Skin missing and golden weapon too

I just launch overwatch 2 and my Noire widowmaker skin is missing, I still see the additional content on my Xbox but not in game.
At 6pm I have launched overwatch 2 again and my golden gun on Junker Queen has been removed and I still got the same comp points (1520 points).
Please do something ! :frowning:


Some people said try uninstalling and reinstalling, but idk if its true, i havent tried it. My JQ golden gun is missing too


I hope that it will be fixed really soon… :frowning:

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If you try the whole uninstalling and reinstalling, lemme know if it worked

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Sure, I’ll try it rn

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(post deleted by author)

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This is insane to see how our datas can be lost like this…

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Did reinstalling it work?

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Nop, it absolutely changes nothing

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Thanks for letting me know

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Oh okay, so we should be able to get our stuffs back I guess…

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Yup, hopefully sooner than later

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Same. Seems like a lot of people have lost their Junker Queen golden weapon. Blizzard fix :slight_smile:

Please answer me I have sent my problem a lot and it has not been resolved my blizzcon skins genji - symmetra that was in my console account did not reach me and we are all gone. And the junker queen weapon you gilded isn’t that anymore why? Help, I can’t wait any longer??