Silverpelt's AntiBarrier Patch


  • Reverted the change that made knockback the same to all heroes regardless if they had some form of knockback resistance.
  • Damage reduction from armor now decreases 25% from Hitscan and projectile weapon damage over 10. (Otherwise damage below 10 are still 50% damage reduction)



  • Critical Hitbox decreased by 10%
  • Health/Armor ratio changed from (400/200) to (300/300)

Fusion Cannons

  • Movement speed penalty decreased from 50% to 30%

Defense Matrix

  • Range increased from 10 meters to 12 meters
  • Duration increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds



  • Armor increased from 250 to 300

Fusion Driver

  • Damage increased from 11 to 12
  • Weapon spread decreased by 10%
  • Reload time decreased from 2.55 seconds to 2 seconds


  • Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
  • Damage reduction increased from 40% to 50%
  • Orisaā€™s hitbox now counts as an environmental object (could block things like dva bomb or earthshatter)


Rocket Hammer

  • Damage increased from 75 to 90

Barrier Field

  • Health decreased from 1600 to 1200


  • Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds


Scrap Gun

  • Damage decreased from 6 to 5 (Maximum 125 damage)


  • Cannot grant enemies ultimate charge while channeled
  • Cooldown decreased from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
  • Allies within 10 meters of Roadhog will receive a 30% damage reduction for 5 seconds



  • Temporary shields no longer grant ultimate charge

New Passive: Gravatic Curtailment

  • Shield health now acts like armor health but with regeneration

Experimental Barrier

  • Health decreased from 900 to 700
  • Recall cooldown activates immediately rather than when the Barrier is placed

Kinetic Grasp

  • Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 9 seconds
  • Can be cancelled by pressing ability 1 again
    • Shields will be retained


  • Direct damage increased from 70 to 90

Gravitic Flux

  • Can no longer be interrupted before targets begin falling
  • Ultimate cost increased by 10%



  • Armor health increased from 100 to 200

Wrecking Ball


  • Affected playersā€™ loss of air control increased from 0.5 seconds to 0.8 seconds


The Viper

  • Magazine size decreased from 15 to 13


Storm Bow

  • Damage decreased from 125 to 80-125 (Experimental within Experimental)
  • Falloff damage is reversed (Elevateon damage?) starting from 1 meter to 20 meters (Experimental within Experimental)


Widowā€™s Kiss (Secondary Fire)

  • Critical hit multiplier decreased from 2.5x to 2x
  • Maximum damage increased form 120 to 130



  • Shield health increased from 100 to 150

Photon Projector (Primary Fire)

  • Damage ramp up speed increased from 1.33 seconds to 1 second per level

Photon Projector (Secondary Fire)

  • Damage decreased from 140 to 120
  • Maximum charge time decreased from 1 second to 0.8 seconds


  • Cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 9 seconds


Frag Launcher

  • Projectile size increased from 0.2 to 0.3 seconds while on air
    • Reverts back to 0.2 seconds once it hits a wall or ground


Biotic Grenade

  • Duration decreased from 4 seconds to 3 seconds


Barrier shield

  • Movement penalty decreased from 30% to 20%

What I tried to do: Reduce the gap between a main tank and an offtank. Probably failed miserably, but oh well.


Isnā€™t that a big lucio buff?

Iā€™d play this.

Not sure how it would play and Iā€™m sure youā€™re about to swamped by the ā€œdis sucks hur durā€ crowed, but Iā€™d play it


Big lucio buff actually. And now you mention it, I need to remove that and only apply it to Sigmaā€™s and Hammondā€™s shields.


Im super iffy about the Reinhardt and Armor change. Mostly the Armor change because it already has two damage reduction rules, and I dont think its good to add another and make it more complicated and prone to bugs

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It should still have only two damage reduction rules because im removing the -5 for the -25%

Waitā€¦ I kinda like theseā€¦

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i like these, but i donā€™t understand sigmaā€™s shield damage decrease thing.
a better buff (IMO) would be to give him an escape option since heā€™s so squishy.

And a Doomfist buff, and a wrecking ball buff

So make orisa and rein more broken than launch brig or mercy 2.0. And Winston gets just straight nerfed? Yikes.

Wrecking ball shields already never granted ult charge, and I reverted those changes cause i forgot about lucio (and doomfist).

This is so good omgā€¦

Actually the whole post looks good. Less shield and simultaneously less feeding they should def try this ^^

Only request to buff Brigs movement speed and shield deployment to match Reins or be slightly faster

Wish has been granted. Merry Christmas.

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The one thing I find worrying about this is that Reinhardt already feels by far the most crucial tank, and this comparatively makes him stronger given the overall changes. Heā€™s too aggressive already, increasing how dangerous he is would be the wrong thing to do.

Understood. Thank you for the feedback.

Honestly this would give him too much value from swinging. A damage boosted Reinhardt would two-shot most heroes with 90 damage. Heā€™d also be harder to push away with 40% knockback reduction. Heā€™d be basically unstoppable.

Thank you for the feedback. I changed Reinhardt to be less oppressive than my first changes. His damage and health now remains unchanged, and his movement penalty with barrier is also unchanged.

Tbh, unless you drastically change how Ult charge, BioNade, snipers, Earthshatter workā€¦Thatā€™s not gonna work very well.

I tried to solve it last night, but thereā€™s a lot of side effects I hadnā€™t considered.

Just nerf Rein already before every other tank player quits - #302 by GreyFalcon-11737

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This seems a really awkward, unintuitive tiering system, and greatly changes the purpose of armor. If you wanted something thatā€™d serve nearer its original purpose while still having an impact on higher per-hit damage, you may just want to have damage act as if striking from 25% further away atop its normal effects. This would reduce the effectiveness of Soldier, Ashe, Cree, and the like in tank-melting from mid- to long-distance in a smoother, more intuitive manner.

Between the two, any flankers without hypermobility would be free kills. I love D.Va, but that seems excessive to me.

This is already the case.

It should not. Headshot immunity atop 50% damage reduction for 4 out of every 12 seconds can amount to average of nearly 25% damage reduction over time ā€” like an Ironclad buff, but way, way better.

Orisa isnā€™t so underpowered at present that you can afford all those Fortify buffs, let alone her damage buffs, off just 100 barrier HP.

Moreover, anything less than 600 rapidly makes it unable even to cover an allyā€™s extraction. Note that more than half the hero cast can break that barrier single-handedly with a single magazine of ammunition (and a Helix, in Soldierā€™s case). Itā€™s weak enough. If anything, it should just be far more responsive and have QoL features enough (say, for seeing where it will land) so Orisaā€™s team neednā€™t be bunkered behind it.

Iā€™m not sure this is needed. If I recall correctly, his old 50% knockback resistance decreased the effective CC time of knockback against him by ~75%, since it reduces the range at which he will be horizontally moved on the way to the apex of the bounce, which then, given that the momentum is fully maintained, means that it also reduces the distance after the apex, effectively doubling the effect of that reduction.

Personally, Iā€™d much rather just see more barrier-to-swing blending so I have more opportunities to skillfully flick-cast my barrier to intercept boops against me.

This sounds really gimmicky to meā€¦ And itā€™s not as if any skilled Roadhogs have been performing badly except against Rein-Zarya-Lucio-Ana comps where they may lack the team damage to break barriers over what little time the enemy team takes to rush in.

Iā€™d honestly rather see his skill-shotting improved. Allow him to turn the hookā€™s return path via mouse or aim-stick so he can grab enemies he otherwise would have missed or to guide hooked enemies around corners and other obstacles. Allow him to cancel the hook at any time, pulling mobs half-way to him and dropping them into holes or off cliffs, or even just depositing them in front of Mei-Reaper. Heck, you can even change the functionality of Primary Fire and Secondary Fire during the draw-in for added control, such as to make a temporary Wrecking Ball spin-to-win out of an enemy (though Iā€™d argue thatā€™s a bit too much).

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Added some more changes (experimental within experimental)

Reinhardt got nerfed a bit more
Orisa got buffed a bit more
Snipers got some heavy nerfs