Do you feel this way about Doomfist’s ruinous nerfs?
Of course that some heroes could have so much skill when you’re actually putting in the effort. Made the list be entirely satire since you could do so much more with these heroes. That same effort could also be put in with Brigitte, Moira, and Mercy.
I played this game since day 1 when it first released. I have seen the horrors of how some heroes played before they needed nerfs. Even though I have a plat rank, I’m at 5 stars bronze in leveling, and as well practicing how to play these heroes pretty well. I still have prior game knowledge.
also RagTagg makes very low quality vids imo.
Kolorblind is a great streamer and Bastion player.
OWL is a money pool, TI is better, by far.
Ok, I will put it this way, by your standard, the game is healthier by ‘limiting the hero pool’ as you hit a certain rank, otherwise you loss?
You do realise this is stupid right? We each have our favourite character despite its viability, for me it is Bastion, am I not allow to play it as I get better and have to force to play, lets say McCree?
Brig is complicated, she is played in off-dps position because speed boost and main healer are essential for her to be effective in team environment, and by having two aoe healing tanks are better utilised. In short, she is bad at off healer position because she is too slow and has no range. Anyway, I was not pointing to Brig in my original post.
to achieve a high rank for less overall efforts then anyother hero.
this is where the tricky balancing comes, u need a hero’s power justified by the ammount of skill it provides. heavy escapability? giver moira a fat hitbox.
mercy needs no aim ? give her 50hps (gg blizzard) and it can go on.
sorry if i seemed abit salty, i really could use some sleep, so i appologize an hope to continue the ragtagg debate in a few hours.
are you from the future? or is the patch already live? confused.
So Blizzard made OWL for the community too then?
I know, god forbid people work as a TEAM in a TEAM based game or have map awareness instead of run and gun.
Symmetra could not hit people behind her either, so she wasn’t a lock on either I guess.
Not necessarily. Activists come in all forms, yet share one common trait which is that they engage in action to support whatever belief they choose.
The content about their activism isnt relevant. You have an over romantic, idealized view of activism.
this. although id argue that she isnt completely op in ffa if you have good enough mechanical skill, but def annoying at times.
but yeah she is def balanced overall in comp and qp.
“Skill activists”? Why the hell is everything taking on a political framing now?
This game has a competitive ladder, and competition implies a measure of skill, with the more skillful rising to the top. A hero doesn’t necessarily have to be aim-intensive to require skill, but to argue that skill, in and of itself, is bad for competitive, that’s moronic.
If you don’t want to aim, don’t play an FPS. If you don’t want skill to apply…you might be beyond help.
There is no soft lock or any type of lock on at all with Moira btw.
And bashing a good Tracer isn’t easy, they can bait it out and dance around you. And dying to a Brig should be the price Tracer pays if she tries to flank everyone all the time.
Think we need to define what “Skill” actually means. For instance my aim isnt amazing but id like to think my game sense is really good.
That being said at what point is the cut off points for players like that and is it fair to say less mechanically gifted players shouldnt have heros for them or allowed to climb.
Also would like to know how the community feels about a typically “high skill” hero who counters a “low skill” hero without much effort. Like I said before im not amazing mechanically but I can swap to Tracer and dumpster a Bastion with little effort. Is that okay compared to Brig into Tracer?
It was designed to be competitive and accessible at the same time. It wasn’t just made for casuals then got ruined by OWL and comp. the game was an over reaching wreak from the beginning.
Everyone thinks the game was designed specifically for their wants.
Every role in this game requires equal though very different skill. Mechanical skill, which is most prevalent among DPS, is not the end all be all to winning matches. We DPS are nothing without our supports and tanks, who often provide superb gamesense, healing and strats required for us to succeed.
Anytime a DPS thinks they carried, I encourage them to have a glance at their primary healer’s 10K heals per 10, or their Orisa’s 30K damage blocked, which kept them alive the whole time so they could get their kills.
The issue with Brig is that while she’s a strong support who requires good support skills, she’s also too frequently a strong DPS who does NOT require mechanical DPS skills.
if you REMOTELY think this was what people wanted or their reasoning, ur the problem.
Ha ha, you think Nanoblade takes skill.
They don’t refuse to nerf her for being a poster child. They refuse because she’s an overpicked favorite like Genji and Widow. Every time something comes around or gets buffed that even remotely answered Tracer or Genji (Doomfist, Sombra, Junkrat, Brigitte, etc) it gets nerfed a million times until the weebs can return to shaping the game in their image just because they consist of 70% of the fanbase.
It’s all just Widows, Tracers and Genjis… anything that answers them must be nerfed.
Have you…ever actually…seen Tracer’s pickrates?
76 and Widow take skill though, Brig doesn’t. What’s your point?
I’m fine with low skill heroes. What I’m not fine with is low skill heroes having immense value/reward. If Brig’s entire design took a lot of skill, then I honestly wouldn’t mind her one-shotting Tracer, but her entire entity is so skilless.
We all know perfect balance doesn’t exist, so tell me what you would rather:
High skill heroes dominating the game or low skill heroes dominating the game?