Since The All Time Top Thread Points out Mercy's Issues

Jeff said not long after the January Nerfs that she looked fine and they had no plans of a revert and they wanted to put the revert to bed.

Ah Xavvy, I was wondering where you’d disapeared to. No doubt Mercy will end up getting nerfed AGAIN after the usual Rez Rebound in pick/winrate, but this time I’ve saved some receipts to call out anyone who says the nerf was needed.


Half true. They said their opinion at the time, which was that she was in a good spot. Not OP, not UP, a good spot. HOWEVER, since then she’s been nerfed multiple times, so it’s pretty clear their opinion must have changed in some way, otherwise there’d have been no changes.


I don’t agree with either of that, Roadhog’s design is such that he needs to be able to get consistent value out of his hook to make the other drawbacks worth it. This was true immediately before the gun rebalance and it plainly isn’t anymore unless you’re hooking, like, Zen or something like that.

This only gets worse with the recent “bug fix” that makes Hog’s RMB do no damage at anything past 10m.

Hog is mostly played with Orisa these days who has the most consistent shield uptime in the game, so the TaB buffs don’t even mean all that much anymore since he can freely choose to be behind safety whenever casting it now. Meanwhile he can’t actually generate value by himself - he’s carried by halt hook combo. Otherwise he’s a borderline throw pick.

Mercy’s rez on E is balanceable by putting it on a resource meter, which in turn lets Valk “supercharge” Rez by drastically speeding up its generation. Whether the devs want to do this is another story.

Tagging this response in here since it’s also relevant.

It’s a new rite of passage when joining the OW team as a developer:
You cut off your ears as a sacrifice to the Great Deaf Deities of Jeff and Geoff.

And not just the real ears, but also the virtual ones. The ones that allow you to comprehend the community. Just get rid of them. You clearly do not need them when developing OW.

Of course, people questioned this new rite of passage. But the concerns fell on deaf ears.


What is with this signature at the bottom of every post? Why?
Made one for myself:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of Death, War, and Famine.
Unnamed :black_heart:


1st. Why does being the biggest thread mean you need a response? Do you think the biggest one before the Mercy one needed a response? How about the one before that?

2nd. Other heroes have had issues for much longer than Mercy, so they should take priority. I am a fan of the suggestions you are talking about, but I think it is something that should wait it’s turn.

3rd. You are reposting an active thread without adding anything to it, which is spam. Any comments you would like to say about a thread should be said on that thread.

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Quick fact check: Actually, she was given 60 health/second long before the rework was announced. This is dating all the way back to September of 2016.


You would be right that she had 60hps in september, but keep in mind that Mercy existed since May 2016 (since the games launch). During that time, Mercy had 50hps upon launch, and was buffed to 60hps later on, around season 2. She recieved a ptr update where it was buffed to 60hps in august of 2016.


~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Right, that’s my point. You said:

Which, unless there was a rework around September of 2016, isn’t the case.


Ah, my bad. Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed!

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


People keep making posts about Mercy because the devs haven’t addressed any of the issues with her. I’m sure you too would be upset if your hero got nerfed 10 times in a row and none of which nerfs addressed her issues. She’s not currently balanced, she’s unfun to play, and her ult feels so unimpactful. As a pure healer, nerfing her healing simply made her even bad at what she is supposed to be good at. I’d like a dev to make a video responding to what they plan to do with her, their 10 ideas, and for every nerf and buff on any hero really to explain why and what they hope the outcome will be. Mercy went from being trash, to OP, to her rework which made her OP, to trash and only playable because of rez which is a broken overpowered ability. It can not be balanced if it’s not an ultimate. They could at the very least make her healing higher during valk as its a trash ultimate. I’m not going to get deep into it all though. People are just tired of their hero being a zero.


I hope all of her stats plummet into the ground so they have to fix her. They took all the fun out of her and I’m just over it. I wont be playing her again.

It’s a signature. You literally acknowledged it in your own post. Signatures are usually something meant to be inspirational, thought provoking, sometimes some sort of art, or even a funny joke.

Not calling you out specifically, but it seems so weird to me that it’s important enough to call attention to.

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It’s just strange, doesn’t really have much of a purpose.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of Death, War, and Famine.
Unnamed :black_heart:

Well, creating a thread with the sole purpose of linking to another thread kind of feels like spam to me. As much as I’d want Mercy to be fun again you could have easily just bumped Titanium’s thread instead.


Eh, it used to be far more popular and is still used on various forums that are better designed with them in mind. It used to be rather common.

For instance, over at MMO-Champion most posters still have signatures.

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Yeah, I understand that. Is a strange sight to see on the Overwatch forums however.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of Death, War, and Famine.
Unnamed :black_heart:

From the forum guidelines:

Cross Linking Threads
This category includes:

Linking to threads from other forums
Creating threads with the sole purpose of linking another post
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be given a temporary ban from the forums

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Nah, if the stats plummet they’ll try and ignore it. I used to main both Sombra and Torb, I know they don’t care about the unpicked. Sadly I think the only way anything gets done is seeing this awful cycle of Nerf, Rez brings stats back up, repeat, through to the end.