The way i see it is the faster OWL is gone, the better for everyone.
To a degree,i think even Blizzard realized that OW as an e-sport is done,thats why they are going the PVE route in OW2.
That being said the game would be in an infinitely better state if the developer team would have been expanded properly and focused on content what everyone can and would like to enjoy instead of trying to balance the impossible harmony between pro-play and casuals and developing garbage like world cup viewer. Instead we could have a variety of new core gamemodes or just arcade stuff.
As much as i hate Fortnite, pretty much no one can deny that it handles content very well. New cosmetics every week is just an example of it, constant changes on the map itself, huge events like the black hole thing. What OW has compared to that? “Hey here is a new hero, now go and afk on one of the streams for 3 spray, isnt that fantastic?”
The time between hero releases are a joke as well, it took 7 months to get Echo out after Sigma and look at what that thing became even after that 7 months of incubation…one would think its at least polished,working properly and has a clear identity. Instead its an overpowered flying tank buster DPS hero which was originally intended to be a support oh and it also happened to have an unfixable bug that actually locks someone out of hero changing for a short period of time.
Apart from the time when a new hero releases, the basic lootboxes didnt got anything new since Blizzard World release. Even then it was a just a few things. We got more OWL exclusive skins than what we got in that 1 lootbox update. Hell, now even the events are getting less and less stuff to unlock than it used to.
To keep a playerbase invested in something, it needs something shiny to work towards. Even when the gameplay is the manifestation of suffering itself, people will play because they want rewards. Watching your SR playing rollercoaster is not exactly motivating especially because most of the time it dosnt even matter what you do during the match, your teammates decide if your number goes down or up. You can work your backside off and try hardcarry your potato team and still lose,but the next match be semi-afk and watching netflix but being hardcarried to victory.
If the game actually could decide what it wants to be, that would be awesome, but until then its spiraling out of control and both sides of the coin remain unsatisfied as hell, no content for casuals and horrible competitive scene.