Silvers and plats should not be able to stack together

Top500 starts lower when the leardboard is up so it’s normal for someone to face top500 against diamond.

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Is this on console?

I only know for PC. The learderboard went up like 5 days ago and it started in 3.5k for all region and slowly went up.

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I think that both of you are missing the point here. Plat player and his silver buddy are not playing in vaccuum. They play in a team with certain average MMR against team with ± same average MMR. Not only Plat player has to carry his own weight, but he will have to carry his silver buddy weight on top of that to boost him. You have no ide how hard is to boost players in duo. No idea… If player is actualy plat, no way he will boost his silver buddy. It works only if smurf is on lower account. Like plat smurf on silver account carrying the plat buddy.

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Can confirm. I play with silver friends in my plat ranks. There is no boosting in that case. Matches are decided by which team can make more mistakes, not which team has the highest rated player.


It might be fair if neither player is a smurf but it will often turn the game into a 5v6 where you have one really good player on your team. Not really the best experience for a competitive team game. In order to play your role properly you need to be able to rely on your teammates to have a certain minimum level of skill and game sense. Once you reach plat it should be impossible to get silvers in any of your games. Same with once you reach diamond, you can no longer get any golds.

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You are right and I dont like to see bronze in gold game or Diamond in low plat game either. I was just trying to explain that if plat is with silver, boosting is really not the reason why they play together.

Sometimes it happens, the boosting but it is when lower ranked smurf is boosting the higher ranked guy. So opposite. In op case, silver boosting plat guy.

Ok then what about the games a silver player ruins because they are so bad they cant play is that still fair?

It’s not different than another gold ruining games because they’re so bad, the just have a smaller icon next to their portrait.

You could say golds & plats shouldn’t be able to group because the gold is ruining matches for a bunch of plats. You can substitute any ranks in really.

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The difference is gold and plat is a 500 sr diff and silver and plat is 1000

I recognize that difference, it’s not a major problem.

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Then there should be no issue with me playing with someone 1000sr above me? You cant say its wrong one way and not the other plat game play and silver game play at different. And a silver player can and does lose games for the team because they shouldnt be in plat games

its just impossible but ok buddy

Drawing lines is kinda arbitrary in the first place, like yeah silvers & plats are different, but even golds are different from golds. I get that limits need to be drawn somewhere, but there are already, & it becomes less lax as you climb because the difference in skill is actually significant enough to matter at that point.

I never did. Plats are hardly going to be carrying silvers, the difference in skill may be present, but the carry potential not as much.

And like I said, golds ruin matches for other golds. Plats ruin matches for other plats. Plats sometimes ruin matches for golds. The ranks are somewhat meaningless icons meant to simply seperate the players into easily understood categories, not so much into actual skill categories.

I could totally understand lowering it a few hundred if blizz deemed it an issue, but who’s to say a 1900 silver & a 2600 plat aren’t basically gold? Who’s to say they are? Who’s to say they aren’t close enough in skill to merit teaming up?
Nobody & everybody, because it’s kinda arbitrary.

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They dont ruin anything. Did you even read what I wrote? Do you still not understand it? Games have two teams made so they both have same average MMR. There is no boosting or dragging team down. If you team has silver player, enemy team has same skill disadvantage elsewhere.

It is team vs team. Forget the individual player ranks.

Silver player cannot ruin the match just because he he silver ranked.


Key words “just because”. Yes, individual players may ruin matches at times, but that has nothing to do with the bracket said player resides in. Your odds of winning put very loosely are determined by the grand total sum of each team’s skill being put to the test against each other. Just as many matches are won with that silver as they are lost.

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idk how small your thinking process was, but if you lower sr group range its just gonna increase smurfing

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The problem is, that they introduced RQ to make the teams more even and the roles performing where they should. Jeff made a video that backs up that.

… now if they do that, the queues would be ASTRONOMICAL because of that gap and people would not be able to play together so yeah, to make the game actually FAIR MMR wise (because right now is not) , they would have to kill the playerbase that plays stacking with their friends.

Basically make a “solo queue” mode and only allow to 2 stack with people within the 500SR gape would “solve” the unfairness, but get ready to have this queues:

  • Tank : 6-10 mins max
  • DPS : 45 mins+
  • Supports : 25 mins+
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Should be matched exactly within roles. Plat game: enemy has diamond dps -> we need to have as well. Same for duos, trios etc. I don’t mind going against diamond tanks when I am plat but these 3300 Widowmakers are making me wanna throw the PC out from the window.


I got matched with a gold player once in masters. The entire time he was dying to widow even though none of us died to her, now I get why golds think widow is op smh they have like 0 awarenes.

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