Silverpelt's Viable Dualist Moira Rework

Previously, I’ve tried to add extra utility to Moira to her but had some major consequences. This version will keep her identity the same, and also emphasize her dualist nature of healing and dealing damage.

Biotic Grasp
In my opinion, Biotic Grasp should be the main theme of Moira’s healing/dps identity. Why should one thing overshadow the other? Experimental Moira is literally a healbot who can barely fend off flankers who she is supposed to counter. Meanwhile, her dps beam width is still absurdly huge which should be addressed.

Biotic Grasp’s Healing
Biotic Grasp’s healing should retain its 65 healing per second because that is the perfect value for her to be a strong healer who doesn’t give out any extra beneficial buffs to her teammates.

Biotic Grasp’s Damage
Her damage, on the other hand, needs some big changes. Its beam width (or mini lock-on, whatever you want to call it) should be lowered to around 0.3 width, unlike its current width which I’m assuming is around 1 meter. While people may want her range reduced, I think it’s needed for her as she is a backline hero who needs to manage her resources properly. Its DPS however should be upped to 65 dps, the same value as her heailng. This helps with her healing/dps identity and also increases her skill ceiling. Due to the decreased survivability, her lifesteal will be increased from 20 to 25.

Biotic Orb
Her Biotic Orb right now is still heavily encouraged to use healing orb which helps with the survivability of her teammates. However, I want her damage orb to be more viable, while not making it cancerous to deal with (ex: rng bounce and randomly kill you). While I will go over more specific details on each orb, the projectile will now be at 18 meters per second; a half-revert. However, the latch-on speed will decrease by 15%. Biotic Orb will now explode in contact with a wall that will either do damage or healing depending on the orb.

Healing Orb
Healing Orb’s healing per second has been decreased from 65 to 60. Healing Orb will now drain Moira’s Biotic Energy with half of amount as her Biotic Grasp healing. In Gamepedia terms, that will be 10 biotic energy per second (opposed to 20). If her biotic energy runs out, the Healing Orb will immediately explode and heal 65 hitpoints over 4 seconds with a 4 meter AoE. If you use Healing Orb when you have no biotic energy, it immediately explodes. If the Healing Orb collides with a wall, it will heal 65 hitpoints over 4 seconds. The radius has also been decreased to 4 meters to increase skill ceiling.

Damage Orb
Damage Orb’s damage per second is increased from 50 to 60. The threshold will also be increased from 200 to 300. Damage Orb will now replenish biotic energy by half of the amount of Biotic Grasp. That would be 9.38 biotic energy per second. However, there is now a penalty for using Damage Orb with full biotic energy. If you use Damage Orb and your biotic energy is full or becomes full, it immediately explodes to deal 65 damage over 4 seconds. If it hits a wall, it will deal 65 damage over 4 seconds.

No changes needed.

Balancing Coalescence is kind of tricky. I want to go with the theme of duality and even out the hps and dps. However, 70 hps in an ultimate is pretty bad for a healer like Moira and 140 dps? Forget about it. In the end, I’ve decided on keeping her ult as the same as it is already balanced.

Now, Moira is a properly dualist with healing/dps capabilites that has a higher skill ceiling to achieve. Her Biotic Orb now requires more skill on where to throw and get the most out of. She is still an easy hero to pick up but is much harder to master.

How it looks on Patch notes (I’m just counting experimental Moira as live Moira)-

Biotic Grasp (Healing)

  • Healing per second decreased from 70 to 65

Biotic Grasp (Damage)

  • Beam width decreased to 0.3 meters
  • Damage per second increased from 50 to 65
  • Self-Healing per second increased from 20 to 30

Biotic Orb

  • Projectile speed decreased from 20 meters to 18 meters
  • Latch-on speed decreased by 15%
  • Now explodes when touching a wall
    • Healing Orb will heal 65 hitpoints over 4 seconds
    • Damage Orb will deal 65 damage over 4 seconds

Biotic Orb (Healing)

  • Healing per second decreased from 65 to 60
  • Healing Orb will now drain Biotic Energy by 10 per second
  • Will explode if Moira runs out of Biotic Energy

Biotic Orb (Damage)

  • Damage per second increased from 50 to 60
  • Threshold increased from 200 to 300
  • Damage Orb will now recover Biotic Energy by about 9.5 per second
  • Will explode if Moira has full Biotic Energy

I am shocked about the author of this.

Someone wake me up :sleeping_bed:t2:

I don’t want range nerfed from 20m to 15

There is a reason it’s 20m it’s survival related (not because damage) but it’s the exact width to keep safe distance from many heroes. Example: Roadhog hook, Reinhardt shatter which are both 20m.

I would take 40 dps over 15m length.


Hey, hey. I know I did… stuff to Moira in the past, but I want to make up for it. She is a good hero and no one should be trashed. Hopefully it’s good.

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how about this
also has a bit of resource management that ties really well to her identity

Get up, you got school.

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I mean the 40dps experimental lol

I mean, I get that 15 m could be very survival related, but at the same time… whenever I play Moira I feel like 20 meters is just free damage to replenish ult charge. It’s also an easy way to deal with Pharah and Echo. I’m not an expert though. We’ll see on what the rest of the Moira community feels like, and I’ll make changes based on that. Your feedback is noted.

It’s not bad but putting Moira’s damage on a timer isn’t really going to work well imo.

I like it. 20m always felt a bit excessive. 15m and dangerous means she beats up on flankers. She had decent damage for years, too. I would rather she had damage but an aim requirement than almost no damage and no aim req. I also like the idea of a beam with normal width, but that gets stronger the closer you are to the center.

Explody orbs is interesting. I feel like you would have a tough time finding a balance between oppressive AOE damage that goes through shields and too weak because of all the unused damage. There are a whole lot of walls in OW.

100dps on coalescence seems a bit much, maybe? Maybe if it had a shorter duration? That calculation is beyond me.

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Moira’s a Support role, that’s primary built around healing and providing Support to their team. They far more forgiving aims, thicker projectiles, and deliver less damage inexchange for more potent healing. As it stands right now, her basic functions are working exactly as intended, perhaps a little too well.

Except a heal over time that doesn’t require even a full second to trigger.

Again, this a problem players have little concept of understanding about why things are the way they are. You cannot have Moira, with the amount of healing, and healing options available to her, delivering more damage than what’s already intended. Given that so many players struggle to kill an attacking Moira, it’s fairly obvious that most players can’t maintain a regular average accuracy against an enemy Moira, let alone one that’s also seeing health restoration through her beam, furthering mitigating any damage dealt by the defending target (or attacking target if you will).

Any changes to her damage going upward would need a severe decrease in healing output. The kind of severity that Zenyatta sees with his damage output. You can’t have 65 healing per second, 65 healing over 4 seconds, and 65 healing per second up to a maximum of 300. It’s not going to happen.

See above, it’s not going to happen.

This change makes it the most powerful damaging ultimate in the game, at 800 damage over 8 seconds per target (4800). You’ve now made it more powerul than Pharah’s Barrage, and included a healing component that completely dwarfs Rally, Sound Barrier, Valkyrie, and Transcendence.

your solution to the infamous dps-lite support hero is to turn them into even more of a dps

Moira dealing high amounts of damage isn’t a problem. She’s a literal dualist with no other utility. Moira’s beam being too easy to pickup and get value out of is a problem. Biotic Orb rng in a competitive game is a problem.

it’s not a timer
all it really means is that if you use your damage too much it will be less effective

so if you use it like you should you get rewarded (doing 65-60 dps)
but if you use all the time it will go down to 40 dps