Since Blizzard Just Ignores Bastion

No to healing only in recon, maybe give him heelies so he moves faster idk, you make a point that recon is somewhat underrated when you have tank and turret mode avalible at anytime (so maybe cooldowns?) but i LOVe the idea of flying bastion helicopter just YES.

I think if he had shields again when he ult’d that would be enough to put Bastion in a nice spot. He’ll be a niche pick, but some heroes will always be niche picks

Given that sentry mode doesn’t let him move.
If it does the same damage, and takes the same damage as now, it won’t work. A single barrage of hanzo’s storm arrows kills him.
At the moment he has 20% ironclad damage reduction, quite a wide spread, huge damage falloff, and doesn’t headshot.
Changing some numbers on those would make this mode more viable.
Let him survive hanzo’s abillity by giving him more damage reduction?
Remove the falloff and reduce spread so that he can fight back at range?

His sentry mode seems to be designed for taking down barriers, so giving him a bit better Iron clad, and perhaps make him do more damage against barriers?

Tank mode would be op If he did the same ammount of damage, but 50 would be way less than pharah. Let him do 75, that way he two shots tracer, and needs 3 for other dps.

Recon, just remove the damage falloff, and make him move faster. 5-10% faster.

Give sentry and tank mode longer reloads.

For ult, transform him into a heli with a minigun.
He moves a bit faster than mercy, gain 50% damage reduction, and it lasts for 10 seconds.
The minigun is the same as his sentry mode one, and still has a long reload.
Use the jump Key for movement. (hold for upwards and let go for down)

You don’t want Blizzard to try and help Bastion. Look at Sombra and Symmetra.

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Two heroes who got buffs? Why?

I agree that putting Tank on E would be a really nice rework for him, making him more fun to play and more skill-based. I don’t quite agree with the route you’ve gone with it though…

I’ve compiled some ideas from other Bastion mains, as well as some of my own into a Tank on E thread here: In-depth "Tank on E" rework for Bastion

In this one, the tank shells do 120 damage (reduced to 75 damage past 40 meters), same as a Pharah rocket, Junkrat grenade, Helix rocket… they also have a slightly reduced splash radius, and his ammo reloads similarly to Doomfists gun. He has 3 shots, and they reload at 1 per 2 seconds.

Sentry mode is changed to have a similar spread pattern as Hammond, 200 ammo, 1.5x multiplier headshots, and a 2.5 second reload time.

His ult buffs his different modes in different ways, and lets him transform between them faster to allow more varied use of it.

Ironclad has been removed as a passive, and is now only applied when repairing. It is now able to be applied in Recon mode as well, but again, only while repairing.

He dies from a non boosted hanzo with the current ironclad.
Removing it would make sentry mode impossible to pull of against any longer range hero. (hanzo, soldier, widow, Hammond, orisa)

Hanzo does 70 x 6 damage with the storm arrows.
It takes less than 2 seconds for him to fire.
He can shoot across the map.
Currently bastion takes 20% less damage.
56 damage per arrow.
That is a total of 336 damage at an instant.
Without the ironclad it is 420 damage.
Bastion only has 300 health.

56 damage per arrow, 4 arrows per second, 6 arrows total

56 * 4 = 224
224 - 75 = 149 (self healing)
149 + 112 = 261
261 - (75 / 2) = 223.5 (self healing for the remaining 0.5 seconds)
300 - 223.5 = 76.5

He lives with about 77 health. If anyone else is shooting him (which is likely), he’ll die. Or if the Hanzo shoots him with a full charged shot before or after the storm arrows, he’ll die.

If you’re talking about my rework (I guess you are, I got a notification for that reply, and it’s not on watching… It doesn’t say it’s a response though, I have no idea what the forums are doing :confused: ), I didn’t remove Ironclad, I tied it to self-repair. So Bastion still has the 20% damage resist, but only when he’s repairing.

He has to hold down repair then. And it will run out.
At the same time he can’t do damage.

Yeah, you have to choose whether you think you can kill the enemy, or if you should repair through the damage. It adds a bit more resource management to his kit…

Why not 120 like every other explosive weapon in the game?

recon is hitscan and deals more bodyshot dps than tank and can headshot so it has a higher bodyshot dps than tank and can score headshots and it can still move so it has that over sentry.

If he does 120 damage per tank shot, and even more in sentry why play recon?
He has way higher mobility in tank mode.

Because he can’t shoot forever. He has 3 shots, and they take 2 seconds each to reload. Being able to shoot 1 shot every 2 seconds isn’t nearly as good as sustained fire, even at 120 damage each…

And Mercy. Don’t forget Mercy. Blizzard is changing all the heroes who “aren’t meta” so that people will feel like they are doing something.

Recon would still only work If there are a lot of people in front of him, and then sentry would be better.

because recon does 160 dps on bodyshots and is hitscan and can move. Already it’s doing more if you hit all bullets than tank. If you hit all headshots it can do 320 damage. It can move as well unlike sentry. It has a bit of both, a higher dps and damage potential than tank and is hitscan, but doesn’t do as much damage as sentry but can move.

It’s the middle ground. More damage than tank less than sentry. Can move sentry can’t and is hitscan unlike tank.

I already explained this so IDK why you’re asking again.

Because less mobility = death.
Less damage = death.
Both = more death.

Either you want to kill the enemy before they kill you, or you want to move away before they kill you.
Trying to do both, but worse, isn’t an option.

He does 450 dps in sentry.
He would do 120 in tank.
Tank doesn’t have damage drop.
Tank has splash damage.
Tank has huge mobility options.

Recon mode would only be usefull if the enemy was close enough for the tank mode to not be usefull. Which would be the time you would use sentry.

Give him a speedboost while self-healing and allow him to lunge out of Sentry mode, sort of how Hanzo can or how Dva Ejects out of Meka when it dies.

recon is useful against a Pharah because she can’t get stupid easy corner peak damage on you and you can still hit her pretty good because it’s hitscan.

Also if a tank is so close that tankmode wouldn’t be useful you most assuredly shouldn’t use sentry. The transform time from tank to sentry or any mode to sentry is usually enough to kill you and even then Roadhog can instantly delete you and so can Reinhardt.