Simple Rez buff

When Mercy use Rez, she gets max armor/shield/hp that ally has

after completing Rez Mercy gives those back to the ally
if Mercy suffered damage during Rez, ally gains only health/shields/armor she has left

No way

Punishes the rez target if theyre rezzed with less than full health

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Not the right buff. Honestly just less time to resurrect would be better I think.

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but you can always heal, just heal your rezzed target to get ult charge

I disagree with this because it is my personal belief that res shouldn’t even be in the game.

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ok, no problems :slight_smile:

I think the main problem is that it makes Rezzing tanks too easy, and makes it nearly worthless to try to rez a Tracer or Dva.

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there is no right buff for Mercy, atleast Blizzard seems to think that way

you remembering invis during rez, well they took it away

why Blizzard should buff 1 of the strongest ability in the whole Game ? this is kinda like asking for Spam Arrows or Dragonblade buffs lol

then why did they buff Reaper´s ult via lifesteal ?

because his Ult is only strong in low Rank at high rank his ult is extreme risky because it easily get cancelled by Sleep dart or any other Stuns

yes, and that´s why many Reapers jump from the rooftops on top of unaware enemies

like if enemy pushes from front and Reaper drops on you, what can you do as hero who has no cc ability ?

Oh and Mercy´s Rez is really not that strong, only thinh you gotta do is to camp the player you have killed

and some healers can just burst heal their targets to not to die in the first place

So Le1jona,
What do you think about this similar idea?

could be useful, I am just sick of dying when I rez

“hey Rein, I rez target near you, just raise your…:skull_and_crossbones:”

Yup, the idea with this one is you probably wouldn’t die.

But the same counters to stop current rez would be effective.

And by putting it on Valk, it would limit how often you can use it. (Because it’s way less risky).

yeah but did you know this, when you use Valkyrie and go to rez, you can accidently cancel it by moving even a bit

I saw WM and pulled up when I was rezzing, well it went on cooldown

How much is a bit?

Is this any different that “moving more than 5m away from the rez target”?

Why should your mistake not be punished?

its moving even one step

Nope, haven’t really experienced that.