Sinatraa (OWL MVP) leaves overwatch for valorant

DPS players will keep leaving, this is just a first person MOBA game at this point, DPS have little impact, tanks rule.

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The number of people rewatching matches or clicking just click are probably pretty low. 500k doesn’t mean less than 80k.

There is no reason to watch live. There’s no social elements due to both an inferior chat and corona virus, and no drops. So people are watching it at their leisure and at decent numbers.

When they are able to do a proper live experience again, it is highly likely that live viewership will increase.

Really? You think the amount of people who just click and watch like one map are rare? You think every viewer commits an hour, or whatever, of their time to watch the entire match?

Not much more than the people who were watching it live in the background while they did other stuff, and not referencing tokens there either.

This idea if they watch it live they really meant to watch, but seeking it out on YouTube so they could not watch it don’t make much sense.

The percentage of people doing that are probably similar and not the majority

The life of Overwatch is tied to the success of OWL.
If OWL fails, the end of Overwatch comes sooner.


I guess you are right, every time I think it will be fun, I just end up noping out of it. But maybe I am rare.

Yeah. That’s definitely a group of people doing this for both platforms. I think we can ignore this group because all advertisers really care about is they got your click.

Also, and maybe I’m just hopeful, but I think most people put on videos they know want to watch.

Thats actually a backfire to some streamers… like emongg who was finally having 5k+ viewers with ow, once he started to play valorant he’s at 2k…

Ml7 have like 800~1k with valorant and 3~4k with ow… I think support and tank streamers will lose viewers


As far as I know, streamers don’t get paychecks, but some perks when streaming, but I really don’t know a lot about this, so I’m gonna stay out of this.
But I agree, Blizz needs to do something to the game (more balance patches, more content, etc), so people are invested.

I agree. Most of the times, it’s a short-term boost in viewership, seeing as it’s something new and not a lot of people are streaming. But as time goes goes, this happens.

Not a huge surprise given tanks and supports are not interested in Valorant. Sucks to be them. But hey, it will probably be worth building a Valorant audience regardless.

Not gonna be the last one for sure, like me and many others said, theres a Competitive High level player profile in OW that will definitely leave the game due to its current state.

Casuals will stay, random dudes who troll or just play with friends for fun in QP will stay, people that are really addicted to OW and like comp they will stay … but those HARDCORE Competitive players that have that high profile? Nah, those are a goner.

And those that wont leave, RIOT can pick 1 by 1 and pay them to “sponsor” some games and get them hooked there.

If anyone believes he walked away from a HUGE OWL contract mid season because of “CC” or burnout or “Valarant is just better” they are off their rocker.

Dude got an offer for a payday he couldn’t refuse, plain and simple.

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What’s an OWL?

I can almost guarantee you that every big Overwatch streamer that left completely for VALORANT is getting a fat check.


How much did people pay to own an OWL team again??

For anyone that’s interested.

He mentions 222 and hero bans as potential reasons for him losing his passion, compared to most others who cite balance, anti-cheat or lack of opportunities.

Shock won’t miss him a huge amount from a playing perspective as he hasn’t played much this season. He’s lost the ability to flex onto Zarya (Choi is undroppable), the only time you’d really play him is when you need a Doomfist as other Damage players play his signature heroes better. His presence will be the thing that they’ll miss more than anything.


Listen to the way people carry on about Mei and then tell me that DPS have no impact :rofl:

tbh the only thing i am interested to see is how they will promote his mvp skin :rofl:

No MVP Zarya skin FeelsBadMan

Mei is not a hero the unhappy “DPS” players want to play.

If you spent years to become a god at aimming you not going to want to spend a year forced to play mei 8 hours a day or you are going to slowly lose all your skill.

So they are bailing to games where they can stay sharp.