Small Mei nerf?

Well ten meter is a nice distance, isn’t it? If you want you can make it 11 but from my perspective her freeze ray was fine one month ago. Maybe a less delayed icicle would have been good? Idk but freeze/damage combo today could be a bit more forgiving.

And thank god you need some skill to target the enemy…

Ten meters is a very short distance. As stated, it’s not even twice the distance of Brigitte’s melee.

A month ago, the freeze ray did 55 damage per second. Just like it does today.

The freeze and icicle combo is not high damage, either, and every character who it is capable of killing either have an escape option, a way of killing Mei in the time it takes her to freeze them, or both. It’s more than fair.

Mei averages the least damage of any hero in the dps category. Even if we ignore the fact that she’s underpowered and doesn’t need any nerfs, damage is the last place that people should be looking to nerf Mei.

Not a chance. I worked hard for those golden pistols!

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For the first time Mei is fine and people directly cry for nerfs sigh

Her primary fire has been increased from 45 to 55 in the patch one month ago. That’s what we are talking about since yesterday saying the same things over and over.

I don’t cry, I cried when my dog died but now I’m fine (but I still miss him)

Could have sworn it used to be 55. If not, I stand corrected. It’s still not a lot of damage, and isn’t enough to put her over in terms of being high damage or even moderate damage. She’s still the lowest average damage of all the dps heroes.

Mei a tank xDD.
Oke Meiby a little bit but she never gonna get to be rebranded lmaoo!

he is in dog-heaven with my dog Syra, don´t worry :slight_smile:

I think the freeze ray after effect needs to be shortened.
For example if a Mei accidentally touches you with it you get slowed down for too long and she has time to get back on you.

Either that or take longer to start slowing you down.

It’s a stun over time. Change my original comment to “doesn’t insta-stun” then


Mei is a fine spot rn.
So is Wrecking Ball.
Her damage buff is pretty dang useful and it’s best to keep her in that iteration right now.


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