ive been saying that i feel like sigma got nerfed really hard, making him feel very weak right now especialy when compared against rein,
and ive suggested the two following buffs in a thread ive made suggesting a lot of buffs for different characters, here were my buff proposal quoted from the thread
Now i didnt want to throw the idea out there again, but i wanted to make a separate thread because ive kind of managed to remove the recall cooldown on his barrier using workshop,
Now keep in mind, i wasnt able to add the cast time or any sort of delay so i can literally mash it at will like you will see in the replay, but i just wanted to give people a feel of how this would play like,
i have to say, it felt pretty good, i can totally see this working in the game,
Here is the replay code: MFQW90
and yes, i tested it with bots because i had no one else to test it with, but i just wanted to show how it would feel visually
Id send the workshop code but its very crude and badly designed and it probably wouldnt work for anything else other than a little bit of a visual teaser, but i wanted to share with you all this little experiment,
What do you think? imagine this but without the margially overpowered barrier spam and kind of like how it was on his release, but with the 900hp barrier, making it easier to break and not as annoying,
and yes you see me getting hacked every 0.0001 seconds because thats what i used to skip the recall cooldown otherwise it was impossible