1.75sec SoloRez only on Valk

Let’s say we restrict single rez to Valk only, with no changes except this one:

Give Mercy a 200HP Lucio-Ult-type overshield while casting. If the overshield is broken, the cast fails.

But obviously Mercy would be unlikely to die from it.

Put the Rez on Q during Valk
And put something different on E, like a heal boost.

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Hm, it depends on what exactly you mean by “overshield”?

As in, a Zarya Bubble looking shield, or just shields from like Sym’s shield generator?

Because a 200 HP “Zarya Bubble” shield around her dictating the success of rez would actually be a huge nerf, IMO. It wouldn’t even require 2 fully charged Widow Bodyshots to break it. And depending on it’s size, it could be a lot easier to hit than Mercy’s normal hitbox. At least with current Rez in Valk, you have freeflight during the rez and can generally survive.

But the idea is interesting to be sure, and I’d really like tying Rez to Valk only and giving her a new E (like a heal boost).

I’m thinking something like a Lucio barrier.


That could be really interesting, actually.


then valk would be exclusive for rezzing and at that point honestly why keep it as valk?

Because putting it on an Ult would be a good way to prevent it from getting used really often.

Right now it’s not used that often because it’s usually a deathtrap.

Rez as a single target in Valk while also only having 1 to use is just way too niche.

Leaves some room to add some good midgame value to Mercy’s equipment on a brand new E ability.

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you mean rez? you’d be making Mercy rez less and force her to ult for a single one, seems a bit too expensive plus what I said, at that point Valk makes no sense, it’s just a rez button

Well, right now the average rez per game is about 6.

By limiting it to the Ult, you’d get about the same results.

I’d say you’d get less than 6 if it’s on ult since edge cases would pull statistics one way or another and we know which rank is the biggest playerbase…

So what are you suggesting? An AMP in healing isn’t going to do much.

Got any midgame utility stuff in mind?

I really don’t. The only thing I’ve come up with. That keeps the best of both worlds would be this.

Even world class players don’t get much more than 6-8 rez per game.


Click hero specific for rez per game

I mean yeah, currently 8 seems to be the most amount of rez you can get (I did get a 9 player rezzed the other day though lol) but the edge case for the lower half seems to always be bigger, if it requires you to charge your ult in order to rez then most likely than not a loooot of people will fail to charge enough ult to rez often which in turn becomes less rez per game on average

That said I would hate to advertise my rezzes with a global ult line ._.

Ooh, I hadn’t even thought of that, good idea. Have an Ult line when casting the rez that prompts enemies to shoot.

That’s kinda the basis of my idea. Mercy will prompt her old “I will watch over you voiceline” then upon second Q press her “Heroes Never Die.” (iterations)

Well the gimmick I’m trying to go here is to limit the power of Rez, but make it feel less horrible to use.

Also by not having to fear death, it could be used a lot more aggressively.

The average res may be 6 but, you can have rather wide fluctuations from game to game based on the match and how you do as Mercy.

Since you don’t play Mercy much here are some examples:

Some of these are quite terrible to help show the fluctuations.

My res count bounced below .4 to 1.33 per minute