Small Mei nerf?

The slow has lingered even after the beam wasn’t connecting with the target since launch.

Mei has way too much utility, for sure.

Her ult is the size of a whole control point, her right click is as strong as anyone not named Hanzo or Widow with just as much range, her left click requires no skill or thought other than hold it down with great reward for doing so, her wall has so many uses on a short CD, and she gets two lives with ice block.

I don’t agree with OP though. Counters should exist. She should be able to negate reckless dives, and people should expect to swap based on that counter.

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Yeah but they increased how long it lingers for.

I mean, I wouldn’t call her OP, but she certainly is another “low skill = high reward” hero (in the most part), whose playstyle is so heavily reliant on all this TERRIBLE CC that playing against her is extremely frustrating.

I would personally would like her freezing abilities to be removed altogether and be replaced with another form of dealing constant damage, but I guess that all Mei mains will be like “nOw ShE Is NoT MeI AnYmORe! wHaT HaVe yOu NoObz DoNe?!”

'Cause I guess the community prefers having an objectively worse game than changing a problematic character a bit…


I’m sorry you feel that way, but there’s nothing low skill about nailing someone with an icicle to the forehead.


I’ll say this last thing, since this entire thread is useless (people who still insist on Mei being OP are not gonna listen to logic or empirical evidence):

The one and only problem Mei has (diregarding a few minor bugs and glitches) is that she seems simple enough to play, but she’s not pew-pew. Mei, as a utility character, is not idiot-friendly. If an idiot on your team picks Mei either you are screwed, and she’ll Ice Wall every single one of your Self-Destructs, or she’ll be entirely useless. If an idiot sees a semi-capable Mei in front of them, they won’t grasp how to handle her, and will QQ about her being broken.

We all know and love the meme, Mei is actually a demon. We all cursed at her when trying to escape her freezing grasp. Hell, when I play against a Mei I usually focus her; not because her output is huge, not because she’s impossible to avoid/kill, but because of the utility and synergy her kit brings to a team. And because once she burnt her cryo she’s a sitting duck with the hitbox of 4 Tracers put together.

And for all of you, people who won’t grasp how to handle Mei, her CC is the only one that’s avoidable after she connected the hit. Do you complain about not being able to get away from MaCree’s Fan the Hammer after he stunned you? Do you complain about not being able to avoid being dragged by Hog’s hook after it landed on your face? Do you complain about not being able to ignore Orisa’s Halt or Zarya’s Grav pull and remain standing were you were? Do you complain about not being able to jump out of Rein’s Charge? Or to glide back after Lucio’s/Pharah’s/Brig’s boops? Do you complain about not having a button which can cancel Sombra’s hacks?

If you answered yes to any of that questions, you are an idiot. If your answer is no, then, why on Earth you insist on having the one CC character who cannot instantly CC you, who has to track you perfectly for 1.5 secs, or not perfectly for more time, at a really short range, to get nerfed? Because she has it as her main skill instead of a CD? That’s why it’s not instant, that’s why it can be negated, avoided, or even body-blocked


Mhm. Mhm. I’m sure the fourth least picked character in the game, who has been underpowered and underused for the game’s entire lifespan, is very problematic for you.



It is more of a problem with Grapple and Roll than it is with Mei’s LMB, good players know how to use Hammond’s hitbox againt him by body blocking his Grapple out. I think Roll needs a hit registry with 0 damge and ~Reinhardt hammer displacement to make the ability a more consistent escape mechanic.

Otherwise Mei is fairly manageable, as long as you don’t feed with Piledriver you canvuse the rest of your movement to outmaneuver her and just let your DPS clean her up. The problem with running a Mei or Sombra as a hard counter to Hammond is that you get to run 2xsniper and punish their crappy DPS pick. The issue is more that your DPS are not capitalizing on it.

Also as Hammond a lot of the time all you have to do is be the bait, if you roll thru the choke, draw out wall, go to the point to contest and force them to chase you then a huge amount of work has been done.

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she has, but there is a fresh new wall built between them

apply this

when you get walled off, then mei slides on you shooting, you’ll get destroyed fortify or not, by the enemy team, that’s why blizzard nerfed her wall recently btw.

if you’re talking 1v1s then mei will bait fortify, cryo, then freez, shoot, wall her feet up, jump around orisa (making it harder to land what you seem to think is an aimbot orisa) freez, shoot again kill, i’ve done, and i’ve received it.

and while it’s active, mei is untargettable.
once again apply the wall power and the untargettable advantage.
just to make it clear to you, this discussion is useless since blizzard stated that mei is ment to be a DUELIST a hero that cant be 1v1ed, so zarya goes into mei, mei jumps around freezing her, walls zarya off, for a nother freez, ofc uses cryo to outplay bubble.

and you are ignoring, that mei has a wall she can use to gain vertical advatnage, throw the enemy’s aim, and block them from retreating, (in the context of a 1v1 which seems to be the context of your arguments) giving plenty of headshot opportunities for mei, sure winston has a bubble, mei has two abilities she can expend to waste the bubble while using one to gain the advantage over the tanks healthpoools

they continued to nerf her because she was exremly overpowered, she had the ability to beat pro player rein mains, in a comp centered around landing a shieldbash on a rein for a shatter.
she was so broken, even the tank who was ment to wall his team off and advance against everything in the game had to flee from her.

i’m sorry but this statement you just made, made clear that you aren’t a competitive player, correct me if am wrong, but you only play for your own fun.

Brigitte is still a very strong pick even in 222.
maybe you should try out competitive with w friends to see how much of an asset she can be to your team, but sure you cant flank and 1v1 anything with 0 skill anymore which is unfun to casuals.

goats is meta.
people try to replicate it, and whenever someone goes off meta they get harrassed to switch.

i main tanks, i recently got up to plat running mostly rein zarya / hammond winston, and whenever a team starts to be dominated, they switch to mei and reaper, and we get utterly destroyed because of her wall.
forcing us to addapt by switching to a poke damage comp.

mei just like so many proplayers stated is a very strong sleeper pick, that could be op on ladder if people plyed her properly.

but for me she’s boring to play and a cancer to play against so i rarely play her myself (only if no one can flew to her)

here we go again, stating that something is stupid with no real reasoning in a civil discussion.

i think all through what i wrote i answered this statement.

everything based of * why isnt she meta ? if she is strong *
can be resumed to this:
mei and moira are heros who hard counter a huge chunk of the heros, but at organised play can easily get wasted, a simple exmple:

mei walls off rein shoot 4th block, and boom mei is useless.
this coordination cant work i’d say down diamond maybe? at plat it sure doesnt work.

another reason is the low skill ceiling, sure you can get some nice outplays with mei and moira, but they dont go further diamond since at that level team coordination and value is more important, two things mei and moira respectivly cant go through, making mei and moira frustrating heros who cant be climbed with, making them two awfully designed heros, that are ment for a minority of players to have fun with while the rest of the playerbase hates them, labeling them as troll picks just like symmetra.

and about brigitte: britte was so overpowered she broke the game, she could single handedly destoy any composition and any hero which wouldnt be so dramatic if she requried any skill, but just like mei and moira she’s a babywheels hero, requires little to no skill to pickup. (no mei’s wall requires no skill to pickup it requires team coordination to use, which is something you only aqquire with friends or on plat diamond).

i think i made myself clear with this long post

tl dr: if you (not LaSaia but a plyer in general) just in this game for fun, i dont see why the devs should update the game to suit you because you will leave no matter what at somepoint, while the dedicated fans who tryhard to get good and climb, will keep playing until they lose hope of seeing their game improve over time, stuff like moira brig only deteriorate the quality of the game, and even thou mei was there from the get go, she’s just as bad of a hero as the others i just called up, and the right thing to do from blizz would be to rework her to be less of a toxic nuisance for the sake of the players first
even if that means that the casuals will leave the game ( because they hate change -> change forces them to spend more time learining and not having fun) but casuals will come and go, only the hardcore fanbase will stay.
have a nice day

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So you’re saying that a tank got isolated from their team in this situation and killed by the entire enemy team? Sounds to me like they got outplayed and it’s just good team play against the Orisa.

Apply it? I have. Several times.

Again. If a tank is isolated from their team, they got outplayed. If the enemy team is playing properly around the Mei and help her kill the Orisa, it’s just good team play.

Orisa projectiles aren’t hard to land, bud. Especially in close range. She also has a barrier to dance around, and can Halt the Mei away from her and into a position where she’s easy to shoot. Mei flat out loses if she goes in to freeze a decent Orisa in a 1v1.

Yes and while Mei is in her ice block, she’s not doing damage, either.

Winston jumps in at Mei and drops his bubble on her. They both start shooting at each other at the same time. Even provided Mei manages to freeze Winston, he’s gonna win the dps race twice. And if and when Mei is shooting the bubble, she’s not shooting Winston.

When I still played, I was absolutely a competitive player. And a better one than you, it looks like, because I had no trouble dealing with Brigitte or Mei. :slight_smile:

GOATS isn’t meta on ladder. In fact, Brigitte is the least picked healer in the game overall. And Mei has been consistently underpowered and underused on ladder for the entirety of this game’s lifespan.

Here we go again, not actually refuting my reasoning as to why it is a stupid argument.

I already quit the game because of the catering to crybaby casuals like yourself who would rather scream for nerfs instead of adapt. The fact of the matter is that in this thread, you are calling for nerfs to a character that is practically nonexistent and has never been a strong pick outside of maybe quick play and low ranks. You claim to be a competitive player, and yet you are complaining about a hero that shouldn’t even be a problem for you if you truly are playing competitively.

As for the “fanbase will stay” comment. That’s honestly up for debate. I’ve quit the game. Countless other people have quit the game. The playerbase is in pretty steady decline. Viewership is also in steady decline. Last night there were more people watching GTA V roleplay than there were watching Overwatch during OWL. And that’s after people like Sodapoppin and xQc already quit streaming GTA roleplay.

As you’ve wasted a good amount of my time just repeating yourself and talking around my points rather directly than addressing them, completely ignored one of my points, and keep coming back with a combative and inflammatory manner, trying to insult and act as though you’re superior with your “you’re not a competitive player…I’m a competitive player” stuff, I’m not going to be responding to you anymore, either. It’s pretty clear to me that you can’t and won’t actually try to have a proper discussion, and that when you can’t actually refute points, you resort to condescension.

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the crybaby i am actually have a 24 hero pool, i tried my best since brig came out to adapt but she was an unstoppable force that hopefully got nerfed.

now look at it through my point of view, you only play easy heros, you’re not interseted in ranked mode and learning other heros, why would the game adapt to you? since you’re only interested in having your own fun, not caring about the best one wins (sports) aspect, the game you’re describing seems to be the likes of tf2, a game where you just run around doing whatever you want, yet that’s not how the game was sold to me, and that’s not how the game is marketted.

hopefully the game will go f2p, the competitive aspect takes over, and braindead heros gets removed, since you, just like i said it, will end up quitting, because the majority of the players couldnt addapt to the changes that allowed you to have fun with little to no input.

and btw
jeff said he didnt care about the forums hitbox, they nerfed brig because of her stats on the owl.

and while i’m at it, you shouldnt watch btc.

have a nice day.

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What? This description perfectly matches Junkrat.

It’s natural if you’re a pheasant that can’t use it, if used corretly it can give an huge advantage for teammates

I was going to write a big post, but then I remember my last one. I’m truly gone. All of your scenarios are mostly false, and would only be achievable with extremely bad team play. Guess what? You deserve to be killed in those scenarios, though in most you sadly won’t unless your tracking sucks, in which case, you should’t play Zarya at all (there’s a reason why at pro level those playing Zarya also play Tracer) and to a lesser extend, you shouldn’t play Orisa either.

All of this nonsense reminds me of another thread, which claimed Widowmaker’s ult needed to be reworked (to a pew-pew, boom-boom, bang-bang ult) because it was useless and only helped her alone in something she allegedly didn’t need help. Clearly these people are in the same level of “having no idea of how a skill works” of that guy

cough defense hero cough, cough.

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Switch if you can’t handle a counter, that is my suggestion


I love how one thread has Hammond as being too oppressive and one thread as Hammond is too weak because of a counter XD

Working as intended…if Hammond didn’t have a counter, he’d be broken.

If Mei starts to slow you, quickly grapple on the nearest wall and fling yourself in her direction. Most Meis will expect you to go in the opposite direction and wall you off. But if you do this right, you’ll go right past her, knocking her away, and can hopefully get away yourself.

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ok, it seems like you guys in this post can track someone jumping behind you spamming damage on you, ok, fortify and she cryo, what can you do ? wait for her? to then freez you, wall her feet up to land a second headshot and freez you again for the kill? because this is what i do when i play mei, and up to plat it seems to work pretty good, now on zarya it’s about the same thing with less damage then orisa.

in a team fight walling off a tank is a won teamfight, now if you’re gonna tell me you got outplayed hiding and walling off requires no skill, it has no counterplay, and it makes you dependant of your team just like hack, this is what it’s ment for.

unless you can provide me visual proof other then just dont play tanks then dont bother responding, because i wont.


  1. If you are a tank, she is behind you, and you are alone, your positioning sucks and you deserve the freezing death.
  2. In your scenario she already used her wall to isolate you from your team
  3. You can halt her away from you and into your aim
  4. If during the time she freezes you twice (+ fortify if you haven’t been baited into wasting it) after she have used her ice-cube you cannot burn her 250 HP pool with Orisa on close range, you should consider playing a different hero.
  5. If you don’t want to engage her, as soon as she gets into cryo you walk away.

As for Zarya, her output of damage in INSANE! if played correctly. Add her short time immunity to Mei’s abilities, and you have a dead Mei.

You could make an argument for Reinhardt, but that’s it. The guy needs to chose to hit or defend himself, and his defence is flawed in close quarters. He could, perhaps, charge away, but that’s it. Orisa and Zarya, the other two non-mobile tanks, can shield themselves while burning Mei. And Winston, D.Va and Hammond, if troubled, can retreat and re-engage with ease.

As for you being dependant on your team to counter her kit, you are entirely right. You are dependant on your team to win Overwatch matches. So?

And I’d be happier if you had stopped responding long ago. Everything you said is nonsensical, built upon false premises, and giving Mei player Masters level skill pitched in front of a Bronze player who’s never even played an fps or any arena-themed game before jumping into playing a tank in OW, and who entirely ignores their kits: according to you Orisa/Zarya player won’t have a chance of landing one shot because Mei just jumps around, they won’t press any button but LMB (and occasionally Shift, while in both cases their RMB can be used to put distance between them and Mei, for example) and Mei won’t miss one tick of her freezing ray of slow death, while masterfully utilising her entire kit; that’s just moronic.

Certainly agree with that, but it’s an ability that in - game, at least in lower/mid ranks is used in exactly two situations:

  1. Spam
  2. An easy headshot after your poor victim has been frozen :tired_face:

So, yeah. Pretty much almost everything “high skill” about her secondary fire is overshadowed by all of the above (at least where I play).

ok so we have a problem here buddy, we’re confusing team fights and solo 1v1, maybe we should restart the argument only talking about teamfights?