Since The All Time Top Thread Points out Mercy's Issues

At least make your own sig then instead of essentially copying someone elses out of spite.

Make me.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of Death, War, and Famine.
Unnamed :black_heart:

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glares >: (



~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of Death, War, and Famine.
Unnamed :black_heart:

It’s not a signature. There is no automated signature functionality on Discourse forums. It’s spam the user types (pastes) into every single post he/she makes. It’s also off topic in any topic where the text in the “signature” is not pertinent, which Blizzard also calls spam.

From the Code of Conduct:

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish

Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
Making non-constructive posts
Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity



If you believe that to be the case, then by all means report them.

It’s clearly intended as a signature. I even acknowledged in my earlier post that the blizz forums don’t really support them however.

Aren’t the Bastion megathreads far bigger than Titanium’s Mercy thread? It’d be best to address them first, especially since Bastion is one of the LEAST popular heroes, and Mercy is the MOST popular.
I still think Bastion players deserve something, after 2 years of being a garbage can interrupted by 2 days of being an OP god.

It’s intended to repeat the exact same phrase in every single post the user makes. Find me a better example of spam and I’ll save my flags for that instead.

Why don’t we ask the person who writes the signatures what it’s intended to be rather than assuming things. :sweat_smile: My intentions with signatures is just to make my replies look more pretty. :wink:

I don;t really think people consider changing numbers reverts. Those are going to go up and down depending on the current game state. its perfectly possible it could get increased back to 60 sometime in the future, or anywhere in between.

When referring to a revert they are talking reverting radically changed abilities or heroes. Removing Valk and giving Mercy mass rez back. Or reverting Sym back to her 1.0 version. Are what most people are referring to when discussing reverts.

Sure its technically true that 60 to 50 was a revert, but its not really what they meant if you look at the context in which Kaplan originally said they wouldn’t revert mercy.

Then report them? If you think it is spam, report them.

A signature could potentially qualify as spam, especially sense the blizz forums do not support them as I have already acknowledged.

Fam this is your third mercy post in as many days and the others got shut down because of toxicity/name calling/spam. Maybe chill it a little?


You’re suggesting that by repeating the same phrase in every post they make, they are not intending to repeat the same phrase in every post they make? Mind = blown.

All time top thread? Someone forgot Bastion exists lol.


I highly doubt they are doing it to spite anyone… Why create a problem out of nothing?

Click the link in the thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

It is the purist definition of spam. It pollutes the forum and adds nothing to any discussion.

You can actually sort the threads by “Top” and the Titanium thread is the first one there when categorized by “All”.

Bastion should also be addressed.

It is literally posted after his replies just to make his replies look nicer… But do you, I guess… I’d start laughing if he got an email saying he got suspended for, “Sincerely, a lover of true, fair and fun balanced, xavypls”…

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