Small Mei nerf?

As I said, I really wish I could test this out, because in all other cases and with other heroes it just feels like it flows great and like one would expect.

And I see you’re saying it’s simply done in custom game, but I never even tried to use bots other than in the event, so… Honestly I have no idea how.

Thank you for saying this however. I’m glad somebody actually agrees with me in the way I hoped many would.
Tons of people see “nerf Mei” and go for instant hate without even trying to understand my point.
I guess it’s my fault for calling it a nerf instead of a change or fix.

I know this is bad from me to ask, but… If it really is that easy in the bot game, could you possibly try it or explain me how to do it myself?
I’m Googling it and can’t find anything close to what I need…

Oh no you DON’T.

You yourself do not get to pick a literal ball of CC as a character and then complain that another CC stops you from CCing the enemy. You toss me around like a pinball? Well I’ll freeze you dead and put a 20 bullets in you next time you try.


Perfectly balanced as all things should be… :laughing:

But this only based on feelings.
Having proof helps.

If you have a software like Shadowplay or OBS can you record your gameplay. Maye saving highlights could work as well. You could then even edit the video to add timers and such.

Here is an example of mine:

I posted this video on Reddit and on the forums.

It became the highest upvoted post I have ever posted on reddit (with a multiple platinum medals and gold medals) and there were even news article of it. The next PTR patch had this fixed and right now is it working properly on the live version of the game. This bug got fixed in less than 2 weeks.

That’s why I think it’s important to have proof.
It can help the devs in identifying the problem and fix it.


  • In custom games do you add 1 bot. A mei bot,
  • In hero setting do you disable her abilities and her secondary fire.
  • You can also give her unlimited ammo, but this would only give you less chance to catch some breaths during the testing.
  • You then play all the heroes you want to test with. You can even change the cooldowns of their abilities for better testing.

This I how I did it in the past.
This is a great example of this:

In this video did I wanted to highlight that self slow is being stacked with slows of other heroes.

(Like I said, I like to find inconsistencies and bugs.)


Thank you very much! I will try my best with this and…
I think this community needs more people like you.
If I manage to find out what’s the case, I will leave a comment here. If it isn’t just my feelings, but actually a bug of some sort, I will try to get a video done and… Well leave it here as well :smiley: .

You’re great <3

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Thanks :blush:

I will look forward to your video.
I’m curious if this really is a bug or not.
Good luck with the video :+1:

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No thank you, I like torturing those little rodents. Slam and try running away again, I dare you.

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mei can use her wall to wall her off her team for a free kill and cryo herself to avoid getting killed
mei can also jump around her dealing damage until she dies, just like most dps heros, until u realise that mei has 250hp and can cryo while fortify is active till time’s up and she kills the orisa

and mei’ cryfreez and wall and freez hardcounter zarya on a shorter cooldown

and thus
winston is being useless

of course but she has 250 hp it would take him way too long to kill her, when his bubble would go down, he’d just feed and leave.

to get frozen again or die without his cooldowns

and she can straight out click on shift to not die and then proceed to kill him, are you one of those who think he hard counters brigitte?

that’s why brig got nerfed ? because everyone else then you is stupid? if i showed you a video of a top 500 tank main explaing you that mei counters tanks, would you believe him? mei is off meta because she has a big hitbox and in an organised game can be outplayed but on ladder she hardcounters every tank.
you kinda tilted me with this

i’ll just leave because i dont want to get tilted.
have a good day

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wich you need todo brain head :smiley:

Mei’s unfun to play against is the problem in first place, creating a char thats only frustrating for everyone, your team and the enemie team. Her Wall should get outright removed, it’s only disabling anyone in the game, besides her.

Mei is designed to be a hard counter to Wrecking Ball… or rather I should say Wrecking Ball was intentionally designed to be hard countered by Mei. If you can’t get away from her death range, that’s all on you.

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Fun is subjective.

In my opinion are heroes like Genji, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Doomfist, Junkrat and Reinhardt frustrating, but this is not a valid reason to nerf a hero. You are no exception to this.

Yes, Mei can be annoying and dying to her can feel unfun, but she is definitely not unfair or overpowered. She offer counterplay in all of her kit. I honestly believe Mei is one of the heroes who truly punish bad teamplay and out of place players.


And Orisa doesn’t have a team, right? If a tank gets isolated and killed by an entire enemy team, that’s just the enemy team playing better. Plain and simple.

Mei goes on Orisa. Orisa fortifies and starts shooting Mei for 132 damage per second with just body shots. Mei is forced to ice block. Mei comes out of ice block and fortify is over. Mei gets a freeze in over 1.5 seconds, bringing Mei down under half health from Orisa’s 132 damage per second with just body shots. Mei headshots, Orisa thaws out and finishes killing Mei.

Zarya’s barrier is on a two second shorter cooldown than Mei’s ice block. The cooldown for Mei’s ice block also doesn’t start until she comes out of ice block, meaning the more she heals up, the less time she has out of ice block before Zarya’s barrier is off cooldown. In addition, if Mei is forced into ice block or has to wall herself off because Zarya is killing her, Zarya can put distance between herself and Mei. Even on zero energy, Zarya can kill Mei in less than two freezes from outside Mei’s freeze range.

You are completely ignoring that WInston(and the other tanks) have more health and aren’t going to die to a freeze and headshot combo from Mei. In fact, even 250 hp heroes like Reaper and Mei survive the freeze and headshot combo. Winston absolutely wins, and he has all the tools he needs to ensure that Mei has to back off.

Brigitte’s initial nerfs were warranted. They continued to nerf her because of salty players who whined and cried. Brigitte is now in a near unplayable state on ladder because of it.

So explain to me then why, on ladder, where three of the six most picked heroes in the game are tanks, Mei is the fourth least picked hero in the game. I’ll wait.

It is a stupid argument, and I already told you why it is a stupid argument. As you did not refute my reasoning, I’m guessing it is because you cannot refute my reasoning. Go ahead and leave. You honestly probably shouldn’t be having discussions with people on the internet if you’re getting “tilted” over it.

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you cant evade any of her freeze abilities with out coolddowns, it clearly is op. This needs to go. Reduce slow by any freezing by 50%

It isn’t instant. It takes 30 ticks (1.5 seconds or more) to freeze an enemy. This is why it allows counterplay. In those 1.5 seconds (or more) can the player rely on:

  • Mobility (which most heroes has)
  • CC (counter slow CC with fast CC)
  • Invulnerability abilities
  • Raw damage
  • Blocking it with a shield
  • Teammates
  • Cleanse abilities like Zarya’s bubbles.

If you can’t, then you’re getting either outplayed or countered.
This is normal in Overwatch.

See, this is the problem.
You want to balance a hero based on your feelings.

That’s a terrible way to balance heroes.

Can you prove to me that she is op and that the requested nerf is needed?
Do you have stats indicating this?
Anything that can make me, and others (like devs), to agree with you?


I’ll take “Standing more than 10 meters away or behind a barrier” for $1000, Alex.
What is “Shooting Mei in the face during the 1.5 seconds it takes her to freeze you,” Alex?


What is this ‘classify Mei as a Tank’ garbage?

Please do and give her an extra 300 health for her dummy thicc butt.

I’m begging you.

‘Bawww my hyper mobile twitch kiddy hero is countered by someone bawwww’

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i didnt say that its instant, but it’s unavoidable. and no, no mobility in the game gets you out of freeze, only mobility abilites! Bubble isn’t that usefull, its mure usefull to let her freeze and bubble afterwars :wink:

didnt watch OWL lately? or look on winrate of her.

what is pocketing :smiley: how do you write that :smiley:

And that’s the gist of it. It takes about to seconds for Mei to freeze WB. That means WB has 2 seconds to do pretty much whatever he wants. Let’s say, pop up adaptive shield so that Mei’s icecicle(s) (regularly just the one, 2 if timed perfectly) won’t harm him, wait till unfrozen and grapple away almost at full HP. A good mechanical player doesn’t even need to use the shield, since they can insta-grapple and change direction immediately, getting out of Mei’s AoE.

No, she doesn’t

You might have a point there, but then Mei mains could easily argue for Hammond’s head to be icecled when they manage to freeze him, or for a bigger spread of their LMB to compensate for moving speed of the target. It’s worth noting that the only scenario where you might get a point is in that the slow should occur more relatively to your speed, not in the ammount of freezing tick to get frozen.

Aim that needs to be better the faster the enemy is going around

Effectively stopping to counter Orisa

Effectively stopping to counter Zarya

No, he poked Mei into cryo, burning her CD and utility so that the rest of her team can be killed

Or, as said, to kill or leave Mei w/o colldowns

…and then get one-shotted again. One shot is faster than anything else. Even if Mei freezes the Hog, unless he had already taken damage, she won’t kill him due to his immense HP pool. During or after the freezing Hog can kill her

Yes, Mei counters tanks; but she is not a hard counter. He counters anyone that needs to get into her range: Melee characters and space openers. She is certainly not a hard-counter to most of them, and she is certainly not a hard-counter to Orisa, D.Va, Roadhog, Winston, Zarya (who is a hard counter for Mei), or Hammond. An argument could be made for Reinhardt, since he has to choose to try and cover himself or to do damage, but that’s it

Same argument could be made for Genji, Widowmaker, Doomfist, Wreaking Ball, Brigitte, etc.

(*) Orisa halts Mei to the other side of her barrier again. Mei goes on Orisa for a second time.

And how can you evade Orisa’s halt, McCree’s flashbang, Brig’s bash, WB’s piledriving… Not even with cooldowns. So the non-instant, avoidable CC is op, but the instant, non-avoidable ones are ok… interesting reasoning.

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I’m sure it might be a typo, but are you really suggesting that mei can consistently freeze mobile heroes? Try freezing a tracer.
Seriously guys, can we not nerf heroes that have very low pickrates (mei has a 1.32% pick rate for the month according to overbuff)?

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Mobility with a fixed speed and fixed distance can save you.
Having mobility that only affects your base movement speed, such as speed boost and Hammond ball mode can still be affected with slow.

It’s quite useful, especially in Mei’s ultimate.
Not only does it completely removes the freeze, but it also protects the player. It can’t be better than that.

Her pickrate in OWL is quite low. How does this indicates her freeze is OP just like you said?

And her winrate is average, which is good.

Also, don’t forget that winrate can be inflated, especially if the hero has a low pickrate, because this means that the player swap to another hero when they can’t win with the first hero. They usually keep playing those heroes if they are certain to win, resulting in more wins than losses for that hero.

And pickrate alone only indicates how viable a hero is in that rank and/or meta.

This is why you should look at pickrate, winrate and stats to determine if a hero is balanced or not.

So I will ask you again, can you prove to me that Mei’s freeze is OP and is in need of nerfs?

I don’t think you can tbh. I think you just wants her nerfed because you don’t like playing against her. Aka the bad way of balancing.