"Skill activists" are going to kill this game

We may as well remove all the heroes besides Soldier: 76 and Widowmaker at this point, because these whiners won’t be happy with the state of the game until it’s like every standard FPS out there, where “aiming” is the only way of really climbing the ladder. They seem to hate gimmicks, and everything that prevents them from rushing in by themselves and getting a guaranteed 5K should be deleted from the game.

Congratulations. You finally got what you wanted. Brigitte is officially dead, and Dive/Nanoblade/Tracer is in full swing. I can’t wait to die constantly to an uncontestable overpowered hero who they’re afraid to nerf because she’s the poster child. 10/10, very fun video game.


not gonna happen, this is a skillbased competitive game, where skill coutners skill and heros who require skill are more rewarded then those who require less.
killing brig mercy and someday moira is very healthy for the competitive evironnement


Healthy for the competitive environment of a game that shouldn’t be competitive in the first place? That’s not really a good idea…It’s like balancing around total mayem


Moira is only cancer in FFA, she’s arguably the most balanced hero in the game normally


Aiming isint the problem, Moira requires skill even with her soft lock fire, but it’s about fun where you don’t die to someone with not even minimal effort like pressing W and M1.


The disconnect comes from the want to solo carry in a game that doesnt promote such playstyles in my opinion.

You can be mechanically gifted but that doesnt mean you should climb, same from a game sense standpoint. You need a mix of both and one of Overwatches issues is that it tries to cater to all these playstyles but doesnt do any well.


It’s not about “us wanting the game to be like any other fps” but about the heroes, that require low to no skill at all being more effective than heroes that require weeks, months or even years of practice.

and about this, sadly it’s not true, elk (fusion’s main support) did some scrims on the PTR, he tweeted saying that goats is even more annoying to deal with and brig is a bigger threat than before. in actual comp matches it’s more like a buff than a nerf


They press W and M1 because it’s a video game.


I get where you’re coming from but I feel like all games with multiple hero/champions suffer from this problem.

You cant essentially say that a hero with an infinite skill ceiling deserves to be able to counter or duel everything and everyone, which to be fair, Tracer can do (no I dont think shes OP). Its hard to say what a solution is if not Brig.


No no, since she isnt a hitscan and is a ‘lock on’ easy aim hero, she needs to be nerfed!




dominates in lower ranks but not on high, i dont call that balanced.
a balanced hero has a winrate and pickrate that increase the higher you do.
the most balanced hero is Genji.

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:open_mouth: when did it all go from skill to racism?
stop projecting, ok?


Wouldnt call them activists. Activists always fight for the sake of those oppressed. Call them by what they are: aim elitists.




skill means more than just aim.

game sense, intelligence are all part of skill.

brig requires little of either and can still be really effective


Not really.

Just observing that the kind of “skill” games these people desperately want tend to have the most immature and inflammatory audiences out there.

And such movements to make it more “skill”(read: aim. Aim is the only skill they ever talk about and the only one they can comprehend) are the same.


Idk which country youre from but that s how it works from where im am

People love skill other than aim actually. Nobody wants a generic COD style game. Have you heard a single bad word about Hammond’s gigantic skill based mobility learning curve?

It’s not so much aim it’s more that… people want competitive to be a competition of skill rather than it being like playing top trumps.


it doesnt work this way, no matter what country
activism does not automatically equal helping


Overwatch was designed as a casual game, Blizzard only added competitive because of the community’s desire to have a competitive mode.
This desire is also mainly due to popularity of having competitive in pretty much any game for that matters.