Since no one actually gonna say it

No. It won’t result in shorter queues for anyone. It might even raise queue times for EVERYONE. But queue times will be completely unmanageable for players who decide to break the mould, because having this as an OPTION obviously would funnel the vast majority of players into one single category for reasons of shorter queue times, and the people who care about having certain amounts of each role.

thinking it will create shorter queue times is a wee bit of a pipedream.
Because lets be real for a moment. Splitting the queues up ALWAYS creates a rise in queue times across the board. It’s an obvious side effect. And one will ALWAYS be the most popular, and the others become obsolete. It’s very obvious consequences.

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But it’s not spliting queues it’s merging them. (an yeah, also splitting someone, who for some reasons choosed 4-1-1 as the only option of his queue)

It’s splitting. You lose access to the streams of players who opted for a different queue type to you. And they lose players from the other streams who opted for a different queue type to them.

Just because they operate on the same field doesn’t mean it’s merged. It’s split.

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the problem is that not enough people want to tank and heal. the only ways to solve this are to either wait in queues or change the game so that you dont need tanks and heals

i dont think its possible to make more people want to play those roles, every game with that trinity has this problem to some degree


I do not really think someone will actually queue for something like “only 4-1-1” or “only 3-3”. I think it will be either 2-2-2 or some wariation of “flex” comps like 1-1-1-3any or 1-5any. But yes, if you actually want to play something like 3-3 you’ll wait a lot.

The only time I will ever touch QP classisc if I wanna do meme comps like 6 supports. Other than that, no ty.

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Then they will come here to the forums and complain that their group is marginalized, and that Blizzard needs to change the game to suite their oppressed needs. Where have I seen that before???


Yeah, but even the players who will use 1-5any or any type of flex queue, are the same crowd that already exists in QPC, and it’s just creating a different mold for the exact same problems. Only guarantee is that the queue times will be worse than QPC and the crowd it attracts will be the same.

And at that point of realization the blizzard team will be like “Why are we doing this” and it will get cancelled before it even releases. It’s just not a very viable idea, and arguably worse for players who want the classic experience than it is now.

Well, “if you want to play unusual comp you’ll wait a lot” is better than “if you want to play a role you’ll wait a lot” for me.

Its almost as if the tank/healers can’t handle the heat being solo tank and/or solo support. I mean if you really like the role and plan to be good with it, why not trial by fire 141? If only people would stop blaming comps and work on their own gameplay to git gud.

Naa we need a spoonfed jail because we cant do LFG and we shouldnt be the ones to wait. We’ll force people into unbearable queues, unenjoyable metas, hopeless matches for 1/3 the playerbase, increased levels of toxicity, zero room to real-time flex/solve, and a lot of negative press.

bUt ItS eAsIeR tO bAlaNcE

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We must be playing two different games. QP always had atrocious team comps. Now it’s with a faster queue + lootboxes. I see no legitimate reason for anyone to still complain about QP these days.

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In reality, QP dps queues are the only one that aren’t near instant, but they are only like 30 seconds to 5 minutes at most. The unusual comps will be more around the 10-20 (potentially even more than that the weirder your comp gets) minute queue times as the level of potential variance increases the queue will basically have its own “Meta” of what is and isn’t viable to try set up.

Even though I don’t like to play damage dealers I have queued before. My anecdotal data suggests that the super long queue times for DPS are exaggerated by a large margin. But, I like to tank and support, so I will always be able to find a game. Those who queue with me experience the same thing…even if they queue as DPS.

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A bronze player saying git gud…loooooooooooooooool

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y’all really out here expecting people to solo tank/heal 5 DPS?

EN GARDE! You’ve just angered the anti-rank shamers, prepare to defend yourself!

If you caaan… :wink:

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Yes indeed, que times averages are like 3 to 4 minutes. It’s not that much, I just play on my phone or watch a video while it finds a match.


Agreed. My DPS queue times are averaging around 3 minutes, give or take. I think the longest I actually have waited for a match was 7 minutes (compare to a 5.5 minute longest wait on a Support match… so not crazy longer). Blizzard also said the average wait is 4-6 minutes.

Which would imply that people are exaggerating or being melodramatic… but this is the forums, and folks would never do that here


Yes. You’re actually putting in work and certifiably carrying when you’re basically solo role. At key map points /moments/stage/situations in a competitive environment? Why not?

You can absolutely start an attack as e.g. 141 for early picks and down-convert into more brawl like 303. Or have one of your dps bust out a lucio to stall or whoever dies next go tracer, hammond, mei, etc. People just needed to have to brain power and hero pool to attempt and maybe succeed with it.

All that openness was extremely fresh and viable.

Exactly, I’ve never once experienced a wait longer than what they say the queue will be (how it says <6M, it’s always before that timeframe is reached.) And often I get in below 1 minute. Very exaggerated since they know themselves that without it they would seem like whingers, and they are just hoping they don’t get called out as liars instead. It’s the only avenue for their argument so I’m not surprised they are taking it. But I’m still dissapointed :c

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