I was grouped up with a Diamond smurf last night. In bronze/silver games. He was getting entire team wipes as genji: And yet, we’d still lose. At one point I died after Nano’ing him, and I watched as he took out 4 players on the enemy team - meanwhile one tracer and a doomfist took out four of our players. (Who had the longer run back.)
Then other games, we decimated that other team like they were standing still. Repeatedly. This tells me it was a completely unfair match. How is a Genji with stats like that in bronze/silver? You’re seriously trying to tell me that the system can’t detect: "Oh, this guy played like crap in his placements but now he suddenly has insane stats. Then the stats drop like a rock again. Then they sky rocket again.’? Yeah. Right.
Just because someone is in bronze/silver doesn’t mean that they’re stuck there because they belong there. Case in point, I have another account where I placed (And I stay) Diamond.
I can’t drag this account out of bronze/silver.
I can’t support my way out of it because the DPS and tanks are practically brain dead. Being positive does nothing, no one is in voice chat, nor do they listen. They don’t care to utilize ults correctly, they are oblivious about positioning, I watch the healers run into one another and then run in circles any time they hear a Junkrat tire coming. No one ever tries to point out where it’s coming from so it can be destroyed. They just run around like frightened little cockroaches.
Telling someone to ‘play better’ when it takes a team effort is redundant, completely unhelpful and in the end: Doesn’t. Matter. Much.
Of course improving yourself will improve your odds of winning. No doubt about that: But saying someone is always losing because of them is stupid and untrue.
How many times on these forums have people posted a VOD for review and I’ve seen the higher ranked players tell the person:
“You lost that game for your team with what you did right there.”
Oh… wait a minute. So the Soldier who has 61 eliminations, that yesterday you told to ‘get gud’ didn’t make his team lose? That Moira DPS’ing made the team lose? Which is it, bucko? Did the soldier need to ‘get gud’ or did the Moira lose the game for them by playing poorly? WHICH IS IT? Does the Soldier need to ‘get gud’ or does -gasp- YOUR TEAMMATES HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT?
This is a: ‘You can’t have your cake and eat it too’ scenario. Either the people this horrible matchmaker puts you in with matters, or only YOUR performance matters.
-Stop pretending like the matchmaker isn’t broken.
-Stop pretending like it takes stats into consideration when matching someone.
-Stop pretending like it takes win/loss ratio into consideration when matching.
-Stop pretending like someone’s personal performance is why they lose, taking the light off of the matchmaking problem. It’s by far the worst it’s ever been.