all of the dps heroes is doing “too much damage.”


Well, the others don’t freeze enemies, build walls and heal themselves while being unattackable though. :slight_smile:

well, maybe hammond shouldn’t be able to spin around pillar for an unlimited time

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Maybe consider picking another tank in the roster, like Wiston who can jump pack away at a moments notice, or Zarya who can bubble herself and friendlies out of Mei’s clutch

I think Sombra is a worse counter than Mei for Hammond. He is nothing without being able to even roll. At least you can escape from Mei gun or avoid her. You can’t with Sombra.

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Hold on hold on hold on. Let’s apply this sort of logic to some other characters. This will be fun.

Reaper - “Well, the others can’t teleport while jumping and run around at increased speed while being unattackable though.”

Tracer - “Well, the others can’t blink around or rewind themselves through time negating everything that was just done to them though.”

Pharah - “Well, the others can’t stay in the air for literally the entire match and fly in areas that no other hero can reach, though.”

Soldier - “Well, the others can’t sprint forever for 50% increased movement speed and heal themselves and anyone on their team for 40hps though.”



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What you did was just describing her kit.
This is unique to her.

What? You want Mei to have the same kit as Hammond?

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omg, I was just suggesting to make her as it was before the recent buff because I find the damage/freeze combo a bit too much powered right now. It doesn’t seem that weird of an opinion to me…

Except that even after the buff which you are suggesting be reverted, and after the buff to her freeze ray, Mei is still a pretty underpowered hero and is tied for the fourth least picked overall right now. She’s far from “too much powered” at the moment.


This combo has limited range and takes time. Mei has ZERO movement bonuses. SHe has standart move speed. So, unless you let Mei get close to you, she can’t.

A lot of heroes in this game have some kind of mobility option that lets them get away and gain range as soon as they start being frozen. At range Mei has quite low DPS and mediocre damage unless headshots. With delay time on shots on a projectile weapon.

In short - no, she is not too powerful. And this combo is easy to avoid.


Ok, let’s give her Tracer’s bling and widow’s range then. lol

Tracer’s blink doesn’t make sense for her kit and would indeed make Mei overpowered. She would be inescapable.

She technically has Widowmaker’s range on her icicle, which is fair since it’s a projectile that comes out on a delay rather than hitscan and doesn’t do as much damage.


Well, Mei

  • doesn’t turn invisible (Sombra, Reaper in the upcoming patch)
  • doesn’t teleport, blink or dash (neither forward not backward) (Genji, Reaper, Tracer, Sombra, Symmetra)
  • doesn’t lifesteal (Reaper)
  • doesn’t histscan (Soldier, Tracer, etc)
  • doesn’t heal others (Soldier, Sombra)
  • doesn’t have a moving speed bonus (Soldier, Sombra, Torb)
  • doesn’t grip herself from things to move from A to B in less time (Widow)
  • has to choose between firing as soon as you press the button or firing at range (any other character)
  • doesn’t boop (Pharah, Junkrat, Doomfist, Ashe)
  • doesn’t have extra jumping abilities (Ashe, Junkrat, Genji, Hanzo, Doomfist)
  • doesn’t wallclimb (Genji, Hanzo)
  • doesn’t stun (McCree)
  • doesn’t knockup (Doomfist, Junkrat, Soldier, Bastion)
  • her CDs don’t reset (Genji)
  • doesn’t fly (Pharah)
  • doesn’t move while invulnerable (Reaper)
  • doesn’t hack (Sombra)
  • doesn’t set towers (Torb, Symm)
  • doesn’t have a scope (Widow, Ashe)
  • doesn’t have any other movement skill, sad as it may be (McCree)
  • doesn’t have insta-reload (McCree)

And I’m not even touching on tanks and healers here. All those abilities I mentioned are within the dps category, and I’m sure I’m missing several, since this was not a comprehensive list but something of the top of my head.

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I was being sarcastic in case you didn’t notice…
I still remain convinced that her freezing ability should give a bit less damage (not that she overall is overpowered, which I never said) considering that in the meantime she’s blocking you and you will not be able to defend or escape.

Her freeze is a stun.

Does vertical movement with Icewall count?

But still, nice list. :+1:

Why? Her freeze ray’s damage is already low. It’s 55 damage per second. Reaper, Mei, Bastion, Doomfist, Brigitte, and Torb are all non tanks who survive a freeze and icicle headshot combo, as do any heroes with less health than them who are overhealed with a repair pack or defensively buffed with a nanoboost.

And not only is it very low damage, it’s only got a ten meter range. It doesn’t even reach twice as far as Brigitte’s flail, that’s how short its range is.

Oh, and while it functions a lot like a Zarya or Sym beam in terms of what can and can’t block it, it’s actually harder to hit, because it has travel time instead of just having a solid hitbox, meaning Mei has to be constantly leading her target with the freeze ray.