Sigma needs to be nerfed

Any decent sigma won’t be floating in the middle of the sky.
You hit a point where sigmas immediately hide after pressing ult and to further that ult immediately after they see the threatening stun ability used.

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Rein has cleave, but other than that he is a standing still shield, he can’t throw his shield, he can’t shoot his shield, he can charge in whoopie do. He has no real survivability skills that some of the other tanks do have.

do you honestly think, that mccree is a better hero than sigma

comparable damage (mccree has higher but not that much)


kinetic grasp is better than roll

shield is better than nothing

and ult wise gravitic flux is 10 times better than high noon

oh and did I mention he has double the hp of mccree while also being able to regen some of it?

also the meta was GOATS untill 2-2-2, only 2 teams found success with DPS comps (chengdu, and shanghai)

i dont think sigma needs a nerf frankly…

maybe a powershift.

reduce his shield HP to like 750 or 600 and remove the cooldown on recall completly

and dont get me started with the “but think of the hitscan” because the situation we are in right now (aka double barrier) is because dive got nerfed to heck, and the only answer to getting barraged with hitscan bullets from the other side of the map is to just stack up barriers

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You don’t realise that most people would disagree and it is DPS that are powercrept. They are the ones getting all the buffs and tanks getting nerfs. How can they be power crept if all they get are nerfs?

Sigma is in a good spot. Rein and Zarya both need a little bit of nerfing, especially Zarya’s survivability. Then DVa and Winston need a little love, especially DVa. Hog could do with a bit of a survivability buff at the expense of shortening his hook to 16m and making it actually be the length it says and not some ridiculous distance sometimes but not others. Ball I wouldn’t be sure what to do with. He is strong in the right hands but is so annoying to anyone playing against him that I put him in the category of Sombra, Symm, etc. - he can’t be buffed because he is so annoying and nerfing him would make him trash. Orisa could do with another 100 on her shield at the expense of shortening the halt distance a little.

TL;DR : Use Sig as the benchmark around whom to balance the other tanks. He is the best balanced currently.

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i think what zarya needs is once again another shift in power

heres my suggestion and explanation on this Other thread

In this situation ? Absolutely.
Rein/Zarya/Sigma/Genji has zero shield breaking ability. McCree is a far better shield buster than Sigma, and if Genji comes too close, he’s much better at killing him due to his stun not being massively delayed.
Genji can dive Rein/Zarya/Sigma far more easily than Rein/Zarya/McCree.

Comparing hero abilities 1 on 1 is also stupid, because every hero is unique and bring something different.

The meta that won Stage 3 in OWL 2019 was Triple DPS. Period. GOATS was dead before 2-2-2.

What? Mcree just has to stay 23m away from Sigma and all Sigma can do is throw a slow projectile and hope to hit him. How can these be compared?

From your responses (not just this one) it is obvious that you have completely lost your objectivity in the debate you started and are now tunnel visioned on Sigma being OP. Try listening to what others are saying.

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sorry but if you think mccree is objectively better than sigma then you havent played this game enough. I would love to be proven wrong, so if you want to tell me your rank

This is pretty much it. I mean he actually does have a good amount of tanking ability and although he does feed, he also feeds his own supports and self Ult charge too.

Not to mention he has one of the best abilities to deny Ults too.

The part I agree with is damage. I’m not saying how much damage his gun does but the amount of Ammo and Reload time. I been playing a ton of Hog recently (he’s like my break tank when I get burnt out on other tanks).

As long as my Hooks are on point I get value but he has such little ammo and such a long reload that he has these huge windows where he can’t keep up the pressure and is easy to push up on.

Hog will never be Rein levels of balanced but that’s ok. He is a niche hero for better or for worse. But that ammo/reload problem is real.

McCree is objectively better in the situation you gave me.

Also what does rank has to do in this ? Are you that out of arguments that you want to resort to ad-hominem ?

GOATS wanst dead, because every other team was using it other than shanghai.

Following your logic

“I won a ranked game against genji, genji is dead. period”

There’s a difference between you, a rando, and the best team at the time, that won the OWL stage 3.

haha, looking for a chance to rank shame. Nice. Very few people are agreeing with you so sink lower and lower. You are not getting much agreement because you are wrong about SIgma being OP. He is flexible yes, but compared to the other tanks he is not OP. He is middle of the pack currently.


No, rank shows skill and understanding of the game. If you are higher than me than
you got there by being better at the game and understanding. Rank has everything to do with it, because it shows better understanding

Nice definition of rank shaming. Keep it up, you are embarassing yourself now.

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its not rank shaming? i dont even know his SR maybe he is higher than me

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Sigma’s weakness is playing against weapons that he can’t eat.

  • Rein’s Hammer
  • Zarya’s beam gun
  • Winston’s tesla gun
  • Symetra’s beam gun
    *Mei’s freeze gun
  • Doomfist’s rocket punch

Stop playing heroes like McCree that a good Sigma knows how to defend against.

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only 2 on the list that are actually good, and rein zarya gets smashed by sig orissa

With good heals, Zarya “roasts” Sigma.

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