Sick of tanks being treated like crap

Since when have they cared about metrics for balancing, or even known how to implement them properly? Case in point, the balance team never seemed to understand that heroes that are so busted they’re played in almost every game on both sides will naturally have a 50% winrate.

I disagree, they’ll have a five alarm fire if enough tanks stop playing that the queue times spiral out of control. There’s a threshold when DPS and support players will stop playing due to long queues, we should be putting pressure on the matchmaker to reach the breaking point as this will force them into action a lot faster.

Let the whining come from the DPS and support players that they’re rotting in queue and the solution will come much more quickly.

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ya that’s who subject, like they made tanks without depth bar a few instances, like melee attacks should have weight impact etc, then only you can balance properly, if every swing of rein is the same you are always going to be limited in how you can scale or balance the hero.

Rein is fine overall im just saying.

They should have taken hints from hack slash games, fighting games instead of mmorps.

There is so much depth they could have added, if they had melee systems be more fleshed out.

Even shield why do they have to be so permanent, they could have had shields like in for honor had parry abilities so much more.

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I think it’s absolutely doable to regain the tank population again. Heck there was one in season 8.

In my opinion, in an ideal world where everyone has the most fun, we go back to 6v6, continue adding many new fun new tanks. With the addition of new fun tanks like junkerqueen, and lessened CC, 6v6 will be way better than what it was.

However, if we’re set on 5v5, then balancing will be a lot more difficult. You’ll need to have balancing for certain tank match ups so the games not just rock paper scissors (and continue this balancing with every release of a tank). You’ll need to revert this patch or buff tanks damage wildly, nerf broken support abilities too. You will also need to rework the anti tank heroes like mei, bastion, etc so they are not just “you can’t have fun silly lone tank” heroes. Then tank will be way more popular.

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Every patch the tanks suffer and Blizzard doesn’t care. From role queue, to removing a tank, to this current patch. Every patch the tank role is the one to suffer.

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In previous patches tanks didn’t kill anyone. Now they still don’t kill anyone but they also explode. Except Sigma. It is so obvious one of the devs main him. Another dev mains Orisa so they will soon buff her too.

Few hours dps queue please. Can’t wait for next season for this to happen

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This just this 100%

Tanks cannot be buffed without making them suffocating to play against

Anyone advocating for tank dmg buffs or any buffs at all doesn’t understand how trash it feels to face them

Were you my Quick Play Zarya a few days ago? On Ayutthaya?

Because our Zarya had double the damage of the enemy tank and our DPS had at least 10% more damage then theirs. The difference? Zero aggression from our tank.

Their JunkerQueen would move in on me even when I’m off angling as Tracer and then Soldier–leaving his backline 100% exposed–but our Zarya would just stay in choke expecting a pick before taking a risk to move in while soaking up all of the support.

Predictly, we lost badly because of poor engagement positioning; all while the Zarya blamed the DPS.

Well you can thank useless blizzard for listening to all the dps whining and in affect making the two other roles useless and miserable


Who? Who does Reinhardt one shot? He’s so abysmal right now that I’d like to know who you’ve seen Reinhardt one shot.

Play dva had a 45-0 game with her

Idk man as a Winton,, Ram player I’m loving this season so far. No more cringe mauga and resident sleeper sigma everywhere

This may not be news so much, but tanks have been treated badly ever since OW2 started. Removing a tank has been a “we dont care about you” to tank players from the get-go, and every day tank players are just feeling the abuse more. ’

I, as a tank main at heart, have transitioned to playing other roles way more because I enjoy having fun. I get some people say OW1 tanking was like being a punching bag, and while to SOME extent that was true, you at least felt like you were doing your job. Tanks arent just punching bags during the match anymore, they are just blizzards punching bag in general, and its gotten worse over time.

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So nerf supports more?

there you go. Still one shots

Oh, the charge. No wonder I didn’t see it. Of course, since Reinhardt can die in two frames, I might as well just charge and hope for a kill.

The planets have to align, mercury needs to be in retrograde, we have to be in a leap year and the moon has to be in a crescent phase in order for a Rein to safely charge and actually secure a kill on a squishy.

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It wasn’t me, I don’t recognize your name and I recognize almost everyone I play with because everyone knows each other in higher MMR lobbies. I don’t play zarya passively, I can play aggressive but I’m afraid it’s just too hard to cut through high health pools and healing, the amount of times I got enemy DPS to 20hp is absolutely insane watching replay. I’ve just stopped playing her she’s trash this season (as are most tanks).

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Blizzard are absolutely detestable people that actively want you to be miserable while playing

I’m not a tank main by any means, but I’ve been getting a lot of matches on tank lately cuz I’m queuing for all three roles. Tanks are right - this crap sucks lol. I get melted as Ram immediately and “blocking” as Ram is a joke now. There’s absolutely nothing you can do against a Bastion or Soldier or Zen it feels like