once you accept that: The sr formula is so unbelievable skewed; sometimes it doesnt matter because the game could be either a 2110 which is very very different from a game thats 2450…which ironically you would think 2450 to be a superior game …when its a clown fiesta. Theres a reason so many high tier players derank their way past gold…they know how bad it is and want not a thing to do with it.
embrace your inner stoic because the next season of joy is upon you
“oh look its a plat border hardstuck in gold he must be a no lifer living in his moms basement.”
“hog/tanks are supposed to have gold medals in eliminations and damage”…oh you get a double serving of this bad boy should you dare to play hog. yeah when you make a game where dps have the most choice and try really hard to balance a que for 1/2 of the population queing for dps, 1/0.003 as tank, and the rest playing support…you get a random challenge generator…that sr number literally means how many times can you hit Q while mashing W.
lastly, a point to your annonymous assumption you fun lovving lossball tyrant, if electric cars, drones, and rockets are happening today, you should try an electrican apprenticeship…that career is about to blow up yo!
No… Each season resets now! GMs all land at 3900 by default now!
Why it should increase smurfing?
Except its usualy high ranked players who say this. Widow in lower ranks is considered bad hero by many, definitely not op.
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What are you talking about ? When top 500 get released the lowest person in there is usually 3.6-7 k. After a week its back in gm.
She isnt a problem in high ranks. I have several low rank friends who always complain about widow smurfs. And despite widow being considered a bad hero in low ranks according to overbuff she is picked quite frequently in plat and gold. Like no plat widow plays widow correctly, most the time they just stand in the back far away and snipe but despite the widow contesting one angle most the time they cant seem to deal with her. In higher ranks widow is more of an annoyance, not op. Most people in high ranks want widow nerfs reverted and instead give her 150 health which I think is fair.
Why do you talk about widow then. Your friends are not complaining about widow being OP. They are complaining about smurfs being op. And it doesnt matter which hero is played by smurf really.
Low ranked players usualy dont want to see widow on her team because she is considered as bad hero down there. On other hand I have seen many times players in top500 talk about widow and how strong or op she is as hero there.
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You didnt read the whole thing. I then covered the other players who arent smurfs by saying widow is picked a good amount in gold and plat. Dont cherry pick 2 sentences and point out an error when I essentially covered the very thing you said after. In top 500, lets take chipsa for example he always says widow is broken and op but when the nerfs came out he said that widow just needs a hook change or health reduction, he however wants to keep her one shot the same and he didnt even like the falloff nerfs. Like you see how saying op and complaining all the time wasn’t his actual opinion.
I have spend a lot of time in ranks from bronze to plat and dont remember anyone saying that widow is op. Just sharing my experience. Different heroes are considered op there. Widow is even considered as throw pick often. When smurf play widow, players do know it is the smurf who is issue and not the widow being op.
Maybe you have had a different experience but my friends and the entire forum complains about widow and like 95% of the people that complain are plat.
Each season SR resets for Role queue. Link is broken cause no perms… Anyone who hasn’t grandfathered into those higher SR (new accounts, etc) of course will place lower… Top 500 isn’t even released for 2 weeks or something like that!
h ttps://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/hk2i1v/further_clarifications_on_how_the_sr_reset_to/
It doesn’t reset it. It blocks it at 3.9k SR wise. Mmr is still 4.4k.
people almost dont play a lot for the first 2 weeks. Thats why the top500 ladder is so low when it released.