Sigma needs to be nerfed

Nice definition of rank shaming. Keep it up, you are embarassing yourself now.

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its not rank shaming? i dont even know his SR maybe he is higher than me

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Sigma’s weakness is playing against weapons that he can’t eat.

  • Rein’s Hammer
  • Zarya’s beam gun
  • Winston’s tesla gun
  • Symetra’s beam gun
    *Mei’s freeze gun
  • Doomfist’s rocket punch

Stop playing heroes like McCree that a good Sigma knows how to defend against.

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only 2 on the list that are actually good, and rein zarya gets smashed by sig orissa

With good heals, Zarya “roasts” Sigma.

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Last time I played rank seriously I was Diamond.
Then again, last time I played rank seriously was in 2018.
I peaked in low Masters.

Man Sigma gets one meta that favours him and he needs a nerf, Rein gets to be the most commonly used tank in the meta over the games lifespan but it’s blasphemy to say he needs nerfs

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Then I cannot possibly believe why you would think mccree is a better hero than overwatch

Maybe because I do have a better understanding of the game ?

3-3 wasn’t meta because DPS were bad, it was because the combination of heroes blended together too well.

DPS should have never been buffed to counter goats because it was a brig problem more than a damage was weak problem. Soldier currently does 20 damage a bullet which back in the day was considered OP but now he’s considered weak. Why? Because he’s a strong hero that is completely outclassed by how broken Mccree, Ash, widow and current genji is.

Notice how powerful Mei reaper was when 2-2-2 was implemented even tho only brig was nerfed out of the “OP” tanks and supports in goats.

DPS is the most powercrept role in the game.


Sigma should be nerfed, how much overloaded kit he has.

Having 2 abilites that negates dmg doesn’t makes any sense. Imagine Dva having a barrier along with her matrix. That’s simply broken. He also has stun ability. Honestly tired of these one man army style characters.

That’s the real issue about him. It’s like everything is summed up in one hero.

sad reaper noises

Well to make up for his damage they gave him low health his grasp can get him killed unless everyone on the enemy team is hitscan/projectiles, witch won’t be the case almost all the time.
His high damage shots are not only hard to hit but almost impossible to hit if the other player is actively dodging them because you have to predict there movement and the can just turn the other way whenever you shoot.
Also his shielding isn’t the best, it’s hard to use for of angles and reactively blocking keybcooldowns because they gave it a 0.5 cooldown, making it much less fluid. Also it’s relatively low health and small size make it only work as a shield for the whole team if you run Orisa sigma, witch got nerfed pretty hard.
His rock is very good and while hard to hit from range I feel it is a rewarding and good part of his kit
Also other off tanks have more damage(zarya, hog) and more sustain then him, his shield is the only thing keeping him somewhat meta and not just a worse version of zarya, so if that gets nerfed again he’s out for good

He doesn’t have a defence matrix
Dm is on a resource metre, so it can be used not only more often but at specific times when you want to, for example, if you want to eat the enemy fire strike to denie ult, dva can just flash her matrix at it for half a second and it’s gone, a d then she has her matrix at full again 2 seconds later, while sigma will not only be stuck in the animation of grasp, making him useless for next few seconds, but he also has to devote the entire cooldown at once, and won’t have grasp for the next like 12 seconds.
Also dm is protected and goes quite far, meaning you don’t have to be close to a teamate to help them as dva, on too of that the fact the dva has boosters means she has the mobility to get to a support and peel with dm, or dive in with the main tank and keep him alive with dm.
The nature of dm means dive will always have a bit of it for a time she needs it, and she won’t die because she mistake sky used it just as a zarya came to kill her, she can just turn around or at least fight back

Do you even know how wrong this is?

110 on 2 direct hits every 1.5 without the ability to headshot vs 70 (140) with a 0.42 (according to the wiki) delay (2.38 shots per second) is comparable? Its 220 damage for Sigma every 3 seconds while a fully headshotting McCree can potentially do 840 damage in the same timeframe including reloading? Fan the Hammer does 50 damage max per bullet and uses all buölets in 0.9 (0.15 per bullet) seconds. So 1 rightclick does 300 damage in 0.9 seconds. With 1.5 seconds to reload he can almost get a second one of in the 3 second timeframe and if he uses his combat role he actually can get 2 fan the hammers in less than 3 seconds pushing him to 600 damage in 3 seconds.

Please explain to me how their damage is comparable?

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Brig is someone you can argue has everything summed up in one hero
But sigma litteraly have no mobility how can he have everything?

Yeah mcree has much much more damage then sigma
Also roll can be more valuable then grasp and has a lower cooldown
Mcrees stun is much better because he can capitalize on it much better then sig can,

Also he has ranged hitscan damage which Sig doenst
I mean seriously you can’t compare to hero’s who’s Res and jobs are so different

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Matrix is infinitely better then sig grasp, and your not taking the rest of there kits inti consideration, dva can make much more use of dm, and sigma can make much more use of a shield

brig also doesn’t have mobility.

Other than mobility, Sigma has every thing in kit. burst dmg, Barrier, absorb (ability similar to DM), stun