Sick of the constant Paris toxicity

Just because dev created something it should not mean that other’s should accept it. They are people that did not want any more CC & Shields. Yet they add another hero that has those.

It would be great if each comp season there is a total of 5-7 maps that is chosen by Blizzard/Community through polls. If community hates the map find solution to fix it. If the community still hates retire the map from comp pool. Those maps can still played on other modes.

Map is stinky therefore, leave = epic win.

I personally think that Horizon is the best map in the game.

Not sure why people hate it so much, especially after it’s rework.

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Paris is an extremely hated map.

To the point that everyone that leaves the map on a comp game is considered a hero.

However, think about those poor DPS bastards in those situations.
They waited for in a longer queue.
And they got Paris. And someone leaves.
And they got sent back to the queue.

What is the point of even staying in the queue at that point?

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I don’t leave in competitive but if I wait 10 minutes for a quick play match, I am not going to play Paris, which is the only map I strongly dislike. Not worth the wait I had to endure and I’ll gladly through myself back into queue for a better map.

Sorry, I’m not sorry for that.

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Look I agree they should suck it up and play the map. However if they are all happy about the leaver and you are not, guess who is the odd man out.

I understand you maybe play DPS which makes it extra annoying because of queue, but you should blame Blizzard for not acting on it and not removing it from rotation for modification, rather than the players that just want to enjoy playing the game.

They are far too slow in everything they do. Starting to feel like everything has to be run past “one certain person”. Naming no names, and everything is slow because of it.

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