Sick of the 'Play Better' Argument

There are too many people experiencing the same thing for it to be totally debunked.

Nobody knows exactly what is going on but something aint right, thats for sure.


I hate being back in gold. So many games are just my team, or the opposition essentially throwing by refusing to group up to attack.

Pop quiz.

Option 1. Wait 10 seconds for your Orisa with Ult then go in 6v6 with 50% damage boost. Potentially win the point.

Option 2. Don’t bother waiting and go in 4v6 and get butchered like dogs. Do that all game then blame the Orisa for being a bad tank.

Congrats if you chose option 2. You’re 90% of OW players gold and below.


Play better isn’t an argument, it’s just some shet to say when people don’t want to think.

Sort of like saying ‘don’t die’.

A basically dumb, unhelpful troll, usually said by someone who wants to feel better about themselves by putting someone else down.

The best thing you can do to improve is check out the actual streams that people who do gaming for a living put out. This forum, or in game, is definitely not a place to go to find out how to game better. And that’s fine, that’s the way it is everywhere. Forums, and in game chats, have useful feedback and trolls. Game sense, not a bit. There’s no one here or in game, even if they are a high rank, who has as good advice as a pro streamer or OWL member. You just have to know we’re all trash compared to the pros on the forum and ignore the troll comments.

They haven’t “fixed” anything really, however PBSR is a smaller factor now, so you should be able to climb regardless. PBSR is still very inconsistent for tanks and supports and does not correlate well with good gameplay (assuming that ‘good gameplay’ means … y’know… gameplay that results in a high chance of winning.)

I know that damage boosts count for a lot more than healing, so if you’re on Mercy you should definitely prioritize the blue beam. I don’t know much more than that, but there are support mains out there who have ‘cracked the code’ so to speak, and know what plays are rewarded by PBSR and which ones aren’t. (Healing apparently isn’t, so… yeah.)

You could try to get someone like that to fill you in, or y’know, just rely on the fact that PBSR is a smaller factor now and you can climb despite it still being broken.

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I don’t need to do any of that. It’s as simple as this.

Fact 1: I’ve pulled 5+ accounts out of silver
Fact 2: You’re stuck in silver

Given fact 1, I’m good enough to consistently pull accounts out of silver. Given fact 2, you’re not good enough to even pull one account out of silver. Therefore, if you were as good as me, you could pull accounts out of silver. But you aren’t.

Hell dude, even if you were plat, you could pull your account up to gold consistently. But you’re not.

And the same applies to me. GM+ can pull accounts through master consistently, whereas I’m stuck here. I’m just not good enough. Accept it, and quit making excuses.


Yeah. I think that the code in the old days was met team die then rez the lot. I went with trying to keep them up and tempo rezzes.
So I had 60% wr and was stuck whilst Mercy playing “properly” could climb to GM with 48% wr.

This was along with Torb and Sombra climbing with sub 50% wr.

They scrapped it for top 13%, but rest of us are plebby scum and just gotta suck it down…

I have three accounts all of which always end in the same place no matter how hard I try…I don’t think you have diamond smurf. Proof? It’s hard to believe.

I play around 2500-2900 and I can always tell when I start hitting both ranges of it. I can carry out of silver and gold pretty easily as Ana or zen tbh.


yeah well. Quick rundown on why I dont care anymore. My first run with this game I was a steady diamond for maybe 2 seasons before I stopped playing.
A year later I started again. Placed way to high and got slaughtered wherever I went so I rolled a new account.

New account 1 placed at 1600-1700 dont remember exactly. Eventually I started to wonder why I was not climbing because I felt way better. I even went as low as 1350 before I went back to 1700 even though I instantly fell back to 1500. I rolled another account. Placed 2300. For a season I sat around 2500. Now here is the interesting part. I went back to my old account of 1500ish. Had a hard time breaking 1700 which happened once. :stuck_out_tongue:

SO, my advice. Dont take this game to seriously. Nothing about it is competative and the whole system is pointless, silly, frustrating or straight up bogus. Nowdays I only care about fun, I just play around because I usually get more structured games in comp than in QP. I also dont have to care about the frustrating part which normally is about 70% of my games. Now I only pick or fill if that would benefit my fun.


it probably could but I am willing to bet good money it’s not made to work that way.

“HERP DERP Your Diamond account isn’t an accurate representation of your skill and your bronze account must be, you must just be getting carried in Diamond and you don;t realize it, i bet if you played 5000 more games that account would land in Bronze.”

It’s like if someone claimed a baseball team lost solely because of the pitcher. At least in baseball you can replace a teammate if they’re sucking that day, too bad you couldn’t pause comp games and vote to boot someone to fill with someone new.

I started to make a long post quoting all the people blaming everything but themselves for being unable to climb but I realized I was tired of it. Season after season, the same people spamming the same posts full of anecdotes and blame but never introspection… it just makes me tired.

Play better and you’ll climb. Keep posting anecdotes and blaming everything that isn’t yourself and you’ll stay where you are or fall while everyone else gets better around you.


I honestly dont care how I perform. I just want to have fun so my rank is meaningless to me. With that said, I think its actually frustration you hear from the majority of ppl. Comp is a frustrating experience when you are trying to climb. Half the games have smurfs/throwers/leavers/derankers/toxicity. When that is a variable in your rank it makes for a shltty experience no matter if it evens out in the long run. Its about hating every minute in atleast half ytour games

Blizz have made a casual mode and called it competative. A ruleset supporting casual play for the most part and some hints of competativeness. They need to make up their mind. No wonder ppl are clashing when not even Blizz can make up their mind on what comp is.


For Ana, I can attest that offensive assists definitely boosts MMR and SR gains. The more you can get kills via anti-heal, sleep darts, and nano… the more gains you will see. Healing and defensive assists do not get you nearly as much SR gains… so even if you have amazing aim and can easily pocket heal your DPS as they mow down the team… it is often better to try to help them clutch the kill than it is to heal them and let them get full offensive credit for the kill… unfortunate… because Ana is a main healer and should focus on healing. Instead, you have to play as a “playmaker” and look for offensive opportunities as much as possible to net better PBSR gains.


The one comfort I have is that I know these people will stay in their rank forever while the ones who put in the effort will climb. They’ll just continue to whine and moan, but nothing will change.


I play in scrims every week quite frequently. Also enter tournaments. With high plat players, diamond(my rank.), And masters.

I have found some masters players that are amazing at the game. I have also seen some masters players that got bested by plat and diamond players.

Sr doesn’t mean everything. There are lower sr players that are better at the game. I am not saying a silver player can best a diamond.

Just some players are ranked lower and higher then they belong.

Sr does not always equal skill. Especially in a broken competitive ladder.

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Have you tried using LFG to find competent silvers to 4 stack wtih?

Or smurfs to boost you up? Smurfs may happily boost you then derank.

Yes, but you aren’t going to help by whining and moaning yourself.

By the way, people who don’t raise rank are just better human beings in general than people who put them down, and fail to draw any kind of distinction from someone mad who can’t go up in rank from someone who doesn’t care. I hear more whining and crying and baby talking from higher rank people who want to put others down than those who try to raise rank and can’t.

Which really makes me wonder about people who climb. Are they really climbing to be better players? Or are they climbing because they’re a little despicable and do it just to put others down?

People should just stop worrying about their rank. You’re not an awesome person if you have a higher rank, and you’re not a bad person if you have a lower rank. Nobody is an OWL member here, or a pro-streamer that I see, so no matter how good you are, you still suck by comparison to anyone who plays this game for real.

My rank is the best rank. People are fun here, and play the game without reporting each other for character picks. Nobody in bronze has any false illusions that they are some gaming god.

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I’ve said it before, and I’ll continue to say it. There’s nothing wrong with being in any rank. You can stay bronze, and if you’re happy there, that’s just fine. Who cares as long as you’re having fun?


When someone is unhappy in their rank but lacks the skill to climb, they need to accept that they just aren’t good enough and work on it. If they instead come to the forums and whine about how the big bad evil system is holding them back, I will tell them they are being dumb and to stop it. The only people I’m happy about staying in their rank are these whiners. The ones that are trying to improve but not seeing the results they want, I feel for, because I’ve been there myself. And I will offer them any help that I can.


It’s not pretending if it’s true most of the time :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Generally when people say to “play better and you will climb”; it’s not an argument, but rather simple advice from people that have actually climbed.