Sick of tanks being treated like crap

What pissed me off the most? Duos and an actual 4 stack. You know how those go: Nothing’s their fault and they will gaslight in VC.

And when you’re playing tank? The abuse that’s heaped is absolutely uncalled for.

Blizzard, WHY did you allow stacking again? We’ve been down this road before: Do not allow stacking or even duos in single queue. Just don’t.

You forgot that a full moon has to occur on friday the 13th during a solar eclipse whilst hailey’s comet is passing the earth during a carrington event

Blizzard treats it’s users like crap. It’s a recurring theme

I haven’t quite finished my placements but I’ve won I think 5 of 8 placements on Tank so far.

Things I’ve noticed that I think we need to change our playstyles for.

DPS can now anti the enemy tank. People are more inclined to shoot at the enemy tank now. I had some games where I was in the enemy backline killing their supports and turn around to see my team shooting at the enemy tank on the frontline. I lost some of those but learned to adapt.

If your DPS are shooting the enemy tank, shoot or hammer/pin or fist the enemy tank with them. They have 20% less healing and this does lead to enemy tank dying.

IF your teammates are still ingrained to ignore the enemy tank, then continue ignoring the enemy tank and going for the backline. But there are now many more situations were you get yourself killed, and could have won the fight if you focused the tank with your team.

It’s important to learn what kind of DPS player you have on your team and adapt. Tanks are killable now with help of your DPS. So you’re more killable now too against theirs.

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I agree with you.

I main brawler tanks more than dive primarily playing hog, mauga, junker queen and doom and ram and well now i feel only can play ram zarya orisa and sig.

Theres no choice due to these changes and honestly its a pain when we complained about antinade for like 4 or 5 seasons just for to get buffed in s3 when it already was oppressive on tanks and now we gotta deal with this.

The patch is miserable rn

It’s genius, isn’t it - to stop players complaining about anti-nade, just give entire role weaker no cooldown version of it.


It hasn’t.

Forums full of such hyperbole every patch.

News just in; some members of the community just realising different characters have different difficulty match ups v other characters.

this is overwatch stop trying to turn it itno other games.

This version of Zen is devastating to tanks. Tanks take 125% damage and 80% healing, and are more susceptible to hits and headshots. Even if a professional player comes to play tanks in solo queue, I believe it will be extremely difficult.

Zenyatta too imbaaaaaaaaaaa

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He can one shot himself by charging off the map, now you don’t even have the excuse you hit charge by accident :joy:

Ya but is that a good gameplay loop for the tank players to experience, only one suited for it is jq to play like a dps, it’s been the issue with tank as a role , how do you give the fantasy of a Chad tank without making them op or balancing them and giving them a passive playstyle.

Jq works if you play super aggressive but like a dps and also pray supports help you mainly LW or Kiri to save your breakpoint in that aggro play

What is overwatch but a amalgamation of various games playstyles into one game , whether is moba or tac fps or arena fps or movement shooter

So we have to see why certain genre are not fully fledged unlike others and see if we can adapt some more depth to give us more leeway to make it engaging for the player playing that hero.

It’s about satisfying that Reinhardt to feel like he is a knight and not a military shooter in a knight armor without guns.

And next, we should remove every hero but soldier 76, to keep things in the interest of balance and fairness

And then, we should let players have the choice to change their weapon loadout before a match, bc everyone likes more weapons to choose from!

And then, we should replace ultimates with this super original concept i just came up with called scorestreaks (youll love it)

Rein has more life in s9 and not everbody got damage buffed. So if you feel like Rein dies faster now, it might be regarding about how players play the game.

Before S9, people were all about killing supports first and now because of the passive, tanks are focused again. Just like it was in OW1 where you’d need to focusRein shield just to a chance to play.

If Rein dies in 2 frames, imagine how fast dies 250hp heroes…

No, Rein dies faster because of the hitboxes thing. Tanks already had huge hitboxes, and I don’t know if they adjusted the tank’s hitboxes, but man it feels like they did. Simply put, tanks are being hit more consistently, and the little bit of health they got does not help them at all.

Well, I’m sure it helps some tanks more than others. Sig, Ram, and tanks like that feel fine, and I can make Hog and work well enough. However, Reinhardt suffers the most from this, and I hate that.

Hitboxes haven’t changed. Projectile size did. Not sure it changes the time to destroy shield though.

Tanks aren’t tanks anymore, the DPS are the new tanks

The tank role should just be renamed ‘victim’

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I suggest “punching bag” for more accuracy.

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We’re back to square one, remember the good ol’: “wE DecIdeD tO dElEte One stOcK on the TanK RoLe sO Queue TimEs get FaStUrd”.

I’ve been complaining about this ability since it was introduced so many years ago. Glad to see it remains virtually unchanged. They would rather introduce another support as a “counter” to this ability rather than just changing it. They are hell bent on Ana having anti-nade for some reason.