"Skill activists" are going to kill this game

ok now take ana: she requires all of that plus landing shots AND landing shots requires better positioning AND decision making for her grenade AND has no mobility
ana is higher skill then both these two and by far, and so are all other healers except brig and most other dps heros and tanks.

They did make juggernog a default in the current patches. In regular games you take 4 hits.
As much as I like having the option of starting out with 4 set perks and a spot for a modifier. Well I like it, but it could’ve used some work since I believe some perks are low tier while others are just for clutches. (I’m looking at you Dying Wish)

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we’re on the same rank and no.
most games are people tanking whatever they think is strong and going numb jumping everywhere, dive is coordinated and requires a lot of skill and teamwork.

And… Who said you couldn’t do it with enough well-minded people on your team? Most people in gold aren’t idiots.

It differently possible at skill levels but the odds of getting a quality Tracer/Genji and the everyone on their mics to pull it off is not common at the lower skill level

same goes with the enemy team then :slight_smile:
truth is all dive heros require a lot of skill and position and mistakes we make in gold are ez to capitolise on, i play a lot of winston myself and lose games even with a full dive team cuz dive is skill dependent

Don’t pretend like people in gold are easy to coordinate, if I get 5 other people in voice I consider it a damn miracle more often than not, that’s not even getting into them making decent picks at the hero select screen.

It might probably be my own experiences then.

You know what I mean by that phrase, I’m not talking about the stun alone, but the follow up of it as well, wich rn means death for most heroes till 250 hp and with focus fire from teammates for everyone above that.

There are some people that can play Ana with less skill just by using a biotic grenade and spam m1 in the general direction of their teammates. It could still do a whole lot more healing to keep tanks alive.
Also, I’m sure Brigitte can be skillful by also having game sense as well. Yeah, I get it. “Brigitte is OP and must get nerfed” and whatever else. She does still have skill at either flanking, learning to back away from danger, using repair kit efficiently, needing to actually hit someone to use the passive ability, needing to take a risk of shield bashing while in the frontline, trying to go for a whip shot, and-
oh my. I sure have made a list of somethings Brigitte has to keep track of while playing in a single game.
Plus other heroes in the game could also have less skill. Winston only has to aim his jumps, but he could just hold M1 in the general direction. Rein could swing his hammer from side to side. Bastion could just turtle. Sym could place turrets in at cheeky spots.
The list could go on and on and on.

Bandwagon fallacy and objectively false. Dive was most definitely used in ladder… A bunch of statistical websites are here to confirm that. :blush:

Other than the flankers, Dive was relatively easy to pull off. Dva and Winston are both pretty straightforward to pick up. Zen and Lucio (or Mercy) are also pretty easy to pick up, excluding maybe Zen since he needs to focus on discording the right people. That being said, insisting that it was a pro-level strategy is a huge hyperbole.

Don’t you think that a lot of people “trying it” means that it was pretty straightforward to pick up and that you asserting that it is a pro-level strategy is just an over exaggeration? :neutral_face:

They’re both tanks. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: If you want a better comparison, how about Orisa and Reinhardt? Reinhardt still is more rewarding even though Orisa requires more skill.


Between a Rein and a Hammond, Rein is still going to be more rewarding… Can we not with this? The fact that Rein has a ridiculously high pick rate compared to Hammond already suggests this. Then there’s the fact that Rein is the go-to main tank.

And like I said, he, a low skilled hero, still is more rewarding than Hammond, a relatively high skilled hero. Your logic should apply to them but clearly it does not so this whole nonsense about high skill = high reward and low skill = low reward needs to stop.

Except, Zen is more rewarding than Mercy. :neutral_face:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

Could you… hit me up with some of that ice-cream please?


The moba aspect of the game determined that it ultimate goal is to put all hero on equal footing without considering too much of hero difficulties.

By your standard top 500 would be filled only those ‘skilled hero’ players, that is healthy for the game?


𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

:O!! (20 full chars?)

Depending on the flavor I would want some as well, really hot rn here where I live.


lets start with salted caramel than

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Dive > Goats any day

that isnt a reliable playstyle

i outhealed these anas with zen pls

and it was proved true by many people

she can overextend and back away easily ye that’s not skill that’s been op.

shouldnt even be able to do so

there is no waste when using it, u can just randomly click on it to provide value. but i kno u can use it for greater value, yet u dont even aim it like a torb or ana lel.

has autoaim

shieldbashing is a safe ability as her body is covered.

the only thing that can kill her is a sniper headshot pls

using her wall peaking to secure unfair kills.

has to position and manage his bubble, he’s a very high skill ceiling hero, and all u need to do is actually watch xQc … i mean muma play him, he has A LOT of things to aim and keep in mind when extending, he has the biggest head hitbox and a very large body one, with little armor compare to other tanks.

maybe in bronze.

and die bcz he dropped his shield in the wrong position and took a lot of damage, if only he had a bigger shield tank to protect him like brig.

you just proved yourself knowing nothing about the game.

go watch some kolorblind streams.

10s cooldown 30hp slow projectiles that wont move when placed.

all you’re doing is proving me that you could really use a few KarQ and RagTagg videos.

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i tried to quote your post but the forums gut triggerd by the swear hidden in your name pal
noobchamps in league are bad after 3h of playing.
and league is the best esports out there so ye brig should be bad at anything else then her job : healing and ccing the enemy flanks and dive tanks while blocking damage for her supports