Small Mei nerf?

But it’s not. Orisa, Zarya, Winston, and Roadhog can all deal with and counter Mei pretty easily. Most of the tanks that she does “counter” have solid options againt her.

Wrecking Ball - He can out range her freeze ray, and has the mobility to stay out of her range. Mei has to rely on Wrecking Ball coming into her range in order to do much to him. If Wrecking Ball does make the mistake of getting too close to Mei, he still escapes for free after unfreezing if his grappling hook is off cooldown. Wrecking Ball’s superior mobility allows him to take an easy positional advantage over Mei. - Again, has tools to out range Mei. Her shotguns arent’ the most effective thing in the world against Mei, but can absolutely pressure with her missiles. If Mei does get close to, can absolutely use her boosters to get away before being frozen or after unfreezing. can also, like Wrecking Ball, use her superior mobility to take a positional advantage.

Reinhardt - Reinhardt is the only tank who truly struggles against Mei, but he only truly struggles against her if he gets caught out by her ice wall pushing through a choke point by himself. Rein can often avoid being frozen by turning his barrier side to side, though, and can sometimes force out an ice block from Mei with a fire strike. If Mei ice blocks near a Rein, he gets a fairly easy charge on her as she’s coming out of ice block.


The only nerf I would give her is when she’s freezing an enemy the turning radius of a character is unaffected. This way people have a chance to fight back and not feel like trudging through thick mud.

This thread is so dumb.

Some heroes hard counter others, that is what the whole game is about.

Next you will be saying that Phara needs a nerf because she is really hard to hit as a junkrat or reaper.


orisa can excape sure, then she puts a wall and she cant anymore

same but same as orisa she can gain some time while mei uses cryo

yes just like he counters brig by escaping and failing to be of any use

she has two abilities that counters his stun, and can stun him off healing and thus hard counter him

just stay out of shield bash range
oh she’s on the point?
well that’s a free defeat
mei is like brig but without the healing and a no cooldown shield, making her a bit more fair, she still hardcounters all tanks

Just not true.

Mei is a hard counter. Sombra is a literal cancel. Junk traps counter hard. Bastion counters hard. McCree flashbang is a death sentence and counters hard. Others can also fare well with team ups.

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I’d like to answer to all the people saying that Mei is a counter to tanks and therefore it’s good it works in this way and that Sombra is much more of a counter and that one shall simply not pick WB against counters…

  1. Sombra is a counter to WB, but in a way it should be. If you play WB for most of the match, get to 65% of your ult and enemy picks Sombra to counter you, then you likely finish charging ult, use it and then repick. Sombra counters WB hard, but it’s just like all other counters in Overwatch, unlike Mei who does it in an unnatural way.

  2. The way Mei works against Rein, Hog and rest of the tanks is great. I have nothing against it, but I’ll try to explain it again.
    When WB puts effort into getting to his maximum speed, Mei’s primary weapon slows him down from that speed to zero in about two seconds.

I have no problem with Mei being a counter and I am certainly not asking for absolute immunity to WB. Let Sombra and Mei be the counters they are meant to be, but it doesn’t feel right for WB to stop so incredibly fast from full speed.

Keep Mei as she is, but there is no harder counter in game than this IMO and since I had it happen many times to me, I know it feels “unnatural” and that’s why I think it’s a glitch.

The game flows great in all other aspects, but I think that Mei’s primary weapon’s slow doesn’t for some reason consider the speed of Hammond’s ball form.

I believe that Genji’s dash ability and Rein’s charge get slowed according to their current speed.
WB seems to be slowed down as fast as a standard “walking hero”.

I have no way to prove or test this, but if someone knows how, please try it out and leave a message.

I dont have problem with most meis, just dont get too close…

The only hard counter for hammond is sombra

Orisa can Fortify and kill Mei. Orisa also has enough damage to kill Mei before Mei can freeze her.

Zarya bubble hard counters Mei. Plain and simple. And Zarya absolutely has the damage and range to kill Mei.

He has a barrier that Mei cannot demolish quickly. Her freeze ray doesn’t go through barriers. Winston can easily move back and forth on the edge of his barrier to prevent her from freezing him while he damages her down. If the barrier does go down or she does manage to start freezing him, Winston has an easy leap to either escape, or can leap straight up into the air to cleanse the freeze timer and land to either finish the kill or force ice block.

He can straight up one shot her. Roadhog can kill Mei in a single shot. I’m not even talking about the hook combo. He flat out one shots her if she gets into freeze ray range.

This is actually one of the dumbest arguments. It was a stupid argument against Brig, and it is a stupid argument against Mei. You do not have to be on the point for the entire match. You do not have to be on the point to kill heroes that are on the point and then take the point. You do not have to sit and wait on the point after taking it, allowing the enemy to set up.

If Mei hard counters all tanks, why is she hardly ever picked? If she hard counters all tanks, why has Mei never been used in tank heavy metas? Explain.

Edit: In fact, I just took a glance at some stats, and Mei is currently the fourth least picked hero in the game across all ranks. The least picked tank, Orisa, has more than double Mei’s pick rate. You would think that if Mei “hard counters” all of the tanks, she’d be picked more considering that Reinhardt, Zarya, and are in the top six most picked heroes in the game.


I have to agree here. I never thought of Mei being a hard counter to all tanks, but many people in this topic seem to type about her in that way. And I am certainly not an Overwatch pro, so I just went with it.

WB has the ability to hide his head, which makes him able to escape with quick thinking and a bit of skill, great. But I really think the slowing down thing is a little bit too quick :smiley: .

What about Pharah vs Brigitte, Reaper, Junkrat and every other close range/melee hero?

Brig’s shield bash damage from 50 to 5 because Tracers cried.

I want my main to also be uncounterable.


Well I still consider it “normal” counter. Your team will have a close range/melee hero 95% of the times. So what you do against it is that you have to pick a guy with a shield and a guy with a long range rifle. And people seem to do that.

As others here called it though, and unlike (I think) all other counters in OW, Mei just seems to have one ability that completely “cancels” WB.

I’m not asking for nerfing Mei overall. I just believe, Blizzard forgot to program the game so the Mei’s LMB considers WB current speed in the ball form. It feels like that to me and I think it’s a glitch.

As a WB you’re supposed to roll through the enemy team, push them around and create space for your team, right?
Well, cool! But there is one hero that makes your main ability, that doesn’t even deal that much damage on it’s own, completely useless.

That’s like if Soldier could turn off Pharah’s flying ability by shooting her for 1.5 seconds…
I really do believe that the slow should differ according to current speed and Blizzard forgot about it in this case. That’s all… :thinking:

But he does turn off Pharah’s flying ability by shooting her for 1.5 seconds. 1.5 seconds of Soldier shooting Pharah is a dead Pharah. And that’s with just body shots.


I see your point.

Is soldier’s sprint spreed reduced to the slow as being slowed down with normal walking when he’s slowed down? If he is, then this could indeed be a bug.

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I think I should have adjusted the time according to the heroes but… The point stay the same. WB’s main ability is rolling around and messing with the enemy. On it’s own it deals little damage and it’s not unfair.

Mei’s main ability is to slow others down and block them. Sounds like a counter for sure. But if you roll around 120 km/h and a slow stops you as quickly as if you were walking 10 km/ hour…

Other than anything else. It literally feels wrong. I know OW isn’t a realistic game or a simulator, but would it be that much of a nerf if Blizz made it so it feels as it should? I don’t think so.

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I don’t want to see Mei nerfed or Hammond buffed (because I don’t think he needs it right now), but I do love to find inconsistencies and bugs in this game.

I think you should test how Mei’s and Symmetra’s slow interacts with other movement buffs.

  • Genji when he is ulting.
  • Soldier when he is sprinting.
  • Torbjorn when he is raging hard.
  • Lucio’s speed boost.

Are their movement speed reduced to the slow as being slowed down with normal walking speed when they are slowed down?

This can be easily tested in custom games with a Mei bot.
(It’s important to do proper tests and research before you calling it a bug.)

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That just means that Wrecking Ball has to play smarter when he’s up against a Mei. Just because a hero limits you from being able to do whatever you want doesn’t mean that it makes you useless and should be nerfed.

Wrecking Ball can kill Mei from outside of the range of her freeze ray in two seconds with just body shots. If he’s getting headshots, that time can drop to a single second. Even if she is getting the freeze and headshots, and without Wrecking Ball using his shields, it takes Mei three freeze and headshots to kill him, which equates to a minimum of 4.5 seconds for Wrecking Ball to be shooting Mei.


NERF MEI INTO THE GROUND ONE OF THE WORST HEROES IN THIE GAME no /s I’m being serious as bad as Sym or Torb

I’m pretty sure meis slow/ freeze takes just as long to freeze someone no matter their speed or size, as it should be. There shouldn’t be exceptions for hammond, even if it doesn’t feel good to you, otherwise she would have to be nerfed. Which she doesn’t need at all and would need a buff to compensate.

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You are correct.

It takes 30 ticks to freeze an enemy. This can be 1.5 seconds or more depending on your aim.

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