Sick of the constant Paris toxicity


Do that more often and leave games less (assuming you leave to dodge paris in comp)

Nope, you’re just wrong.

I don’t leave games except on extreme situations and I’ve never left a competitive game over a map.

Look I don’t need to spam it everywhere, that’s not going to make it happen anymore then simply doing it once or twice. I remember spamming Junker Queen threads everywhere and nothing happened. I remember dropping one unintended comment a while back on increasing roadhog’s ammo and lowering his damage and that somehow got listened to.

The lesson here is Blizzard are listening… but it is up to them to act. I can’t and shouldn’t do anymore than that.

your opinion is trash and the majority of players hate brig and paris, delete them both along with all the other heroes that weren’t in the base game.

Why would we? There is more and more to improve.

So apparently if an emergency pops up and you need to leave, and unknowingly queue just before, apparently that means bandwagon on the ban wagon.

Who cares at this point? You were honestly being a jerk trying to be high and mighty for a guy who leaves. If he does it often enough the system will ban him themselves, dont need people whiteknighting trying to get a ban for someone leaving a game.

I usually leaving paris and HLC when I smurfing, bc I dont care, I can swap accounts whenever I want, to keep playing what elo I want, and other ppl are even ready to send me $5 via paypal for that sort of action =) This 2 maps are just bad for community and we resolve this problem how we can. I hope someday they will implement at least 3 map bans able for players, so I never ever play HLC, paris, Ilios anymore.

I’ve seen that many times… people offering PP for someone to quit. I always thought it was a joke lol

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paris dodgers are always justified and they’re the heroes we need in this forsaken game

Why shouldn’t the developers be taking responsibility?

Paris is an absolutely gorgeous map. It’s got great sound effects and music. It’s got lots of interesting minor details.

Despite all of that people hate it.

In your match, you managed to have someone that hated it so much they decided they’d rather take an SR penalty and a timeout and waste the time everyone waited in queue rather than play that match.

If the comments in your match are from separate individuals at least eight out of twelve that were happy the match ended even though it meant all the time they spend in queue was a waste.

This also isn’t a one off where you hit the one tiny group of people that hate it. At best, you have a sizeable minority.

The thing is, people being unhappy about Paris isn’t exactly something that’s a surprise or unpredictable.

Overwatch appears to put players on maps at roughly even rates much of the time according to the data I’ve seen.

This means that once the newness of a map wears off the map is an improvement to the game for someone if they find it more enjoyable than the average map released prior to it and a detriment to the game if it is less enjoyable to the average map.

All of the data I am aware of suggests that players do not like all of the maps/map types evenly.

As a result, releasing maps types at near equal rates when they are unequally liked and unequally hated is a great recipe for making people annoyed as unless a map in a type you dislike is very good it is unlikely you will like it.

Paris happens to be designed in a manner where it is even less popular than your average 2CP and as a result, many people hate it to put it mildly and it’s gotten complaints pretty much since launch.

Blizzard could have avoided the present reaction by designing content more towards what players wanted rather than what they felt like or by manipulating the map selection in the matchmaker so that the map selection would be more towards players liking even if the additions weren’t.

For example they could have done the following:

Put a survey in game where players rate each map.

Keep the data for analysis and also use it to slightly alter map selection.

For example, I like Escort, Hybrid, and Control but, I hate 2CP. The matchmaker will take note of this and assign each role a weight based on my preferences with a minimal weight of 12.5% (half of the current)

Once the matchmaker has twelve players for the match it will check and see if all twelve (number might be better lower) like a type of map the most. If they do it will automatically make that the map type and move on to selecting a map.

Otherwise, it will then check if all twelve like a map type the least. If they do it will remove that type from the running.

Next, the matchmaker will average the weights for each person in each role and then based off them do a dice roll to see what map type it will be.

After the map type is selected the matchmaker will then check to see if all twelve like a map the most in that type. If they do it will send them to that map.

Otherwise, it will then check if all twelve like a map the least. If they do it will remove that type from the running.

Then, it will check if the map type selected was liked by a minority of players. If it was, it will count each individual in said minority as two players and average the weights for each person’s preferences. (The purpose for that the players in the minority may be in the minority much of the time and end up playing the type of maps they like the most less than they do now. By increasing the weight on their opinion it increases the likelihood that when they do end up playing their favorite map type they are more likely to end up on their favorite map.) Then, roll and select the map and send the players off to it.

The box was opened long ago.

Blizzard instead of having any real enforcement decided to do slaps on the wrist and occasionally roast people.

This became clear when an individual complained about being banned for a week and the lead went for his usual roast.

It turns out, they had been reported 2,247 times and the report system hadn’t permabanned them.

Fundamentally, Blizzard staff frequently relates more towards those breaking the rules than those following them unless the rule breakage is aimed at them.

This was in response to a video of people falsely reporting Sym players just after he quit Blizzard.

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Just because dev created something it should not mean that other’s should accept it. They are people that did not want any more CC & Shields. Yet they add another hero that has those.

It would be great if each comp season there is a total of 5-7 maps that is chosen by Blizzard/Community through polls. If community hates the map find solution to fix it. If the community still hates retire the map from comp pool. Those maps can still played on other modes.

Map is stinky therefore, leave = epic win.

I personally think that Horizon is the best map in the game.

Not sure why people hate it so much, especially after it’s rework.

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Paris is an extremely hated map.

To the point that everyone that leaves the map on a comp game is considered a hero.

However, think about those poor DPS bastards in those situations.
They waited for in a longer queue.
And they got Paris. And someone leaves.
And they got sent back to the queue.

What is the point of even staying in the queue at that point?

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I don’t leave in competitive but if I wait 10 minutes for a quick play match, I am not going to play Paris, which is the only map I strongly dislike. Not worth the wait I had to endure and I’ll gladly through myself back into queue for a better map.

Sorry, I’m not sorry for that.

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Look I agree they should suck it up and play the map. However if they are all happy about the leaver and you are not, guess who is the odd man out.

I understand you maybe play DPS which makes it extra annoying because of queue, but you should blame Blizzard for not acting on it and not removing it from rotation for modification, rather than the players that just want to enjoy playing the game.

They are far too slow in everything they do. Starting to feel like everything has to be run past “one certain person”. Naming no names, and everything is slow because of it.

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